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发表于 2018-2-16 09:36:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 从来没有救世主 于 2018-2-16 15:16 编辑


During this time period, there were 2036 Islamic attacks in 61 countries, in which 15702 people were killed and 14336 injured.

据统计,在过去的一年,全球有61个国家遭受了2036次由伊斯兰国发动的恐怖袭击,造成14336 PEOPLEKIND 死亡, 15702 PEOPLEKIND 伤残。
2017.12.31AfghanistanJalalabad1814A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending eighteen mourners straight to Allah.
2017.12.31CameroonBia130A suicide bomber blows herself up in a café, killing a patron.
2017.12.31IndiaPulwama53Jaish-e-Mohammed members stage a suicide assault on a security camp that leaves five personnel dead.
2017.12.31SomaliaMogadishu25Two people are blown to bits by an al-Shabaab bomb.
2017.12.31AfghanistanGhondai50Five local cops are turned to paste by a Taliban bomb.
2017.12.31PhilippinesMaguindanao17Two bombs planted by Bangsamoro Islamists produce one body.
2017.12.31PhilippinesSultan Kudarat216A rickshaw driver and passenger succumb to Islamist shrapnel.
2017.12.31SyriaBahra2050A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims twenty lives.
2017.12.31GermanyBerlin01A Syrian ‘refugee’ tries to randomly stabs people he identifies as ‘infidels.’
2017.12.30NigeriaBakin Muna250Over two dozen loggers are ambushed and slain by Boko Haram.
2017.12.30NigeriaKanama55Five security personnel are shot dead by Boko Haram.
2017.12.29AfghanistanBati Kot20A university lecturer and a student are kidnapped and executed by Islamic fundamentalists.
2017.12.29IraqEshaqi34Hardline gunmen enter a home and murder three members.
2017.12.29EgyptHelwan20A targeted shooting attack on a Coptic neighborhood leaves two dead.
2017.12.29SyriaIdlib10A TV cameraman is murdered by al-Nusra.
2017.12.29EgyptCairo99Gunmen open fire on a Coptic church, killing worshippers and two guards. Three women were among the dead.
2017.12.28CameroonMayo-Moskota10Suicide bombers kill a bystander.
2017.12.28Egyptel-Arish20Two people at a bank are murdered by Jihadists.
2017.12.28AfghanistanKabul4184A holy warrior with a suicide vest clears out a rival mosque, taking out over forty worshippers.
2017.12.28EgyptNorth Sinai62A bomb planted by an al-Qaeda linked group leaves six dead.
2017.12.28NigeriaAmarwa617A female suicide bomber sends a half-dozen townspeople to Allah.
2017.12.28KenyaGamba20Two drivers transporting fish are sprayed with bullets by Islamists.
2017.12.28MaliMopti30Three local security personnel are laid out by Jihadi bombers.
2017.12.28IraqSinjar800The bodies of eighty women are found in a mass grave, many executed by ISIS because they were elderly or disabled.
2017.12.28PhilippinesDatu Unsay11A farmer is laid out by a Bangsamoro Islamist bomb blast.
2017.12.27AfghanistanLashkar Gah114A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.12.27AfghanistanDeh Naw10The Taliban drag an old man out of a mosque, beat and then shoot him to death.
2017.12.27AfghanistanDawlat Abad60Six young children are obliterated by shrapnel from a Taliban bomb.
2017.12.27RussiaSaint Petersburg013Terrorists set off a bomb at a supermarket.
2017.12.26IraqKasr Mihrab170Seventeen Yazidis are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.12.26PhilippinesDatu Saudi10A villager elder is gunned down by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2017.12.26SomaliaAfgoye20A woman is among two civilians left dead after an al-Shabaab attack.
2017.12.25AfghanistanKabul63Six residents at a quiet neighborhood are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.12.25IraqYaarabiya40Four Iraqis are murdered by a Jihadist group.
2017.12.25NigeriaMolai40Three people are burned alive in their own homes by Boko Haram. A fourth person is shot.
2017.12.25NigeriaUtonkon65Six people celebrating Christmas are machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2017.12.25AfghanistanArzo50Five passengers in a vehicle are stopped, pulled out, and shot to death in cold blood by fundamentalists.
2017.12.24IraqKirkuk70A man and his young son are among seven shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.24NigeriaMailafiya63A shooting attack on a Christian community leaves six dead, including a young child.
2017.12.24IraqHawijah20Militants gun down a man and his wife.
2017.12.24PakistanAlgad30An IED outside a health unit claims three souls.
2017.12.24AfghanistanHelmand73Women and children are among seven slain by fundamentalist bombers.
