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发表于 2007-7-1 16:33:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这辆车是honda accord,要4000刀,不知道值不值?
发表于 2007-7-4 20:51:20 | 只看该作者
Run Another Vehicle History Report:          Print Report  

Report Generated for changhai cui
For Personal Use Only

Standard Equipment | Safety Options
CARFAX Safety & Reliability Report   
Hi-I'm the CARFAX Xpert™. I'm here to help you better understand the data in this CARFAX Report. Did you know...
We checked over 4 billion records from thousands of data sources for this vehicle
This vehicle qualifies for the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee
The last reported odometer reading was 78,860

A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  
The number of owners is estimated by CARFAX      
Year purchased 1997   2005   2006   
Type of owner Personal  ---  ---  
Estimated length of ownership  8 yrs. 8 mo.  10 months  10 months  
Owned in the following states/provinces Michigan  Michigan  Michigan  
Estimated miles driven per year ---  ---  ---  
Last reported odometer reading 5    77,614    78,860   

CARFAX guarantees the information in this section        
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         
        Register | View Terms  


Not all accidents or other issues are reported to CARFAX      
Total Loss Check

No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported

Frame Damage Check

No frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported

Airbag Deployment Check

No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported

Odometer Rollback Check

No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
  No Issues Indicated
  No Issues Indicated

Accident Check

Accidents reported on: 06/18/1999 and 09/13/2006. Accident Indicator
No New Issues Reported
Accident Indicator

Manufacturer Recall Check

Check with an authorized Honda dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported
  No Recalls Reported
  No Recalls Reported

Basic Warranty Check

Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
Interested in an extended warranty?
  Warranty Active
Warranty Expired
Warranty Expired


Tell us what you know about this vehicle  

Still looking? Find similar cars just listed for sale in your area.
Let us do the work! Get daily updates of HONDA ACCORD vehicles for sale in your area.



Body Style: Coupe
Engine Type: 2.2L L4 PFI SOHC 16V
Free CARFAX Report    Standard Auto
Distance: 5.15 mi
Contact Dealer  

A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 4 billion vehicle history events and found 6 record(s) for this 1997 HONDA ACCORD LX/EX (1HGCD5633VA094135).

Purchased: 1997
Type: Personal
Where: Michigan  
Est. miles/year: ---
Est. length owned: 1/2/97 - 9/19/05
(8 yrs. 8 mo.)  

Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
01/02/1997    5    Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Troy, MI
Title #172H0020228    Title or registration issued
First owner reported  
01/15/1997       Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Troy, MI    Registered as
personal vehicle  
06/18/1999       Michigan
Police Report    Accident Reported
in Oakland County
Involving a front impact
with another motor vehicle
Minor damage reported  

Purchased: 2005
Where: Michigan  
Est. miles/year: ---
Est. length owned: 9/19/05 - 8/16/06
(10 months)  

Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
09/19/2005    77,614    Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Detroit, MI
Title #175S2620642    Title issued or updated
New owner reported  

Purchased: 2006
Where: Michigan  
Est. miles/year: ---
Est. length owned: 8/16/06 - present
(10 months)  

Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
08/16/2006    78,860    Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Canton, MI
Title #118T2280662    Title or registration issued
New owner reported  
09/13/2006       Michigan
Police Report    Accident Reported
in Wayne County
Involving a right front impact
with another motor vehicle
Very minor damage reported  

   Tell us what you know about this vehicle?  


CARFAX receives information on accidents in most states when an official police report is filed. Not all accidents are reported to the Police. The level of detail in the accident record varies by state depending on the state's accident report requirements. CARFAX recommends you obtain a vehicle inspection from your dealer or an independent mechanic for any car involved in an accident.
According to the National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2007 edition, 7% of the 245 million registered vehicles in the U.S. were involved in an accident in 2005. Over 75% of these were considered minor or moderate.
CARFAX depends on many data sources for its accident data. Each one of these sources has different processing times. CARFAX can only report what is in our database on 04.Jul.2007 21:03:53. New data will result in a change to this report.

