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发表于 2018-1-15 11:02:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Section 1

Telephone conversation between travel agent and customer for holiday arrangement.


Woman wants to book a holiday in Greece. 一开始说Beginning of August. 又说不行。Sometime in September. September 15. 一开始说父母和brother会一起,后来又说他们不参加了,所以just four of us. Woman's name is Harcourt. Woman's phone number is 0125334470. As to accommodation, woman prefers hotel, but her husband prefers an apartment. Facilities should include a pool and tennis court. Her husband also play golf but not worried about doing that on holiday. 所以不需要golf court。


The apartment locates in the middle of town on the coast. Pools quite shallow so good for children. They can visit castle and island. They can also book trips before departure. There are trips from the harbor that leave three times a day. Woman wants to rest on their first day after flight. Food on flight, her husband doesn't eat meant. He is a vegetarian. Travel is about two hours from airport, but can also get a taxi, which will be more expensive.

Section 2



Welcome to Rosedale Library Open Day. 介绍人名字叫David Laws. In the past, 图书馆邀请演讲嘉宾前来演讲的活动很受欢迎。Rosedale Library has been serving for public for 50 years. The books number has more than doubled. The number of visitors is also increasing. So clearly there is a need for expansion. Also now they will have staff work part time in the afternoon when mothers and children visit.


Proposal of expansion. Second page of handout. Double lines indicate existing rooms and area. Dotted lines show expansion. On your left is history. New room would be ideal for children's room. Behind desk is the new community new room, for lecture, public events. Go back to the entrance. Right to the entrance is new staff work room. So staff can look outside when people coming. It also has a multi-media room.

Section 3

一位Professor叫Dr. Harris和一位学生叫Lisa讨论学生的essay。


Student wants to focus on health visitors. Professor suggests her to keep open minded so to find initial findings. Some visitors tend to work with family doctor. Some people are less likely to rely on relationships in different roles. Student also wants to write theory about children and she needs to build relationship with one or two families so to allow her to observe. Professor suggests other topic areas are child's home environment and the effect of new born babies. Particularly for families who are in difficult circumstances. Be aware of medical conditions as well as social factors, laws.


The student asks for advice on the elaboration parts of her essay. Professor指出有些内容may not be relevant. Keep close to factors which are within our government regulations. Considering the price. Be very careful when using reference.

Section 4

A lecture on interpreters.


Last lecture we covered important points for an interpreter. Simultaneous. Liaison. Sign Language. Take note at speed is important. Never ever overlook accuracy. Concentrate on code of ethics. It's essential you keep your own personal opinions to yourself. Code of ethics requires professional awareness. Third module talks about different environments. For example, conferences and formal meetings. Formal situations like exhibitions. Another is legal environment. Those environment related to immigration issues. Also emergency that you need interpreter over the phone. Always make sure you carry a notepad and pencil. Professional dress is crucial and also a respect.










柱状图 Bar Chart,对比Queenland 和 Australia在2001年0-60岁上网人数(Internet User 或)。



People use their cars for every domestic social working needs. However, ulimited uses of cars cause a number of problems. What are these problems? In order to reduce these problem, should people be discouraged to using cars?



The park near your is not as good as before, write a letter to the park manager. In the letter you should describe.

1. why you are interested in it .

2. what is the problem.

3. explain what you would like the manager do.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir or Madam.


Young people learn to be polite and respect to others as a result of some influences.

Which on do you think it more important – their family or society living in ?


Part 1:

  • 你从小的manner是谁教的?你觉得你们国家中,manner这些有什么改变?
  • Hometown ,  prefer house or flat, Do you like sunshine, why,  move to places with more sunshine
  • Time management,

Part 2:

  • Describe an occasion that people smiling a lot.
  • Describe a new invention

Part 3:

  • 人类是应该藏起来自己的想法还是应该把自己的想法分享给别人?为什么?你觉得这两类人哪一类更受欢迎?你觉得人有必要学习心理学吗?为什么?学习心理学的话,对你会有什么帮助?
  • 描述你们的传统product?你有什么喜欢的传统product?你有没有什么经常使用的传统product?你觉得西方的乐器对于传统的乐器有什么影响?
  • New invention in the future ?,  An important home invention ,  make people lazier. Why people think wheels as Good invention ?
  • 围绕孩子和家长之间谁来做决定,主要是爸爸做?还是妈妈做?还是孩子做?


 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-15 11:07:03 | 只看该作者

Section 1: Telephone conversation regarding party equipment.