2017.12.24AfghanistanLogar37A suspected Taliban mortar round ends the lives of three civilians.
2017.12.24SyriaRaqqa10A video shows a kneeling ‘enemy of Allah’ shot in the back of the head.
2017.12.23CameroonKerawa-Mafa10Religious extremists invade a small town and gun down a civilian.
2017.12.22USAHarrisburg01A former immigrant from Egypt opens fire on police officers in two attacks.
2017.12.22NigeriaNindem410Suspected Fulani open fire on a church group singing Christmas carols, killing four.
2017.12.22CameroonZeneme20Two villagers are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2017.12.22AfghanistanMaiwand69A half-dozen victims are blown to bits by a suicide bomber at a police station.
2017.12.22PakistanShunkrai30Three border guards are viciously murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2017.12.22PakistanMach22Two Shiite coal miners are gunned down in a targeted attack by orthodox Sunnis.
2017.12.22UgandaBumogolo21A man hacks his Christian wife and her twin babies to death after she refuses to convert to Islam.
2017.12.21MaliNiono10Jihadists murder a local soldier.
2017.12.21AfghanistanHerat46Islamists plant a bomb in a Shiite area that claims the lives of four innocents.
2017.12.21AustraliaMelbourne118An Afghan refugee runs down nineteen innocents, including a child, over a complaint that Muslims were not being treated fairly. An 83-year-old victim later dies from injuries.
2017.12.20IraqTarmiyah12A bomb near a market leaves one dead.
2017.12.20SomaliaBosaso20The lives of two security officials are snuffed out by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2017.12.20IraqKhanazeer24A bomb placed outside a school entrance claims two civilians.
2017.12.19IndiaBata Murran10A woman is killed in a shooting attack by Jaish-e-Mohammad.
2017.12.19Saudi ArabiaAwwamia10The body of a judge kidnapped, tortured and murdered on order of a Shiite cleric is discovered.
2017.12.19SyriaDamascus38Sunni militants send mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing three.
2017.12.19PakistanThaneel Fatohi10A woman is shot to death by her conservative brother for leaving her abusive husband.
2017.12.18PakistanLaiti10A young woman is honor-strangled by her two uncles to keep her from eloping.
2017.12.18AfghanistanLashkar Gah229A suicide bomber exterminates two bystanders.
2017.12.18MaliKidal10A UN peacekeeper dies following a terror attack by Jihadists.
2017.12.18AfghanistanRodat10A cleric is assassinated by suspected rivals.
2017.12.18EgyptArish12Jihadis lob a shell into an airport, killing one.
2017.12.17IraqMaytah30Two physicians and an engineer are kidnapped and executed by Islamic extremists.
2017.12.17PakistanQuetta1157Two women are among eleven massacred by two suicide bombers at a Methodist church during a nativity service.
2017.12.17AfghanistanLashkar Gah115Eleven local cops are murdered during a vicious attack by the Taliban.
2017.12.17AfghanistanKandahar15A women is disassembled by a suicide car bomber.
2017.12.17AfghanistanPul-e-Khumri22Two local cops are machine-gunned point-blank by members of a fundamentalist group.
2017.12.17AfghanistanMazar-e-Sharif12Terrorists fix a bomb to a civilian vehicle, killing one of the occupants.
2017.12.16IraqShingal900A mass grave is discovered in a former ISIS stronghold containing women and children executed by gunshots to “different parts of their bodies.”
2017.12.16NigeriaGamboru40Jihadists ambush an aid convoy carrying food to refugees, killing four civilians.
2017.12.16GabonLibreville02Two National Geographic reporters are stabbed by a man shouting praises to Allah.
2017.12.16AfghanistanTabar180Women and children are among eighteen civilians killed when the Taliban target fleeing civilians.
2017.12.16YemenTaiz40Shiite radicals plant a bomb that claims the lives of four government soldiers.
2017.12.15SomaliaMahaday10At least one person at a livestock market is laid out by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2017.12.15IraqHoweish26Two Iraqis are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.

发表于 2018-2-16 12:01:38 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2018-2-16 22:39:00 | 只看该作者
从来没有救世主 发表于 2018-2-16 19:39


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发表于 2018-2-16 09:43:25 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-16 15:18:15 | 只看该作者
2017.12.14AfghanistanRaig186Eighteen police are massacred by the Taliban in two separate attacks.
2017.12.14PakistanAman21An attack by religious militants leaves two dead civilians.
2017.12.14SomaliaMogadishu1815A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a police training camp, killing eighteen recruits.