Michigan Police Reports:

Provide an estimate of the extent of damage in its accident reports for the following:
SEVERE: The vehicle cannot be driven from the accident scene due to severe damage or an injury. This level of damage often results in a Salvage or Junk title.
MODERATE: The accident damage affects the operation of the vehicle and/or its parts. Examples include broken windows, trunk lids, doors, bumpers and tires.
MINOR: The accident damage does not affect the operation of the vehicle. Examples include dented bumpers, fenders, grills and body panels. This level of accident should not compromise vehicle safety.
NO DAMAGE: The vehicle was not damaged.
Are required if the estimated damage exceeds $400
Are released to CARFAX approximately 5 months after the accident date

First Owner
When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership.

New Owner Reported
When a vehicle is sold to a new owner, the Title must be transferred to the new owner(s) at a Department of Motor Vehicles.

Ownership History
CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.

Title Issued
A state issues a title to provide a vehicle owner with proof of ownership. Each title has a unique number. Each title or registration record on a CARFAX report does not necessarily indicate a change in ownership. In Canada, a registration and bill of sale are used as proof of ownership.

Additional Services & Resources
Auto Loans - LendingTree CARFAX Inspection & Road Test InsWeb Auto Insurance Extended Warranty

© 2007 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 04.Jul.2007 21:03:53

Accident Indicator
Various events could indicate an accident in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information.Airbag Deployment
Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase.Total Loss
An insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information.Frame Damage
In most cases, a vehicle is inspected for frame damage after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. If frame damage is reported, having this vehicle's frame inspected before purchase is recommended.Odometer Rollback
If a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back".Manufacturer Recall
Automobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you.Basic Warranty
Most manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles.Salvage Title
A Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following ten States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR.Junk Title
A Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage.Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Loss Due To Fire Title
The vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value.Flood Damage Title
States issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Hail Damage Title
The vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value.Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon
A DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state.Not Actual Mileage Title
When the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced.Exceeds Mechanical Limits
A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer.Standard Equipment
Power Windows, Power Steering, Air Conditioning, AM / FM Cassette, Power Brakes, Tilt Wheel, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options
4 Wheel ABS Optional, Dual front air bags/active (manual) belts

 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-12 11:51:18 | 只看该作者

谢谢,老崔车缘 ,车被别人买走了

谢谢,老崔车缘 ,车被别人买走了
发表于 2007-7-12 17:02:16 | 只看该作者
Run Another Vehicle History Report:          Print Report  

Report Generated for changhai cui
For Personal Use Only

Standard Equipment | Safety Options
CARFAX Safety & Reliability Report   
Hi-I'm the CARFAX Xpert™. I'm here to help you better understand the data in this CARFAX Report. Did you know...
We checked over 4 billion records from thousands of data sources for this vehicle
This vehicle qualifies for the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee
The last reported odometer reading was 58,034

A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  
The number of owners is estimated by CARFAX Owners 1-2  Owner 3  Owner 4  
Year purchased 1997   2000   2003   
Type of owner Lease  ---  ---  
Estimated length of ownership  2 yrs. 3 mo.  3 months  4 yrs. 3 mo.  
Owned in the following states/provinces Georgia, Michigan  Michigan  Michigan  
Estimated miles driven per year 8,030/yr  ---  ---  
Last reported odometer reading 17,852    20,632    58,034   

CARFAX guarantees the information in this section  Owners 1-2  Owner 3  Owner 4  
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  Guaranteed
No Problem  
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         
        Register | View Terms  


Not all accidents or other issues are reported to CARFAX Owners 1-2  Owner 3  Owner 4  
Total Loss Check

No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported

Frame Damage Check

No frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported

Airbag Deployment Check

No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported
   No Issues Reported

