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发表于 2005-6-30 22:55:43 | 只看该作者


日常生活裡,有許多英文的詞容易搞混;其中最易弄錯的三組動詞單字,無非 lie / lay、sit / set、rise / raise。以下舉例詳細說明:
(1) lie 與 lay:
lie 的動詞時態是:lie , lay , lain , lying 意思是躺下休息或位於(recline to rest or to be situated),表示人、地、物的位置。因為它是不及物動詞(intransitive verb),所以後面不能有受詞,也不能有被動語態;通常用副詞或介詞片語當副詞去修飾。
但是 lay 的動詞時態是:lay , laid , laid , laying 意思是把某件東西放下,或置某件東西於某處(to put something down or to place something somewhere)。因為它是及物動詞(transitive verb)所以後面有受詞,也可用在被動語態(passive voice)
Mr. Wang usually lies down for a nap after lunch.
Yesterday I lay on the sofa listening to classical music.
(on the sofa是介係詞片語,當副詞用,修飾lay)
The girl has lain on the beach for an hour.
(on the beach 是介詞片語,當副詞用,修飾 has lain)
Mr. Chang is (was)lying on the couch reading a novel.
(on the couch是介詞片語,當副詞用,修飾is(was)lying)
The new area rug was lying in front of the kitchen.
(in front of the kitchen是介詞片語,當副詞用,修飾was lying)
(area rug 是指裝飾用的小塊地毯)
A small temple once lay somewhere in the hill.
(once 和 somewhere 都是副詞,修飾 lay)
The secret of his success lies in his hardwork.
(in his hardwork 是介詞片語,當副詞,修飾 lies;因為是指事實,故用現在簡單式動詞)
注意:lie 如果指說謊(to tell a falsehood),其動詞時態是:lie , lied , lied , lying
Do not lie to (或 for)others.
Mr. A has often lied to (或 for)his wife.
Are you lying to (或 for)your boss?
(你在… …
Mrs. Lin always lays a wool blanket on her bed.
(blanket是直接受詞;動詞 lays=puts)
Yesterday I laid some books on my desk.
(books是直接受詞;動詞 laid=put)
Someone had laid the wet sheet over the sofa.
(sheet 是直接受詞;had laid=had put)
The workers are(或were)laying a new carpet on the floor.
(carpet 是直接受詞;are laying=are putting)
註:及物動詞後面很少跟間接受詞。如果說:The workers are laying us a new carpet on the floor.這時,間接受詞是 us,顯得十分勉強。至於被動語態,老外也很少使用。假如說:A new carpet is being laid on the floor by the workers. 不如主動語態顯得簡單而有力。
(2)sit 與 set:
sit 的動詞時態是:sit , sat , sat , sitting
它是不及物動詞,意思是坐下或坐落於(to take a seat or to be located)所以後面沒有受詞,也不能有被動語態,多半用副詞或介詞片語當副詞去修飾。
但是set的動詞時態是:set , set , set , setting
它是及物動詞,意思是放置某件東西(to put or to place something)後面有受詞,也可以有被動語態。
His father always sits near the fireplace when he reads.
( 他老爸閱讀時,總是坐在壁爐邊。)
(near the fireplace是介詞片語,當副詞,修飾動詞sits)
Mr. Wang likes to sit in the back of the classroom.
(in the back of the classroom 是介詞片語,當副詞,修飾 sit)
Everyone will sit down when the company president says, "Be seated."
(down 是副詞,修飾sit)
They were sitting there when I came.
(there 是副詞,修飾were sitting)
Her grandfather has sat on the same couch for years.
(on the same couch for years 是介詞片語,當副詞,修飾 has sat)
The statue sits on the top of(或 under the foot of)the mountain.
(on the top of the mountain 是介詞片語,當副詞,修飾 sits)
Please set the dictionary on the top of the shelf.
His wife sets the coffee on the kitchen counter every morning.
(coffee 是直接受詞;sets=puts)
The parents have set a date for their daughter's engagement.
(date 是直接受詞;have set=have fixed)
In spring we will set the clock ahead one hour.
(clock 是直接受詞;will set=will fix)
Some sellers have set the price(s) too high (steep).
(price是直接受詞;high=steep ; have set=have fixed)
(3)rise 與 raise:
rise 的動詞時態是:rise , rose , risen , rising 意思是起身、起來或增加( to get up ; to go up or to increase ),這是不及物動詞,後面沒有受詞,而且不用被動語態,多半用副詞或介詞片語(或子句)當副詞去修飾。
但是 raise 的動詞時態是:raise , raised , raised , raising 意思是舉起某件東西或增加數量(to lift up some-thing or to increase the amount),這是及物動詞,後面有受詞,也可以有被動語態。
We all know that the sun rises in the east.
(in the east 是介詞片語,當副詞,修飾 rises,因為是事實,故用現在簡單式動詞)
As she lifted the cover, the steam rose from the fry pan.
(from the fry pan是介詞片語,當副詞,修飾rose; rose = went up)
The assembly will rise when the judge enters the court room.
(當法官走進法庭,與會者將全部起立。)(when the judge enters the court room 是副詞子句,修飾 will rise)
Mr. Wang has risen in his profession over the past five years.
(in his profession 和 over the past five years 都是介詞片語,當副詞用,修飾 has risen)
The speaker rose (或 has risen) to address the graduates.
(to address the graduates 是不定詞片語,當副詞,修飾 rose 或 has risen,表示起立的原因)
Gasoline prices have been rising sharply (或 steadily) since last month.
(sharply 或 steadily 都是副詞,修飾 have been rising)