2017.12.13IraqMosul500Fifty Yazidi victims of Islamic State are found in a mass grave.
2017.12.12CameroonMayo-Sava10A villager is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.12.12IraqMukhisa10A woman working in an orchard is brutally shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.12IraqTuz Khurmato220Jihadis fire mortars into a school, killing two people.
2017.12.12SomaliaPuntland10An expert is killed trying to defuse a bomb planted by a Jihadi group.
2017.12.12PakistanNorth Waziristan20A roadside bomb takes the lives of two 21-year-old men.
2017.12.11CameroonMayo-Sava10A truck driver is murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.12.11NigeriaDamboa20A Boko Haram landmine planted on a highway claims two lives.
2017.12.11NigeriaDamboa412Muslim terrorists attack a security convoy and kill four members.
2017.12.11MaliGoundam60Six locals are murdered by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
2017.12.11SomaliaMogadishu10Suspected al-Shabaab plant a car bomb in a journalist’s car.
2017.12.11USANew York, NY03A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.12.11CameroonKerawa20Two worshippers are killed when a suicide bomber attacks a rival mosque.
2017.12.11IndiaKellar21Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on a bank van, killing two security guards.
2017.12.11IraqHammam al-Alil10A Mukhtar is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.11AfghanistanNani35A group fighting for Sharia attacks a checkpoint and murders three soldiers.
2017.12.11IndiaHandwara10A woman is killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on police.
2017.12.11NigeriaGwoza47A female suicide bomber detonates in a residential area, killing four bystanders.
2017.12.10NigeriaAgabifo100Ten members of a peaceful farming community are machine-gunned by Fulanis.
2017.12.10IsraelJerusalem01A security guard at a bus station is brutally stabbed by a Palestinian.
2017.12.09PakistanKot Lakhput10A 29-year-old religious minority dies during police torture.
2017.12.09AfghanistanShirzad20Two civilians are executed by a Sharia court.
2017.12.09IraqTuz Khormato113Suspected Shiite radicals lob mortars into a Turkman town, killing a child.
2017.12.09IraqBaghdad27Mujahid take out two civilians with a pair of bomb blasts.
2017.12.09AfghanistanGhazni32A Taliban attack on a checkpoint leaves three dead.
2017.12.09NigeriaDamboa20Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2017.12.08IraqAsagra70Seven villagers are murdered by ISIS.
2017.12.08IraqAthba40A car with four occupants is vaporized by an Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.12.08AfghanistanWama30Three police are cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2017.12.08AfghanistanSultankhel18An imam is blown up inside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.07DRCSemuliki1453ADF Islamists attack a UN base, killing fourteen.
2017.12.06PakistanDaggar10A peace committee member is murdered by a fundamentalist group.
2017.12.06IraqMakhmour58Five refugees at a camp are sectionalized by a Sunni rocket.
2017.12.05NigeriaSasawa150Boko Haram roll into a village and machine-gun fifteen souls.
2017.12.05MyanmarMaungdaw10A headsman is shot to death in his home by Muslim terrorists.
2017.12.05YemenMansura10A mosque preacher is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.05SyriaHoms816The Islamic State bombs a bus carrying university students, killing eight.
2017.12.05PakistanMir Ali68A half-dozen civilians at a bazaar are obliterated by Jihadi shrapnel.
2017.12.05IraqKhuzeifi54Five civilians are shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.05IraqMakawi60A Mujahideen bomb makes quick work of a man, his wife and their four children.
2017.12.04YemenSanaa10Yemen’s former president is shot to death by Shiite militia praising Allah.
2017.12.04IndiaQazigund12Lashkar-e-Taiba open fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2017.12.04SyriaEast Ghouta27Sunni radicals fire missiles into a populated area, killing two civilians.
2017.12.04IraqShura700Seventy victims of Islamic State execution - mostly women and children - are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.12.04NigeriaNuman30Muslim terrorists kill a Christian family of three, including a pregnant woman - who was raped.
2017.12.03IraqMahmoudiya31Mujahideen bombers take down three bystanders.
2017.12.03IraqShajarah30Three farmers are flattened by an Islamic State bomb planted on their tractor.
2017.12.03AfghanistanJalalabad613A suicide bomber strikes outside a soccer stadium, claiming six lives.
2017.12.03IraqQara Tapa30Three Iraqis are kidnapped, murdered and dumped by a Jihadi group.
2017.12.03PhilippinesShariff Aguak27Bangsamoro Islamists murder a older man and his 13-year-old grandson.
2017.12.02AfghanistanOlai Shah10An elderly man bleeds to death after being hit by a Taliban IED.
