回复:美国有工作, 你去吗?
美国有工作, 你去吗?
如果美国有个工作OFFER给你, 工资比这里高很多, 但是要全家搬到美国去住, 你会不会去呢? 如果去了, 交税的问题怎么办? 只交美国税的话, 会不会影响以后自己的福利和父母的亲属移民? 请有经验的朋友指点. 感谢!
If you had a chance to be working in the Silicon Valley of USA before 2001, you would know what a good USA life was. You would never consider Canada as a good country to live and work in, including salary and environment, people's spirit and energy, chance to enhace you expericence and knowledge.
I came to Canada just to seek a Canadian passport to enter USA free, no other goal here. I could predict that a lot of Chinese who get a Canadian citizen status would come back to USA when USA economy rises up in a few years. Being afraid of leaving Canada is somehow like being afraid of leaving China. |