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发表于 2006-4-5 07:43:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


正如童安格一首歌中所唱,很多人怀着对新大陆的憧憬,背井离乡,冒着狂风巨浪,靠航在异国他乡。他们在陌生土地上低着头流着汗,用自己的劳动一步步实现自己对自由幸福新生活的梦想。即使这样,有些人仍不被这个国家 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2006-4-5
“No Ask, No Answer”
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-5 07:44:14 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-4-5 09:16:18 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-4-5 10:26:40 | 只看该作者
"非法移民也要维护合法权益", 有够可笑!
发表于 2006-4-5 16:59:46 | 只看该作者



Thank you for signing the National Restore Marriage Petition. This petition will be presented to Parliament to encourage them to revisit the vote last year which legalized same-sex marriage in Canada and restore traditional marriage.

You can help in the effort to restore traditional marriage in Canada by encouraging others to also sign the petition. The more Canadians who show their support the more likely it is that we will succeed.

IF THIS E-MAIL WAS FORWARDED ON TO YOU it was sent by someone who has signed the National Petition to Restore Marriage in Canada. They understand how legalized same-sex marriage is undermining traditional marriage and the natural family in Canada and how it is endangering our future. They think you would also be willing to help restore marriage by also signing the petition.

You can easily sign it on line at the Restore Marriage Canada Web site at www.restoremarriagecanada.ca. It is an important thing you can do and it takes just a few minutes.

This Web site also has additional information on why it is so essential to restore traditional marriage in Canada.

Thanks for whatever you can do to help in this critical effort!

An Urgent Invitation to Help Restore Marriage in
>Dear Fellow Canadian:
>United Families Canada is launching the Restore
>Marriage Canada Project with the goal of restoring
>traditional marriage in our nation. This will not be
>easy, and we will need the help of hundreds of
>thousands of concerned Canadians like you to
>accomplish it.
>You are receiving this invitation to join in this
>effort because you have participated on the marriage
>issue in one or more of the projects or activities
>that United Families Canada has sponsored in recent
>years. If you do not want to receive future alerts and
>updates from us on the marriage crisis, you can easily
>“unsubscribe” from our list by clicking here, but we
>hope you will decide to join us in this effort to
>restore traditional marriage in Canada.
>It is essential to understand first of all that there
>is nothing more important than restoring traditional
>marriage in determining what kind of nation and
>society we will pass on to future generations of
>Canadians. Radically redefining marriage to include
>same-sex individuals undermines this vital
>institution. Throughout history, marriage between a
>man and a woman has been essential to forming strong
>families. Strong families, in turn, have always been
>the foundation of all successful societies. We ignore
>these lessons of history at our peril.
>With the recent election of a Conservative Government,
>we have a chance—probably our last chance--to revisit
>the legalization of same-sex “marriage” that the
>Liberal Government rammed through Parliament last year
>without holding fair, balanced, honest and adequate
>hearings to consider all of the consequences of this
>radical redefinition of this fundamental institution.
>As you will recall, Prime Minister Harper made
>revisiting the issue of legalization of same-sex
>“marriage” a key election issue and he has committed
>to at least bring the issue before Parliament for a
>free vote. It will not be easy for the government to
>win this vote, even though opinion polls consistently
>show that a solid majority of Canadians oppose legal
>same-sex “marriage.” One of the reasons he will have
>difficulty, of course, is that he was only able to
>form a minority government.
>We all have an opportunity to make a difference, to be
>heard, and to exercise our rights in a democracy. For
>the sake of our future we must do it on this issue.
>This is why it is so essential that all of us
>concerned about our future pitch in and do whatever we
>can to help. We will provide you with information and
>opportunity to be part of the process.
>One critical thing each of us can do to help is to
>sign the new, on-line National Restore Marriage
>etition we will be sending to Parliament. Click here
>to go to the Restore Marriage Canada Website to sign
>it. It is essential that our MPs know that the
>majority of us still feel strongly about restoring
>marriage and receiving this petition with tens of
>thousands of signatures on it will help!
>The second important thing you can do is to help
>spread the word to others and encourage them to also
>get involved in this effort. You can easily do this by
>forwarding this alert on to others. Or, if you wish,
>you can use the special feature on our Web site to
>send a suggested e-mail message from you to others on
>your e-mail list.
>Our Restore Marriage Web site also has additional
>background information on the marriage issue and why
>it is so vital that we restore traditional marriage to
>We do not know when the Prime Minister will try to
>revisit the same–sex “marriage” issue. He has said
>only that he will do it “sooner rather than later but
>not right away.” That means we could be having this
>critical vote within the next couple of months, so we
>must act urgently!
>Thank you for joining us in this vital effort!
>Jill Cahoon
>resident, United Families Canada
>lease forward this on to others!
发表于 2006-4-5 17:46:55 | 只看该作者


Have tolerance! Man!
Maybe someday others could have tolerance on you!
Who knows!
发表于 2006-4-5 18:59:49 | 只看该作者
So far, so good.
发表于 2006-4-5 19:50:15 | 只看该作者
其实难民最让人头疼. 占纳税人便宜也最多.  
发表于 2006-4-5 22:06:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-4-6 10:12:15 | 只看该作者
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