2017.12.02IraqJazira800Eighty religious minorities are found in a mass grave - victims of ISIS execution.
2017.12.02IraqKabusi600Forty children and twenty women are found murdered by the Islamic State.
2017.12.02AfghanistanJalalabad210Two people are killed during an Islamic State attack on a TV station.
2017.12.02NigeriaMaiduguri1553Two suicide bombers clear out fifteen patrons at a market.
2017.12.02YemenSanaa10Ansar Allah storm a TV station and kill an employee.
2017.12.01IraqRawa2533Two dozen people are reportedly killed in their own homes by ISIS booby-traps.
2017.12.01SomaliaHees20A brutal Islamist ambush leaves two dead.
2017.12.01IraqMadaen17Mujahideen plant a bomb at a market that kills one.
2017.12.01AfghanistanKhorasan10Two child members of the Islamic State chop off a man’s arms before beheading him.
2017.12.01PakistanChaman12Terrorists kill a child at the gate of a Christian community.
2017.12.01PakistanPeshawar937The Taliban storm a university campus disguised in burkas and gun down nine innocents.
2017.12.01SyriaDeir Ezzor100Video surfaces of ten religious minorities beheaded by the Islamic State, which afterwards tossed their head ‘from a high place.’


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-16 15:20:03 | 只看该作者
2017.11.30IsraelArad10A soldier is stabbed in the throat outside a mall by Palestinians.
2017.11.30AfghanistanFarah40Muslim extremists open fire on a police vehicle, killing four occupants.
2017.11.30PakistanSpinkai51A teacher is among a group of five people purged by Taliban bombers.
2017.11.30IndiaNautan20A Muslim family murders their 14-year-old daughter for having an affair with a Hindu boy - as well as the boy.
2017.11.30PakistanKot Digi39Deobandi followers fire on a rally for a rival theological group, killing three members.
2017.11.30NigeriaKwaya Kusar22Two children are hacked to death at their school by a man thought to be with a Islamic group opposed to Western education.
2017.11.30IraqMosul10Terrorists gun down an oil company executive.
2017.11.29IraqBaaj3400The remains of three-hundred and forty religious minorities are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.11.29IraqMosul140Fourteen civilians are found murdered by ISIS.
2017.11.29NigeriaWuna50A group fighting for ‘Allah’s law’ rampages through a village, burning homes and killing at least five residents.
2017.11.29YemenAden512An ISIS suicide car bomber kills five people outside a finance institution.
2017.11.29PakistanIslamabad24Gunmen spray bullets into a Shiite mosque, killing two worshippers.
2017.11.29IraqHit400Forty victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.
2017.11.29SyriaTal Dakweh10A pilot is chained to the ground and set on fire by the caliphate.
2017.11.29SomaliaNyongoro23Two guards are killed during an al-Shabaab ambush on a passenger bus.
2017.11.28KenyaNyongoro23al-Shabaab ambush a pick-up truck and shoot two passengers to death.
2017.11.28IraqTarimiya26Mujahideen bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2017.11.28AfghanistanMaroof80Three women and a child are among eight civilians blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2017.11.27IraqMosul30Three Iraqis are shot in the head by caliphate members after being forced to dig their own graves.
2017.11.27AfghanistanManar120Twelve local soldiers are murdered by the Taliban during an assault on their post.
2017.11.27IraqBaghdad1131Multiple suicide bombers storm a market and take down eleven civilians.
2017.11.27AfghanistanKhogyani10A mosque official is assassinated at the helm by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.11.27IraqButaya12An ISIS bomb takes down a woman and injures her husband and daughter.
2017.11.26IraqRawa30Jihadis set off a bomb inside a hospital, killing three.
2017.11.26IraqBaaj980Ninety-eight ‘devil worshippers’ are discovered in a mass grave following ISIS execution.
2017.11.26PakistanPeshawar10Suspected fundamentalists shoot a transgender person to death.
2017.11.25PakistanQuetta617A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes six others with him.
2017.11.25IndiaShopian10An off-duty soldier is abducted and brutally shot to death by religious extremists.
2017.11.25NigeriaMagumeri46A 5-year-old boy is among four who lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack.
2017.11.24SomaliaAfgoye33Three people bleed to death following a hand grenade attack near a restaurant.
2017.11.24PakistanPeshawar36A suicide car bomber takes three other persons with him.
2017.11.24SyriaDaraa84A young girl is among eight innocents cut down when terrorists open fire on a mini-bus.
2017.11.24IraqBaghdad24Two Iraqis lose their lives to a Jihad bomb blast at a market.
