当我听到第七首LOVE STORY 主题曲时,还是被那绵延起伏的音符、演唱者那甜美的音色,还有那抒情但又富于激情的旋律而感动...充满对蕴含着对爱情的讴歌,融汇着主人公的向往和追求,凝聚着撼人心扉的艺术魅力。
听一下这位Andy Williams唱这首歌...
Where do I begin?
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start?
With her first hello
She gave a meaning to this empty world of mine
There'd never be another love, another time
She came into my life and made the living fine
She fills my heart
She fills my heart with very special things
With angels' songs, with wild imaginings
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely
With her around, who could be lonely?
I reach for her hand
It's always there
How long does it last?
Can love be measured by the hours in a day?
I have no answers now, but this much I can say
I know I'll need her 'til the stars all burn away
And she'll be there
How long does it last?
Can love be measured by the hours in a day?
I have no answers now, but this much I can say
I know I'll need her 'til the stars all burn away