Woman on the phone named Mrs. Sarah Davis. Phone number is 38987452. Party is for her husband and they also hit son’s 18 year old last week. They've sent out the invitations and 36 replies attending. Approximately 40 guests. Party date is March, 18. Party starts at 3pm. Woman suggested 11:30 for delivery of supplies. Man said would be too late and suggested to deliver at 7am. Woman said too early. In the end, they agreed on deliver at 8am.

Woman need chairs. Plastic ones. Also need heater. The company/man will supply gas as well. The catering supplier of the birthday party won't bring drinking. Man recommended special machines to make drinking.

Section 2: Talks about gardening with children.
It's almost school holiday and so parents and children can do something together. Gardening is one good choice. The best way to involve children is to help them establish their own garden. A vegetable garden could be an easy one to start with. Then you need to decide on approximate place, what to grow and what size. Two important issues keep in mind. First: access. It has to be easy for child to get to. Second: shape. How to choose place? Mostly depend on soil. It's time for children to get dirty and also important to establish garden rules. Make sure children at different age have appropriate tools.

What are the best parts for children to grow? The best thing is to make sure grow something that children like to taste. One is cheery tomatoes. They are very tasty and impossible to kill. Another is lettuces. Other than vegetable, flowers can be a good choice as well. Sun flowers. How to inspire children? Parents can bring children to visit different places or gardens with diversity colors. One place is Bush Wonderland. But a bit tricky for young one. Another place is in center of Melbourne.

Section 3: Professor and student John discussing traffic issue.
John doesn't know how to proceed. He thinks he has found one solution. Geographical problems is that there is a river crossing the city. The river doesn’t flow in straight line. So there are lots of curves and this makes driving take longer to destination. Work and recreation are in opposite direction. People also like convenience. John suggests to build another bridge similar to Victoria bridge. Help people to find more alternative driving routes. One bridge doesn’t solve all problem so that’s why he is stucked. Professor suggested tunnels.

They they talked about finance issue. John suggests to charge people who use the bridge. But professor suggested to provide free of charge. They talked about toll collection system. Drivers need to slow down at toll entrance thought.

Section 4: This passage is about strategies companies use to attract customers and increase sale.
This is a lecture on consumer. Things change. People change. First found in jewel sales. A good way is to offer something for free. For example, offer free phone but cost of using it is usually really high. Another way is called buy one get one free. Products are better value when they better work. Third one is half price offers. Like 50% off. However, buy one get one free is more popular. A gift is more attractive than a real bargain.

    阅读 A类   
Passage 1: Butterfly Reaserch. 讲了蝴蝶的品种、飞的高度,有两个科学家,提到两个科学家各自的研究方法,主要讲其中一位,另一位顺带提一下,也有讲其中一位的研究方法。T/F/NG and multiple choices

Passage 2:Biodiversity ecosystem keynotes endangered animals. 研究院检测濒危动物,还发现alien生物,有欧洲国家的hardwood危害环境,所以希望不要再出口,主要跟环境有关。T/F/NG and filling blanks

Passage 3:讲欧洲在古代冰河世界的cave,荷兰是主要提到的国家,有5个cave,对应不同东西。Heading/Matching/填空,最后一题是选择题,是问作者写这篇文章的main purpose是什么?


小作文: Line graph, percentage of work force in Australian industries. 一共有5个industries. 从1962年到2012年的变化趋势。有service industry,基本都是上升,在92年左右stable一下;manufactory,基本下降趋势;mining industry和另外两个基本没什么变化。

A类大作文: The product is depends on whether people need it, does it mean advertising is unnecessary and nothing important than a form of entertainment? Agree or disagree?
***A类大作文与我们之前写作预测的第十题相似 (戳此看上期预测)

G类大作文:Why do you think people use their own car instead of taking public tranportation, such as bus, train? How do you think government encourage people to use public transportation? discuss and give your opinion.


Topic 1: History
1. Do you like (to learn about) history?
2. what historical event do you find most interesting?
3. what historical event do you think was most important?
4. do you think history is important?
5. do you like to watch programs on TV about history?
6. how do you get information about history?

Topic: 2 Politeness
1. Who taught you to be polite?
2. How do Chinese people show Politeness?
3. What rules of politeness has changed in China?
4. Do you think it is important to be polite?
5. What do you think of being polite to others?

    Describe a couple in your mind have a happy marriage;
    Describe one car travel experience that you remember;
    Describe a perfect home;
    Describe your hometown;
    Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy.

How do you think of the perfect age for marriage in your country?
What do you think of the roles for husband and wife in in terms of taking care of their children? Do they take the same responsibilities?
Do you often attend weddings?
Why do Chinese people like to go to celebrations like wedding ceremony?
What do old people in your country do to stay healthy?
How do you deal with pressure?
Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
What else people can do to stay healthy besides sports?
How do parents do to make their children like sports?


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