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发布时间: 2007-4-9 23:36


我一远房朋友(就是朋友的朋友) 他在volvo那里买新车,说是几天内到货 拖了一个多月才到货 拿车就发现车有问题 告之 修好明天来拿 朋友当时就不太痛快 第2天 拿车 还是老问题 拿回dealer 那里 干脆直接告诉他 修不 ...


learnerforever 发表于 2007-4-10 22:33:27

The tips are greatly appreciated...

Good night to you, too.
xpxpxpx p 发表于 2007-4-10 22:29:35

OK, enough said.

I will definitly get it ready asap. Meanwhile, I will send you some tips to use that website.

Good luck, and good night!
learnerforever 发表于 2007-4-10 22:24:45

回复:回复:Part of my story from the heart...

Hello XP,
Thanks a lot for your kindly compliment. I do feel very flattered in deed.

This may appear that we are patting each other on the backs. But both your written and spoken language are very impressive...  Absolutely one of best from someone of our mutual origin... Ok, enough said...

I do like your idea. I think I will go along with your questions, just hopefully they are not going to make me more embarrassed than I am alreay now.  Only one condition, you got to be a bit patient with me, as I am not a tech savvy person at all. Even took me a while yesterday just to figure out how to post a message here on this forum.

Looking forward to your questions...

最初由[xpxpxpx p]发布
回复:Part of my story from the heart...

I just got an idea, Mr. Yu, could you please consider accepting my invitation for an "off-line" interview?

I am not a pro per say. However, I do admire your terrific English skill, talented idea and vigorous attempt to pursue a more meaningful life. As you nick name implied, learner for ever, I'd like to be a lifelong learner as well.

So, if you don't mind, I will tape my questions in English and put it on one website so that you will be able to hear that. Then, as your response and even formal presentation, you can do the same thing, i.e. posting your audio/video file on the same website.

The following is one sample. Hope you like this idea.


Xpxpxpx p 给铁木儿/梦工作室的邀请


我的录音文件(Invitation to DreamWork)贴在下面,大家可以直接点击“Play”按钮,或者“Download”来收听。




如果是影音文件的话,可以直接上载到 YOUTUBE.COM
xpxpxpx p 发表于 2007-4-10 22:04:22

回复:Part of my story from the heart...

Part of my story from the heart...

I am just not a person who easily find comfort in spotlight. I know what I do know. But I simply cannot pretend knowing what I don't. I am LEARNERFOREVER, because I am learning all the time and from everybody I come across in the path of my life. Again this is Yu Ming Tao, who has reluctantly exposed himself to the spotlight of 51.ca. As 西西里岛君 rightly alluded, my instinct tends to direct me to find a darker spot to hide myself.

For those who hasn't read my earlier post on the An Gang issue, I need to apologize again for my lack of complete comtetence of speedy writing in the Chinese language. This is why I am here writing again in the language of our adopted land.

I am actually rather gratified and overwhelmed by the response from people on the forum. I am also very humbled by a lot of comments I have read so far.  Positive or negative, I know who I am, and I know what I am capable of doing. I am fully aware of the fact that I am not a lawyer. And I do not pretend to be one. I only saw a part that I could play in making some people's lives better in our community, and I wanted to try it out to see if I could make it work both for those I wish to help and for myself as well.  I will take one small step at a time. No big splashes.

I am hoping that I have not,  through the loudspeaker of the website, given people any false impression about who I am and what I am able to do. I can't do everything, because there are a lot of things that I don't know. So I can't make any more promises than I have alreay done. What I can promise is that I will only learn more as I go.  Therefore, I do beg everyone here not to have too high an expectation on me. I see myself as a beginner, a beginner in something no one in our community has the interest or incentive to touch. If this experiment works out, I will need more people to join me so that we can make the dream much bigger. If I don't, I am only sacrificing myself, which I am pretty happy to do any way.

Lastly, I am not trying to make a presentation here at all. I am only telling part of my story from my heart.

Good night

I just got an idea, Mr. Yu, could you please consider accepting my invitation for an "off-line" interview?

I am not a pro per say. However, I do admire your terrific English skill, talented idea and vigorous attempt to pursue a more meaningful life. As you nick name implied, learner for ever, I'd like to be a lifelong learner as well.

So, if you don't mind, I will tape my questions in English and put it on one website so that you will be able to hear that. Then, as your response and even formal presentation, you can do the same thing, i.e. posting your audio/video file on the same website.

The following is one sample. Hope you like this idea.


Xpxpxpx p 给铁木儿/梦工作室的邀请


我的录音文件(Invitation to DreamWork)贴在下面,大家可以直接点击“Play”按钮,或者“Download”来收听。




如果是影音文件的话,可以直接上载到 YOUTUBE.COM
xpxpxpx p 发表于 2007-4-10 21:44:04



I am very impressed with the passion among the folks on the site in trying to help An Gang in the aftermath of his tragedy. However, I am very sorry to say that there is limit what we could do to help in this situation. The following is my take on the issue, I welcome feedback from everyone.