Please raise the window a little bit higher.
(window 是直接受詞)
There is no need for some Chinese to raise their voices.
(voices 是直接受詞)
Some students raised their hands when they asked questions.
The landlord will raise the rent from this October.
(自這 10 月份起,房東將增加租金。)
(rent 是直接受詞)
The owner has raised the prices of merchandise in h… …
is store.
Mr. A has been raising corn and vegetables on his farm.
(A 先生在他田裡種玉米和蔬菜。)
(corn 和 vegetables都是直接受詞)
總之,要記得:lie , rise , sit 都是不及物動詞,後面沒有受詞,也不能用被動。而lay, raise , set 都是及物動詞,後面有受詞,也可用被動。還要記得它們的時態變化。
(4) bring 與 take:
bring 的動詞時態是:bring , brought , brought , bringing 意思是指從遠處拿到近處( to carry from a farther place to a nearer place ),也就是說,動作是向著說話者而來( to show movement toward the speaker )。
但是 take 的動詞時態是:take, took, taken, taking 意思是從近處拿到遠處(to carry from a nearer place to a farther place),也就是指動作離開說話者而去(to show movement away from the speaker)
Don't bring all the problems to me.
Mr. A brought us some junk food.
(A 先生帶給我們一些「垃圾」食物。)(指快餐)(從遠處帶到近處)
You may take this book with you.
The teacher said, "John did not bring his books to school."
老師說:「John 沒有帶書來學校。」(對老師來說,學校較近,John 的家較遠。)
The mother said, "John did not take his books to school."
Please take this letter to Mr. Wang and bring back a re-ply.
(5) let 與 leave:
let 的動詞時態是:let , let , let , letting意思是許可,或允許(to allow or to permit)
但 leave 的動詞時態是:leave , left, left , leaving 是指從某個地方離開,或把某件事留下後再走開(to go away from or to place something and then go away),也表示「不要改變」或「不要干擾」(not to change or disturb)
Don't let your dog roam free.
(不要讓你的狗隨便到處走。)(let = allow)
Will you let your daughter go with him to the party?
(let = allow or permit)
I let him leave if he has done his work.
(let = permit ; leave = go away)
You may leave your book on my desk.
(= Place your book and go away from it.)
Please leave the door open.
(= Don't close it.)
Leave Mary alone when she is sad.
(當 Mary 難過時,別去打擾她。)
(= Don't disturb her.)
After the meeting many students have left.
(= have departed)
The boy has been left at the shopping center.
(6 ) like 與 as:
這兩個字,雖然意思有些相同,但 like 通常當做介係詞用,意思是與什麼相似(similar to )或同樣的(in the same way),後面跟受詞( followed by an object )
但是 as 多半當連接詞用,而且通常引用全句時使用,也就是用在主詞和動詞之前。
Sometimes using the rubbing alcohol feels like ice on my skin.
(like是介詞,ice 是它的受詞)
Great writers like Mark Twain only appear once in a blue moon.
(Mark Twain 的真名是:Samuel L. Clemens ; once in a blue moon = rarely)
The soup that I ordered yesterday did not taste as it should.
(it 是主詞,should 是助動詞,後面省去 taste,所以 as 是連接詞)
Your proposal worked just as you indicated it would.
(you 是主詞;indicated 是動詞,所以 as 是引用全句時,當做連接詞)
不過,as 有時也當介詞用,意思是相等或身分一致(equivalence or same identity)例如:
After retirement Mr. A works as a salesperson in a grocery store.
(Mr. A = salesperson)
(7) conscious 與 conscience:
conscious 是形容詞,是指一個人的神志還是清醒的(having one's mental faculties awake)。反之,失去知覺,或神志不清,就是 unconscious。
但是 conscience 是名詞,是指一個人良心上的對或錯。(moral sense of right or wrong)
With acupuncture a patient is supposed to remain conscious during surgery.
The victim was still conscious after a serious injury in the car accident.
A patient in a vegetative state can stay unconscious for years.
To tell lies all the time can be something against one's conscience.
For the sake of good conscience, we should not mistreat other people.
(8 ) council 與 counsel:
counc… …
il是名詞,是指委員會或代表會,或指一群人為了某事而在一起。(a group of people who meet together for something)
但是 counsel 是名詞或動詞,意思是協商、討論或給人忠告。(to give words of advice)
至於 counselor(或 counsellor)是指顧問或輔導員或律師(the person who gives advice , usually a lawyer)
The city council will discuss the annual budget next week.
The ten-member educational council will meet every month.
He has been serving as a council member for special education.
The council refused to listen to her counsel.
(委員會不聽她的忠告。)(counsel 是名詞)
If you apply for a job, you better seek counsel from your professor.
(counsel 是名詞)
The committee counseled me into the late evening.
(委員會與我協商到深夜。)(counseled 是動詞)
Every American high school provides guidance counselors for its students.
Mr. A has served as her personal counselor(或 counsellor)for many years.