2017.11.24MaliDouentza1A UN peacekeeper is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2017.11.24PakistanIslamabad19A policeman is killed by hardliners protesting ‘blasphemy’.
2017.11.24MaliMenaka421Three UN peacekeepers and a local soldier are killed by Jihadists.
2017.11.24EgyptRawda311128A hardline group detonates a bomb at a Sufi mosque and then opens fire on fleeing worshippers, mowing down over three-hundred, including twenty-seven children.
2017.11.23IraqBaghdad13Mujahideen plant a bomb at a market that kills a bystander.
2017.11.23AfghanistanJalalabad815Children are among the casualties when a suicide bomber strikes a crowd.
2017.11.23SyriaDamascus210A Sunni group sends mortars into a neighborhood, killing two unfortunate residents.
2017.11.23NigeriaSabon Gari70Islamists stage a middle-of-the-night raid, pull seven farmers out of their beds and shoot them point-blank.
2017.11.22GeorgiaTbilisi10Suspected Islamic State members kill a local soldier at an apartment building.
2017.11.22IraqRambousi730A mass grave is found containing seventy-three Yazidi victims of ISIS execution.
2017.11.22IndiaKeran12Islamic militants murder a border guard.
2017.11.21NigeriaMubi5829A young suicide bomber at a mosque sends fifty-eight worshippers straight to Allah.
2017.11.21IraqTuz Khormato3280A suicide truck bomber plows into a market and obliterates at least thirty-two lives.
2017.11.21IraqAbbasi30Three family members are murdered in their home by Islamic State members.
2017.11.21IraqZurhama12Lashkar-e-Toiba members open fire on a security patrol, killing one.
2017.11.21ThailandBannang Sata11Muslim bombers target a group of teachers, killing a guard.
2017.11.20SyriaDamascus80A child is among eight civilians cut to ribbons by Sunni shrapnel.
2017.11.20SyriaHoms644Jihadis fire rockets into a farming village, killing six.
2017.11.20CameroonKolofata33Three children are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.11.19NigeriaLawanti60Boko Haram gun down five farmers and behead another.
2017.11.18AfghanistanSawakai10An official for a secular court is gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2017.11.18NigeriaMaiduguri24Four suicide bombers manage to kill just two other persons - one a baby.
2017.11.18SyriaIdlib115A Jihadi car bomb leaves one dead.
2017.11.18IraqBaghdad24A Mujahideen bomb blast claims two lives.
2017.11.18AfghanistanFarah68Gunmen fighting for an Islamic state riddle six local cops with bullets.
2017.11.17IndiaZakura11A police officer is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2017.11.17SyriaDeir Ezzor2661A dozen children are among two dozen displaced persons purged by a suicide car bomber.
2017.11.17IraqJahouni21A father and son are murdered in their own home by Islamic State gunmen.
2017.11.17KenyaNairobi03Three children are injured when Islamists fire into a Christian home.
2017.11.16IraqShirqat200Religious extremists execute twenty captives.
2017.11.16AfghanistanKabul1418A Fedayeen suicide bomber strikes a political rally, bringing down fourteen activists.
2017.11.16SyriaDamascus645Terrorists stage a series of attacks that claim the lives of six civilians.
2017.11.15IraqBaghdad27Two civilians are scattered by Mujahid bombers.
2017.11.15IraqEraij30A child is among three people shot to death by suspected ISIS.
2017.11.15Iraqal-Bab30Three children are disassembled by an Islamic State landmine.
2017.11.15NigeriaMaiduguri1429Four suicide bombers obliterate fourteen souls at a quiet suburb, including a pregnant woman and an 8-year-old.
2017.11.15SyriaNubbul216Jihadists target Shiite homes with rockets, killing two.
2017.11.15NigeriaAzaya Kura450Forty-five are reported dead after a Boko Haram assault on a peaceful farming community.
2017.11.14SyriaDamascus15A civilian is killed by Sunni terrorists.
2017.11.14YemenAden617At least six souls are sent to Allah by a suicide bomber.
2017.11.14AfghanistanKandahar2316Two dozen Afghan security personnel are murdered by heavily-armed terrorists.
2017.11.14AfghanistanCharikar10Suspected fundamentalists murder a secular education director.
2017.11.13AfghanistanBajour24Two border guards are picked off by Islamic hardliners.
2017.11.13NigeriaWereng20Two Christians are murdered and then mutilated with machetes by Fulani militants.
2017.11.13AfghanistanFarah181Eighteen local cops are machine-gunned point-blank by fundamentalists in night-vision goggles.
2017.11.12CARBangui420Four are left dead after suspected Muslim militants throw grenades into a concert for peace.