Insurance Policy is a commercial contract, with very precise specifications in its terms, conditions and value of the policy. If Mr. An Gang had choosen a particular individual as the beneficiary when the policy was purchased. This individual will be receiving full payment of the policy's value.  There is nothing anybody can do at this moment to change this. This is a non-disputable, clearly defined, legally binding contract that the insurance company has to pay out to the designated beneficiary unless fraud, or foul play is suspected.  

Therefore, this is a very straight forward matter; and there will be no dispute at all as far as this insurance policy is concerned. When there is no dispute, there will be no need for any legal action, because the law will respect the contract as a valid and legal contract.  Mediation will be of little use because the parties involved do not have any legally conflicting or overlapping interests.  To put in a simpler words, unless his wife has a struck of good conscience, she is not obligated to share the compensation money with An's son, or anybody else. It is hers to keep. Straight and simple.  Well, when morality runs into legality, the latter always prevails. This is the drawbacks of a legalized society.

I apologize that I have to write in English, as this allows me to write a lot more faster than in Chinese. This is unfortunately a fact that I have shamefully reconciled with myself. I do hope that everybody understands my writing. Call me if you need any explanations.

This is pretty much one of the best I've ever seen at 51. The rationale is convincing and clearly explains the "why", no to mention the impressive writing skill. I am personally almost convienced that he is the one who deserves my time and money when I need some help one day (hope not -- knock the wood).

Well done!
learnerforever 发表于 2007-4-10 21:36:44

Part of my story from the heart...

I am just not a person who easily find comfort in spotlight. I know what I do know. But I simply cannot pretend knowing what I don't. I am LEARNERFOREVER, because I am learning all the time and from everybody I come across in the path of my life. Again this is Yu Ming Tao, who has reluctantly exposed himself to the spotlight of 51.ca. As 西西里岛君 rightly alluded, my instinct tends to direct me to find a darker spot to hide myself.

For those who hasn't read my earlier post on the An Gang issue, I need to apologize again for my lack of complete comtetence of speedy writing in the Chinese language. This is why I am here writing again in the language of our adopted land.

I am actually rather gratified and overwhelmed by the response from people on the forum. I am also very humbled by a lot of comments I have read so far.  Positive or negative, I know who I am, and I know what I am capable of doing. I am fully aware of the fact that I am not a lawyer. And I do not pretend to be one. I only saw a part that I could play in making some people's lives better in our community, and I wanted to try it out to see if I could make it work both for those I wish to help and for myself as well.  I will take one small step at a time. No big splashes.

I am hoping that I have not,  through the loudspeaker of the website, given people any false impression about who I am and what I am able to do. I can't do everything, because there are a lot of things that I don't know. So I can't make any more promises than I have alreay done. What I can promise is that I will only learn more as I go.  Therefore, I do beg everyone here not to have too high an expectation on me. I see myself as a beginner, a beginner in something that no one in our community has the interest or incentive to touch. If this experiment works out, I will need more people to join me so that we can make the dream much bigger. If I don't, I am only sacrificing myself, which I am pretty happy to do any way.

Lastly, I am not trying to make a presentation here at all. I am only telling a small part of my story from the heart.

Good night
小浣熊3946 发表于 2007-4-10 21:35:49




wangwo 发表于 2007-4-10 21:19:34
我刚听说, 像安钢的事, 他的儿子有可能从他给分居太太的保险里拿到钱的。
西西里岛 发表于 2007-4-10 20:21:57
这位于先生明明在网上, 却猥琐的不敢作个起码的presentation.
其斗志与梦工比, 真是天上地下了.
哇咧 发表于 2007-4-10 19:56:10



首先 很支持也很期待 于先生能够成功 如果有需要 我也愿意贡献自己一份绵薄之力
想多问一句 出了纠纷 于先生能帮助调解。 于先生接不接受 事先的咨询呢? 我想  有时 事后调解 不如 事先指导吧  事先就知道 去哪里 找谁 办什么 就能预防 出现纠纷 也就不用调解了。 皆大欢喜 不是更好
不知道于先生有没有这样的业务或是服务, 好比能帮助解答“ 我想开个店铺 如何办理” “我想卖房 该怎么办” (只是举例而已) 等等 问题 总比“ 我开店遇见不良业主, 怎么办?”“我卖房 有经济纠纷 怎么办?”来的容易吧。
no pain no gain
龙的传人WDQ 发表于 2007-4-10 18:41:01


玫瑰香水 发表于 2007-4-10 17:50:02


首先 很支持也很期待 于先生能够成功 如果有需要 我也愿意贡献自己一份绵薄之力
想多问一句 出了纠纷 于先生能帮助调解。 于先生接不接受 事先的咨询呢? 我想  有时 事后调解 不如 事先指导吧  事先就知道 去哪里 找谁 办什么 就能预防 出现纠纷 也就不用调解了。 皆大欢喜 不是更好
不知道于先生有没有这样的业务或是服务, 好比能帮助解答“ 我想开个店铺 如何办理” “我想卖房 该怎么办” (只是举例而已) 等等 问题 总比“ 我开店遇见不良业主, 怎么办?”“我卖房 有经济纠纷 怎么办?”来的容易吧。
哇咧 发表于 2007-4-10 16:01:06



forgive me, the egg business is coming and I got to run. talk later.
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