(A 先生多年來擔任她的私人顧問。)
(9) sometime 與 sometimes:
這兩個字,都可當副詞用。sometime 是指日後,或將來某個時候。(at some time in the future)
但是 sometimes 是指有時候。(now and then)
May I come to see you sometime?
I hope sometime my English can be greatly improved.
Some people predict that sometime in the future we will not produce enough food.
All machines , no matter how well made , sometimes need repairs.
His girlfriend is sometimes hot and sometimes cold to him.
如果把 some time 分開,有時也指一段時間。(a period of time)例如:
Most Chinese new immigrants in the U.S. need some time to get adjusted.
(10) stationary 與 stationery:
stationary 是形容詞,意思是固定的,穩定的或不可移動的(in a fixed position or stay in one place),而 stationery 是名詞。指信紙、信封等文具(materials for writing or writing paper)
The patient condition has remained stationary after surgery.
(手術後,病人的情況穩定。)(= stable)
The tables in the conference room are stationary.
(= can not be moved around)
I will need a box of stationery soon.
Employees are not supposed to use official stationery for personal purposes.
(11) allusion 與 illusion:
這兩個字都是名詞。allusion 意思是暗指、影射或間接提到某人某事(indirect reference to someone or something)但是 illusion 是指假象或一種幻想。(a sort of fantasy)
In speaking it is better not make any personal allusion about other person's character.
Mr. B may get hurt by your allusion to his previous scandal.
(你暗指 B 先生過去的醜聞,會令他難過。)
Although Mr. A has heart problem, his ruddy complex-ion gives his friends the illusion of good health.
(雖然 A 先生有心臟病,但他紅光滿面,給他朋友健康的假象。)
He feels some Taiwan's politicians have an illusion that U.S. will send troops to Taiwan for its independence.
(12) loose 與 lose:
loose是形容詞,意思是寬鬆的、沒紮緊(not securely attached; not tight enough)而lose是動詞,意思是失去(to suffer loss),其動詞時態是:lose, lost, lost, losing
The screw on the machine seems loose; you need to tighten it up.
If the door lock is loose, it will not serve the purpose.
Many Chinese still use loose-leaf tea rather than tea bag.
Be aware, Mr. Lee often has a loose tongue.
(要知道,李先生常… …
I am sure she is not a loose girl.
When you go shopping, don't lose your child in the crowd.
Many young Americans have lost their lives in the war.
表示遺失或損失,也可用名詞 loss:
Mr. Lee's first year of business ended in a loss.
Your resignation will be a great loss to our company.
(13) personal 與 personnel:
personal是形容詞,意思是個人的,私人的。(individual)而 personnel 是名詞,意思是人事,指同一單位服務的一群人的總稱。(a group of people working in the same organization)
At the meeting Mr. Wang gave his personal opinion.
Most Americans consider bad manners to ask personal questions.
An emphasis on personal hygience should be stressed in everyday life.
The personnel of our school range in age from 25 to 75.
(我們學校員工年齡,從 25 歲到 75 歲。)
(如指員工為整體,動詞可用單數 ranges;如指不同年齡員工為個體,則用多數動詞 range)
Mrs. A, our personnel director, has been working here for ten years.
All personnel of (或 at) this company have been asked to donate money for charity.
(如指整體,也可用動詞單數 has)
(14) censor 與 censure:
這兩個字當動詞用時,censor 是指新聞、書報或電影等,對外發行前的審查(to exam a film , a writing , etc. before getting to the public)而censure意思是責備、非難或指摘(to scold or condemn someone for wrongdoing)
Some governments will censor certain anti-policy newspapers.
Any indecent advertisements need to be censored.
Our school authorities censured Mr. A for his misconduct.
Mr. Wang has been censured for his tardiness at work.
如用名詞censorship,則指審查行為(act of cen-soring)如:
Press censorship is being carried out in many coun-tries.
有時 censure 也當名詞用。如:
The committee calls for censure of Mr. A.
(15)complement 與 compliment:
這兩個字,多半當動詞和名詞用。complement當動詞時,意思是補充,使其完整。(to complete or to make perfect)但 compliment 當動詞用,是對某人的恭維。(to say something good about a person)
These building materials will complement those you already have.(動詞)
Your part of the job complements mine.(動詞)
A field trip can be a good complement to our education.
(校外考察旅行,對我們教育有補助性。)( 名詞 )
The various types of gifts are nice complements for your anniversary.
Her husband complimented her with a new watch on her birthday.
I like to give her a compliment for her good writing.(動詞)
发表于 2005-7-18 21:04:45 | 只看该作者