2017.11.12IraqHoud57A Fedayeen suicide bomber wipes out five Iraqis.
2017.11.12USABloomington, MN02An immigrant from Somalia goes on a stabbing spree at a mall, later calling it an answer to the call for Jihad.
2017.11.11NigeriaMaikadiri24Islamists fire on sleeping villagers, killing two.
2017.11.11IraqHawija4000A mass grave is discovered containing the bodies of 400 victims of Islamic State execution.
2017.11.11IraqBaghdad12A civilian is blown to bits by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.11.11IraqMosul20Caliphate bombers take down an engineer and a construction worker.
2017.11.10AfghanistanLashkargah18A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.11.10PhilippinesSumisip64Six security personnel are ambushed and murdered by Abu Sayyaf.
2017.11.10AfghanistanShahbaz52A Taliban attack leaves five others dead.
2017.11.10LibyaBenghazi39Three people are killed when terrorists send mortars into a government building.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-16 15:21:44 | 只看该作者
2017.11.09PakistanQuetta45A Tehrik-e-Taliban suicide bomber takes four souls with him.
2017.11.09AfghanistanMazar-i-Sharif13A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a businessman accused of immoral activities.
2017.11.09EgyptNakhl100Ten souls are extinguished by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis
2017.11.08IraqJeel12A woman is killed in her house by the Islamic State.
2017.11.08KenyaDhabacity126A group fighting for an Islamic caliphate ambushes a convoy and kills a dozen guards.
2017.11.08NigeriaGulak20A Boko Haram attack leaves two dead.
2017.11.07NigeriaRiyom93Nine Church of Christ members are ambushed and murdered by Muslim terrorists as they are returning from a market.
2017.11.07IraqTammuz50Three children are among a family of five snared by an ISIS booby-trap.
2017.11.07NigeriaMaiduguri15Four female suicide bombers rush a field and blow up a farmer.
2017.11.07AfghanistanKabul224A fundamentalist group storms a TV station, killing at two employees.
2017.11.06MaliLellehoye43Four civilians are obliterated by a Jihadi landmine.
2017.11.06NigeriaGulak20Two women lose their lives during a Boko Haram attack.
2017.11.06SomaliaBu’ale40al-Shabaab extremists execute four locals in front of women and children.
2017.11.06PakistanMardan20Muslim terrorists roll up on a police checkpoint and machine-gun two officers.
2017.11.06SyriaDamascus313Terrorists kill three civilians in two attacks.
2017.11.06AfghanistanJalalabad10A 52-year-old consulate employee is gunned down outside his home by terrorists.
2017.11.05CameroonMahoula30Three innocent people are brutally slain by Boko Haram.
2017.11.05SyriaDeir Ezzor75140Children are among seventy-five displaced persons slaughtered by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2017.11.05IraqKirkuk520Two suicide bombers target a Shiite mosque, killing five worshippers.
2017.11.05YemenAden4647A suicide bomber kicks off an assault on a government building that leaves forty-six dead, including children.
2017.11.05IngushetiaYandare12A young police officer is gunned down by Islamic ‘insurgents.’
2017.11.05IraqShalalat16An Islamic State bomb targeting a family kills a child.
2017.11.05IraqTal al-Samn10A boy is pulled into pieces by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.11.05AfghanistanJalgaldi16One passerby is sectionalized by a Taliban bomb.
2017.11.05IraqBaghdad29A bomb in a shopping center claims two lives.
2017.11.05PakistanSouth Waziristan12A Taliban landmine disintegrates a child.
2017.11.04IraqQubba30Three children playing in a garden are cleared out by al-Qaeda shrapnel.
2017.11.04IndiaRajpora12Two attacks by Muslim militants leave one dead.
2017.11.04SyriaDamascus210Two residents are disassembled when Sunnis fire a mortar round into a neighborhood.
2017.11.03IraqUdhaim33Three police officers lose their lives to a brutal Islamic attack.
2017.11.03NigeriaJaddannam66Boko Haram murder six villagers, steal livestock and burn homes.
2017.11.03AfghanistanGaramsir10The Taliban cut off an 85-year-old woman’s hands before killing her.
2017.11.03SyriaQuneitra923An al-Jabhat Nusra suicide bomber exterminates nine residents of a quiet neighborhood.
2017.11.02IndiaSamboora21Muslim terrorists open fire on a security patrol, killing two members.
2017.11.02IndiaKiloora10A political activist is kidnapped, tortured and dies after having his throat slit by Islamic militants.
2017.11.02TunisiaTunis10A militant shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ stabs a guard in the neck outside the parliament.
