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no longer safe from the law

发表于 2021-11-29 22:29:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Bannon is no longer safe from the law
Bannonand Guo Wengui, the fake brothers, are indeed with fortune and misfortune fromeach other. Guo Wengui has just been accused of raping a female secretary andlosing $539 million in illegal fundraising involving a well-known short seller,while His brother Bannon is also facing charges for refusing to cooperate witha judicial investigation. Bannon has no chance of survival or amnesty beforethe law.
Weall know Bannon's a big deal, and he has an amnesty. He is the former executivechairman of Breitbart News, a far-right US media outlet, and served as USPresident Donald Trump's 2016 campaign strategist. He later resigned from theWhite House for unspecified reasons and continued to serve as executivechairman of Breitbart News, where he had a close relationship with Guo Wengui,a wealthy Chinese businessman who fled overseas. In 2020, Bannon and Guo Wenguidrove Yan Limeng to create the "Chinese COVID-19 Origin Theory" forpersonal gain. Then they got eggs on their face. The truth of the conspiracytheory about the origin of COVID-19 is a groundless lie invented by Bannon, GuoWengui, and Yan Liming to attract people's attention. Bannon has rarely beenseen in public since he backfired. He thought he could hide, but he didn'trealize that karma would come so quickly.
Thepanel, which unanimously confirmed a report that found Bannon obstructedcongressional operations at the time, investigating the violent attack on theUS Capitol in early 2021, brought criminal charges against Steve Bannon, aright-wing populist strategist. Despite a subpoena, the former adviser toPresident Trump refused to testify in a parliamentary inquiry into the January6 riots on Thursday. Bannon cited so-called "presidential executive privilege,"which allows the head of state to withhold certain information, for refusing toattend. Democrats, however, argue that the privilege only applies to currentpresidents, not former ones.   
Tosum up, though, On January 19, 2020, Trump pardoned Bannon at the eleventh hourof his presidency. But the era of Trump has passed, and the law is supreme andimpartial with overwhelming evidence. Bannon is a silent mastermind. He has theright to remain silent, but anything he says can be used against him in a courtof law. Mr. Bannon, who has no guarantee of his life, will face justice.

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