接到英语COLD CALL不要挂电话,跟对方聊

最好的办法是接到英语COLD CALL不要挂电话,跟对方聊. 再就是听收音机中的 680 NEWS 台.
www.mbig.ca 也可以对你有帮助.
发表于 2005-7-22 11:29:38 | 只看该作者
chu  sir,  would  you  like  to  provide  a   littlt   spoking  english?   
发表于 2005-7-22 11:32:02 | 只看该作者
chu  sir,  would  you  like  to  provide  a   littlt   spoking  english?   

发表于 2005-7-22 14:10:46 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-7-28 09:57:17 | 只看该作者


知己知彼:Know thy enemy.

無論政壇民親合作,或是商場半導體爭霸,主事者都要看清局勢,理出頭緒,甚至與敵共舞,才能永續經營。「知己知彼」旨在看清局勢,英文說是" Know thy enemy."。

例:"The boss was always careful to keep track of what the competition was going. He believed in knowing thy enemy." 「老闆完全掌握競爭的最新動態。他深信知己知彼,百戰百勝。」

電影「教父」中,教父被內賊出賣,險遭暗殺,在老巢召來心腹,要他投身敵營示好。心腹問道理何在,教父說:「我爸爸教我要接近自己人,更要接近敵人」(He taught me - keep your friends close but your enemies closer.),敵人沒有戒心,才能找出敵人的死穴。

情報界稱深植敵營的間諜為「鼴鼠」(mole),取其不見天日,現代工商業則稱為「工業間諜」(industrial espionage)。曹興誠解讀,臥底是為了讓大陸競爭者坐收「漁翁之利」,拉丁諺語稱為" tertius gau-dens",英文是"we will wait upon the turn of events in hope of advantage."。曹刊登聲明,直指上海中芯騷擾破壞聯電及和艦,則是「將計就計」,藉此反敗為勝,英文稱為" Turn the tables on him."。