2017.11.02IraqMosul30Three people bleed to death following a roadside bombing.
2017.11.02NigeriaGaambe-tiv35Muslims target and kill three Christians.
2017.11.01AfghanistanParwan827A sticky bomb triggers a fire that incinerates eight innocents.
2017.11.01IraqSukkar20A mother and child are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2017.11.01PakistanSatto Katla10A young woman is honor killed by her brother over suspected ‘immoral’ activity.
2017.11.01PakistanCharsadda21Suspected fundamentalists kill two police guarding a vaccination drive.
2017.11.01AfghanistanBalkh19A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.11.01IraqRutba30Three people are killed in their own home by an ISIS bomb blast.
2017.11.01IraqMosul60A family of six is obliterated by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.10.31IraqMosul30A woman and two children are disassembled by an Islamic State booby-trap.
2017.10.31CameroonZamga52Islamists strap a bomb to a young girl and send her into a group of children, killing five.
2017.10.31MaliMopti60Six people are killed when Jihadists attack a convoy transporting a secular judge.
2017.10.31AfghanistanKabul723A woman is among five killed by a boy in a suicide vest inside a diplomatic zone.
2017.10.31IraqSulaimaniya22Religious extremists gun down two civilians.
2017.10.31USANew York812A ‘radicalized’ Muslim migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.
2017.10.30NigeriaAjiri Yala53Five are left dead when a Shahid suicide bomber clears out a mosque.
2017.10.30NigeriaBanki40A woman and her two children are among four vaporized by a Boko Haram landmine.
2017.10.29CameroonGouderi110Eleven villagers are eliminated by Boko Haram terrorists.
2017.10.29IraqDaquq10A Kurdish journalist is stabbed to death in his home by Hashd al-Shaabi.
2017.10.29AfghanistanKhan Abad131The Taliban ambush and murder thirteen Afghans at a checkpoint.
2017.10.29Egyptal-Arish20Two young cops are cut down by an Islamist ambush.
2017.10.28IraqMashahada312Three others are laid out when a suicide bomber detonates at a funeral.
2017.10.28NigerGueskérou10A school teacher’s throat is slit by a group opposed to Western education.
2017.10.28YemenAden10A cleric is gunned down in a suspected sectarian attack.
2017.10.28SomaliaMogadishu2930A suicide bomber explodes outside a hotel, setting off a rampage that takes two-dozen lives - including three children and a beheaded woman.
2017.10.28AfghanistanGhazni92Nine police manning two checkpoints are brutally machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2017.10.28IraqTaji19Jihadis leave a bomb outside a row of stores that claims one life.
2017.10.27IraqKirkuk40A man and his wife are among four murdered by Islamic State proponents.
2017.10.27MaliKidal32Three UN workers are killed by radical Muslims.
2017.10.27BahrainManama18Terrorists bomb a bus, killing one passenger.
2017.10.26PakistanChoharpura10A teen girl is honor killed by her father for eloping without his permission,
2017.10.26SomaliaSakow10A mother of eight is stoned to death for adultery by a Sharia court.
2017.10.26DRCMasiani60At least six others are left dead after a raid by the Muslim Defense International.
2017.10.25LibyaAjdabiya10Islamic militants attack a lonely checkpoint, killing a guard.
2017.10.25SomaliaAfgoye1016An al-Shabaab landmine and machine-gun attack obliterate ten civilians on a bus.
2017.10.25IraqMosul20A father and son are sent to the hereafter by an ISIS bomb blast at their home.
2017.10.25MaliSoumpi21Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen members murder two border guards.
2017.10.25LibyaAjdabiya23The Islamic State claims an attack that leaves two dead.
2017.10.25IraqMosul50ISIS members gun down five local cops.
2017.10.25SomaliaMogadishu10A woman is shot to death by a group advocating “strict Sharia.”
2017.10.24AfghanistanChaqma-Choqor150ISIS members disguised in burqa reportedly kill fifteen Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.10.24NigeriaSasawa160Sixteen others are killed during a Jihadist raid on a village and outpost.
2017.10.24AfghanistanFarah94Nine Afghanis lose their lives to an attack by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.10.24AfghanistanKushki Kuhna25Taliban bullets claim two lives.
2017.10.24IraqTal Skuf04Children are among the casualties when Hashd al-Shaabi radicals shell a small town.
2017.10.24IraqBaghdad115A bomb blast in a commercial area leaves one dead.
2017.10.24IraqMosul1700A mass grave is discovered containing one-hundred and seventy victims of ISIS executions.
