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发表于 2006-12-19 19:47:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


中国人常说,“落地容易生根难”。加拿大最近一份专门针对华人新移民生活状况的调查表明,这些新移民普遍处境欠佳。而横亘在华人新移民梦想与现实之间的,主要是以下五大问题: 首先,语言问题是新移民的致命弱点。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2006-12-19
发表于 2007-1-21 15:43:56 | 只看该作者




发表于 2007-1-21 17:52:38 | 只看该作者


IMHO, culture is the biggest barrier.

For example, the term 专业 has a very different concept in Canada.  专业 in university education in China in fact means discipline, major, concentration or specialization in Canada.

专业 in Canada or USA means regulated professionals by their colleges, e.g. doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, social workers, nurses and psychologists.

If you specialize in 专业 history, I am sorry you can't never find such a 专业 in Canada.

Another difficulty is Chinese immigrants adopts rumours as the rules, e.g. 没有本地文凭或者工作经验, which is not true.

Regulated professionals listed above require local diploma or equivalent.  Is that reasonable?  I think so.  I would not want to accept a surgery by a "doctor" who graduated from say Congo Republic, without a re-certification process.  How can I trust his skill level?  It is reasonable for these colleges to set their standards.  You have to re-qualify in order to practise.

If you don't belong to the regulated professionals, who cares if you have local diploma.  Don't tell me the Canadian insurance companies reject your business degree from China or your insurance sales experience.  That's not true.

How about Canadian experience?  It is against the law to reject a job applicant because of lack of Canadian experience. All HR staff will say you are not the good fit to the position.

Chinese immigrants draw their boundary to restrict their growth and development.  Break through please the cultural barrier to see the outside world.

I don't agree English is the top barrier.  There are over 500 employees in my company; everyone speaks English with an accent.  We are very patient to accomodate and to understand others.

Instead, some of the behaviour of Chinese immigrants, because of the cultural restriction, is the major reason for their struggle.
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