例:"After causing a disagreement between two suppliers, the third supplier smiled and said tertius gaudens." 「破壞了其他兩個供應商的共識之後,第三個供應商坐收漁翁之利。」

"They thought that they were going to force us to lower our price, but we turned the ta-bles on them by making them hold the price longer than they should have." 「他們以為可以迫使我們降價,不過我們反將一軍,讓他們降價過久而吃大虧。」

做一套說一套:two faced

深藍或深綠選民,難以接受雙方領袖握手言和,有被「背叛」的感受(stabbed in the back)。政府及親民黨發言人為政策辯護,但看在雙方死硬派眼裏,則大大有「做一套說一套」之嫌(two faced或talking out of both sides of one's face)。

例:"Thompson really stabbed us in the back when her left to work for the competi-tion." 「湯某投靠敵營,對我方不啻背後插刀。」

"The company spokesman was two faced when he said that the sales were much higher this year." 「公司發言人預測今年業績會比去年亮麗,這完全是罔顧事實的說法。」

英文對難以抉擇的困境,現多以"torn be-tween two…"形容,這是流行歌曲"Torn Be-tween Two Lovers"裏的歌詞。但或許這些朋友還存在一絲希望:扁宋會的發展是在敵營中「製造混亂」(sowing seeds of dis-cord),最後就像踢足球一樣,由敵陣自己踢進「烏龍球」(own goal),來結束這場勢均力敵的對峙。

例:"The investors are always torn between two choices: sell now or wait and hope the price would go up." 「投資人面臨兩難:到底是獲利了結呢,還是等價錢漲一些再賣?」

"They have started sowing seeds of discord among the negotiators, turning one against an-other, in an apparent effort to derail a final settlement." 「這些人害怕受害,就四處散播不利主談者的謠言,企圖從中破壞會談。」

"Well, he did an own goal by revealing our maximum bid during the negotiations!" 「天啊!他在會議上洩露我方的底標價格,擺了個大烏龍。」
发表于 2005-7-28 23:47:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-28 23:57:23 | 只看该作者

发表于 2005-7-29 12:40:32 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-7-29 12:49:30 | 只看该作者


花$10.买一个带MIC的耳机,可以到www.mbig.ca 用YAHOO MESSENEGER 语音聊天与大家交流学习体会.另外,不断的听收音机中的 680NEWS.它的节目是不断循环重放.点击 www.mbig.ca 右上角<多伦多新闻>,你可以听,而且可以看新闻文稿,相互对照.不但对提高实用英语能力大有帮助而且可以及时了解当地人与事.
发表于 2005-7-29 12:53:17 | 只看该作者



花$10.买一个带MIC的耳机,可以到www.mbig.ca 用YAHOO MESSENEGER 语音聊天与大家交流学习体会.


发表于 2005-7-29 13:06:50 | 只看该作者


我们已经使用这个方法讨论过几次BUSINESS.效果很好.欢迎班主任来教我们大家英语.具体联络通知大家的方法请看 www.mbig.ca中的<联络我们>
发表于 2005-7-29 15:21:42 | 只看该作者



花$10.买一个带MIC的耳机,可以到www.mbig.ca 用YAHOO MESSENEGER 语音聊天与大家交流学习体会.另外,不断的听收音机中的 680NEWS.它的节目是不断循环重放.点击 www.mbig.ca 右上角<多伦多新闻>,你可以听,而且可以看新闻文稿,相互对照.不但对提高实用英语能力大有帮助而且可以及时了解当地人与事.


发表于 2005-7-29 15:51:22 | 只看该作者


680news 即使是同一条新闻,文稿与录音播放也并不是完全一致.你要参照听和看.
另外,我建议你点击www.mbig.ca <为您服务>中的英语学习,BBC提供的  NEWS ENGLISH 学习,文稿与录音播放完全一致,而且有重点生字说明和读音.
发表于 2005-7-29 18:41:54 | 只看该作者



680news 即使是同一条新闻,文稿与录音播放也并不是完全一致.你要参照听和看.
另外,我建议你点击www.mbig.ca <为您服务>中的英语学习,BBC提供的  NEWS ENGLISH 学习,文稿与录音播放完全一致,而且有重点生字说明和读音.

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