Odometer Rollback Check

No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
  No Issues Indicated
  No Issues Indicated

Accident Check

Accidents reported on: 01/12/1998, 02/21/2005 and 06/02/2005. Accident Indicator
No New Issues Reported
Accident Indicator

Manufacturer Recall Check

Check with an authorized Toyota dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported
  No Recalls Reported
  No Recalls Reported

Basic Warranty Check

Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
Interested in an extended warranty?
  Warranty Active
  Warranty Active
Warranty Expired


Tell us what you know about this vehicle  

Still looking? Find similar cars just listed for sale in your area.
Let us do the work! Get daily updates of TOYOTA CAMRY vehicles for sale in your area.



Body Style: Sedan 4 DR
Engine Type: 2.2L L4 FI 16V
Free CARFAX Report    Union Co
Distance: 5.15 mi
Contact Dealer  
Body Style: Sedan 4 DR
Engine Type: 3.0L V6 FI 24V
Free CARFAX Report    Planet Ford
Distance: 21.91 mi
Contact Dealer  
Body Style: Sedan 4 DR
Engine Type: 2.2L L4 FI 16V
Free CARFAX Report    Advance Fine Auto
Distance: 18.28 mi
Contact Dealer  

A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 4 billion vehicle history events and found 17 record(s) for this 1997 TOYOTA CAMRY CE/LE/XLE (4T1BG22K7VU062358).

Owner 1  
Purchased: 1997
Type: Lease
Where: Georgia  
Est. miles/year: ---
Est. length owned: 8/15/97 - 4/13/99
(1 yr. 7 mo.)  

Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
12/09/1996       NICB    Vehicle manufactured
and shipped to original dealer  
08/15/1997       Georgia
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Brunswick, GA    Registered as
lease vehicle  
10/01/1997       Georgia
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Brunswick, GA
Title #33494078    Title or registration issued
First owner reported  
01/12/1998       Georgia
Police Report    Accident Reported
in Glynn County
Involving a front impact
with another motor vehicle
Extensive damage reported  
04/13/1999    17,670    Auto Auction
Southeast Region    Vehicle sold  
04/30/1999       Dealer Inventory
Southfield, MI    Vehicle offered for sale  
09/13/1999    17,691    Dealer Inventory
Southfield, MI    Vehicle offered for sale  

Owner 2  
Purchased: 1999
Where: Michigan  
Est. miles/year: ---
Est. length owned: 10/14/99 - 11/20/99
(1 month)  

Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
10/14/1999    17,852    Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Milford, MI
Title #120K2870018    Title or registration issued
New owner reported  
11/20/1999       Dealer Inventory
Southfield, MI    Vehicle offered for sale  
03/18/2000       Dealer Inventory
Southfield, MI    Vehicle offered for sale  

Owner 3  
Purchased: 2000
Where: Michigan  
Est. miles/year: ---
Est. length owned: 3/20/00 - 7/11/00
(3 months)  

Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
03/20/2000    20,632    Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Ann Arbor, MI
Title #120L0800376    Title or registration issued
New owner reported  
07/11/2000       Dealer Inventory
Southfield, MI    Vehicle offered for sale  

Owner 4  
Purchased: 2003
Where: Michigan  
Est. miles/year: ---
Est. length owned: 4/8/03 - present
(4 yrs. 3 mo.)  

Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
04/08/2003    58,034    Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Ypsilanti, MI
Title #113P0980143    Title or registration issued
New owner reported  
02/21/2005       Michigan
Police Report    Accident Reported
in Washtenaw County
Involving a front impact
or collision
Minor damage reported  
06/02/2005       Michigan
Police Report    Accident Reported
in Washtenaw County
Involving a front impact
or collision
No damage reported  
12/06/2006       Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Taylor, MI    Registration updated when owner moved
the vehicle to a new location  
05/22/2007       Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Ypsilanti, MI    Registration updated when owner moved
the vehicle to a new location  

   Tell us what you know about this vehicle?  


