面试的是个电子厂,名义上叫面试,实际没问任何问题,让爷给它做一番技能测试,本以为先测试以后再面试,不成想,干完了只说了一句:"You can go home now, and wait a call later."哎?我它奶奶地,你把爷爷当成啥啦,当成个工具或当个奴隶啦?唤来唤去的。我经历多少次面试了,通常都会问些与简历有关的问题,并主动提供厂方的情况,例如,试用期及正式雇用后员工应该享有的福利待遇等等,最后还要再问一句"Do you have any question?"
所以,我赶紧问到,"Can I get more information about your company?" 面试官(好像是个白人妇女)似乎没准备,亦或者不敢贸然应答,所以直接领我去见了老板。老板40多岁,看上去像个印巴阿差,一只眼睛似乎睁不开地看着我:"Do you have any experience?" 草,我都测试完了,竟然问这狗屁问题,"Of cource, I don't want to boast myself, you can check my testing job." 面试官踮踮地赶紧去取样品。阿差又问一句"Do you have resume?" "Yes. I droped my resume to you office."阿差发火啦,”你不能这样跟我说话,我问你随身带着简历没有?”“OK, 对不起,我随身没带。”此时,样品取回来啦,面试官又回去拿我的简历。这个阿差看完我的样品,又看看我的简历,没再挑任何毛病,“OK,明天我们会call你的”。哎,你满意了,我还没满意哪,你们还没回答我的问题:如果被雇用,有关贵公司的福利待遇。这个阿差又恼火啦,“你现在无权问我这些问题,现在是我选不选择你”,你只有等着我召唤你。”草,你把我当成上门要饭的啦,等着你给我施舍哪?"Sorry, I am not interested in your company now!" ,我气愤地从他手里的抢过简历,拂袖而去。最后,当然要再给安排我面试的人事部门经理发封感谢信啦,内容如下:
Hi sharon,
Thank your arranging me an interview on this Monday. But I am gald to tell you I rejected your boss immidately without any hesitation.
I had rather an interview than an unusual skill testing without any question. After testing I hoped to get further information about your company, but Staza didn't have any prepairation. So she just let me to see your boss directly.
The boss is so arrogant to say " you have no right to ask me any question about my employee's treatment, only let me choose you or not, and you wait a call later."
I am a Canada's citizen, not a tool or a slave and I have experienced a lot of interviews. I never meet this kind of interview situation. I know everyone has the equal right to get respect and esteem, no matter you are an employer or an employee, rich or poor, in the freedom society of Canada. Maybe this situation often happens in some undeveloping country from which the boss is originally.
I am a shame of this company which still has a life in Canada and I spurn this guy and his company. Since If I work for a company, I am not willing to feel to be given any alms by it.