大多数人并没有你那么复杂, 我们只想过平常人的生活, Peaceful的life, 自由, 快乐, 所有这些最基本的东西, 中国并不能提供啊, 确切的讲, 中国只能给少数人提供这样的机会.而在这里, 大多数人都可以得到.
活着, 过普通人的快乐生活, 你选择哪里?
Stay in Canada or not?
I always asked myself one question since I moved up here 7 years ago. What do I want to do in the rest of my life?
Money,job, family, friends, environemt, hobby....
First couples years, I worked so hard as every body, looking and changing any job which can make more money, almost no time with my family and enjoyment...
Then I was stuck in a job with good pay, thinking about how to make my family happy and how to enjoy making new friends, ..
As times passed by, it looks like I have spent so much time and effort to make a "dream" life in Canada ,but I still keep thinking about moving back my home town...
Yes, there are lots of good reasons to stay in Canada, and lots of disadvantages still exist in China, But what do I want to do in my rest of life? Really enjoy the money, enjoy the work,environemnt, the systems here, ....all the good to me and my family, comparing to China.
But one voice always remind me " you are chinese" Yes, I am a chinese, my home is in China...
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