CARFAX receives information on accidents in most states when an official police report is filed. Not all accidents are reported to the Police. The level of detail in the accident record varies by state depending on the state's accident report requirements. CARFAX recommends you obtain a vehicle inspection from your dealer or an independent mechanic for any car involved in an accident.
According to the National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2007 edition, 7% of the 245 million registered vehicles in the U.S. were involved in an accident in 2005. Over 75% of these were considered minor or moderate.
CARFAX depends on many data sources for its accident data. Each one of these sources has different processing times. CARFAX can only report what is in our database on 12.Jul.2007 17:17:43. New data will result in a change to this report.

Georgia Police Reports:

Provide an estimate of the extent of damage in its accident reports for the following:
EXTENSIVE: The accident damage was major and may affect the operation of the vehicle. This level of damage often results in a Salvage or Junk title.
FIRE: The accident damage to the vehicle resulted in a fire.
MODERATE: The accident damage may affect the operation of the vehicle and/or its parts. Examples include broken windows, trunk lids, doors, bumpers and tires.
SLIGHT: The accident damage does not affect the operation of the vehicle. Examples include dented bumpers, fenders, grills and body panels. This level of accident should not compromise vehicle safety.
NO DAMAGE: The vehicle was not damaged.
Are required if the estimated damage exceeds $500
Are released to CARFAX approximately 3 months after the accident date

Michigan Police Reports:

Provide an estimate of the extent of damage in its accident reports for the following:
SEVERE: The vehicle cannot be driven from the accident scene due to severe damage or an injury. This level of damage often results in a Salvage or Junk title.
MODERATE: The accident damage affects the operation of the vehicle and/or its parts. Examples include broken windows, trunk lids, doors, bumpers and tires.
MINOR: The accident damage does not affect the operation of the vehicle. Examples include dented bumpers, fenders, grills and body panels. This level of accident should not compromise vehicle safety.
NO DAMAGE: The vehicle was not damaged.
Are required if the estimated damage exceeds $400
Are released to CARFAX approximately 5 months after the accident date

First Owner
When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership.

When someone leases a car from a dealer, the dealer actually sells the vehicle to a leasing company. The leasing company then collects payments for the vehicle from the new owner for 24, 36, 48 or more months. A leasing company can be an independent car dealer or a car manufacturer.

New Owner Reported
When a vehicle is sold to a new owner, the Title must be transferred to the new owner(s) at a Department of Motor Vehicles.

Ownership History
CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.

Additional Services & Resources
Auto Loans - LendingTree CARFAX Inspection & Road Test InsWeb Auto Insurance Extended Warranty

© 2007 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 12.Jul.2007 17:17:43

Accident Indicator
Various events could indicate an accident in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information.Airbag Deployment
Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase.Total Loss
An insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information.Frame Damage
In most cases, a vehicle is inspected for frame damage after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. If frame damage is reported, having this vehicle's frame inspected before purchase is recommended.Odometer Rollback
If a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back".Manufacturer Recall
Automobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you.Basic Warranty
Most manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles.Salvage Title
A Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following ten States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR.Junk Title
A Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage.Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Loss Due To Fire Title
The vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value.Flood Damage Title
States issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Hail Damage Title
The vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value.Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon
A DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state.Not Actual Mileage Title
When the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced.Exceeds Mechanical Limits
A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer.Standard Equipment
Power Steering, Air Conditioning, AM / FM, Power Brakes, Tilt Wheel, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options
4 Wheel ABS Optional, Dual front air bags/active (manual) belts
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-15 16:07:56 | 只看该作者

谢谢 老崔车缘

谢谢 老崔车缘 ,帮了大忙
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-15 16:11:07 | 只看该作者

老崔车缘 能帮我在查一个VIN吗 vin:4T1BG22K0XU412738

老崔车缘 能帮我在查一个VIN  4T1BG22K0XU412738
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