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楼主: atoz
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发表于 2019-8-30 15:46:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 A-freethinker 于 2019-8-30 15:53 编辑






使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-8-30 19:36:45 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 约克鹿 于 2019-8-30 19:38 编辑

Teacher prompt: “Why might people decide to get married?”
Student: “Many religions and cultures place importance on marriage. Marriage can be a healthy and loving committed partnership between two people who respect each other. Many religions and cultures affirm and celebrate marriage and family life as a fulfilling aspect of human life.”


使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-8-30 19:49:26 | 只看该作者
Teacher prompt: “The term abstinence can mean different things to different people. People can also have different understandings of what is meant by having or not having sex. Be clear in your own mind about what you are comfortable or uncomfortable with.
Being able to talk about these boundaries with a partner is an important part of sexual health. Having sex can be an enjoyable experience. It can also be an important part of a close, loving, and committed relationship, such as marriage or a long-term, healthy relationship, when you are older. Some people may think that sex is the best way to express love, but there are many other important and meaningful ways in which it can be expressed. Having sex has risks too, including the possibility of getting sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) or becoming a parent when you don’t want to. There are also emotional and other considerations to think about.
What are some of them?”

Students: “It’s best to wait until you are older to have sex because you need to be emotionally ready, which includes being able to talk with your partner about how you feel, being prepared to talk about and use protection against STBBIs or pregnancy, and being prepared to handle the emotional ups and downs of a relationship, including the ending of a relationship. Some people see sex as little more than a physical act and do not realize the emotional impact it can have. Engaging in any type of sexual activity with a partner can make the relationship more emotional or more complicated.” “Some people choose to or are encouraged to wait to be sexually active for personal, cultural, or religious reasons.” “People should not feel that they need to engage in sexual acts in order to please their partner or to gain social acceptance.
A person should not have sex if they are feeling pressured, if they are unsure, if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if their partner is not ready or has not given consent. It is also important to remember that a person is free to change their mind about any type of activity at any time, and that their boundaries must be respected.”


使用道具 举报

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