2017.10.23IraqMosul25Two Iraqis are wiped out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.10.23YemenMudia410Five al-Qaeda suicide bombers go out in a blaze of glory, taking four others with them.
2017.10.22NigeriaMaiduguri1318Suicide bombers detonate at a displaced persons camp, taking thirteen souls with them.
2017.10.22IndiaAnantnag10A street vendor is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.22AfghanistanWaghiz42A horrible attack on a group of police by the Taliban leaves four dead.
2017.10.22AfghanistanTaluqan28Two people at a hotel are exterminated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.22IndiaTral11Brave Jaish-e-Mohammad shoot an 18-year-old woman to death in her home.
2017.10.22ThailandCho Airong10A 27-year-old man is gunned down outside his mothers home by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.22SomaliaDaniga73Seven women farmers are reduced to a bloody mess by an Islamist bomb attack on their minibus.
2017.10.22IndiaHajin10A man is beheaded by Muslim radicals and thrown into a river.
2017.10.21IraqSinjar20Islamic militants booby-trap a home, killing two residents.
2017.10.21AfghanistanKabul154A suicide bomber on foot targets a bus, killing fifteen passengers.
2017.10.21NigerAyorou135Islamists fire RPGs and heavy machine-guns into a group of police, killing thirteen.
2017.10.21ThailandThung Yang Daeng10A 51-year-old village official is shot in the head by Muslim militants.
2017.10.21IraqHammam al-Alil30A woman and her two son are slaughtered in their home by the Islamic State.
2017.10.21SyriaQaryatain1280One-hundred and twenty-eight residents of a Christian town are found stabbed or shot to death by the Islamic State.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-16 15:24:47 | 只看该作者
2017.10.20EgyptWahat1613At least sixteen local cops lose their lives to an Islamist ambush.
2017.10.20AfghanistanKabul5655A suicide bomber massacres fifty-six worshippers at a Shiite mosque.
2017.10.20AfghanistanGhor3310A suicide bomber massacres thirty-three worshippers at a Sunni mosque.
2017.10.20SomaliaMakraz10One other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2017.10.19IraqBaghdad20Two civilians are pulled into pieces by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.10.19IraqBasra20An Islamic State landmine claims two children.
2017.10.18AfghanistanKhashrod53Islamists exterminate five lives in a roadside attack.
2017.10.18IndiaGutroo10An off-duty cop is murdered at his home by Islamic militants.
2017.10.18IraqDaquq13Fundamentalists murder a religious minority.
2017.10.18IraqHamud41Islamist plant a bomb under a police car, killing four occupants.
2017.10.18AfghanistanMaiwand439Two suicide bombers exterminate nearly every Afghan soldier at a local base.
2017.10.18AfghanistanFarah90Nine local cops are ambushed and murdered by the Taliban
2017.10.18AfghanistanBalkh60A half-dozen Afghans lose their lives to Holy Warriors.
2017.10.18NigeriaMora12A young villager is shot to death by Jihadis.
2017.10.18NigeriaDamboa35Religious radicals fire on a security patrol, killing three members.
2017.10.18IndiaWathoo10A middle school teacher’s throat is slit by Hizb ul Mujahideen.
2017.10.18PakistanQuetta10Lashkar-e Jhangvi gunmen take down a man on his way to work.
2017.10.18PakistanQuetta722Seven Pakistanis are blown apart by Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers.
2017.10.18PakistanKhyber Pakhtunkhwa20Two people are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.17AfghanistanKaubl13The Taliban throw a grenade into the street, killing a civilian.
2017.10.17AfghanistanGardez52158Suicide car bombers slaughter over fifty in an attack on a police training facility.
2017.10.17AfghanistanGhazni2043A suicide bomb attack on a governor’s compound leaves twenty dead.
2017.10.16AfghanistanShibkho20Two local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2017.10.16NigeriaMarte19Boko Haram Jihadists kill one person during a raid.
2017.10.16IndiaImam Sahib10Islamic militants gun down a village chief.
2017.10.16Egyptal-Arish715Islamists attack a church and a bank, killing seven.
2017.10.16ThailandTak Bai10A bystander is killed during an attack by Muslim ’separatists.’
2017.10.16NigeriaNkiedonwhro293Mostly women and children are among the twenty-nine Christians massacred by Fulani terrorists while trying to take shelter at a school.
2017.10.15PakistanKurram43A Tehrik-e-Taliban landmine lays out four members of a rescue team.
2017.10.15SyriaBab Touma45Sunnis send mortars into a Christian neighborhood, clearing out four residents.
2017.10.15AfghanistanKhash12A woman bleeds to death following a Taliban bomb blast.
2017.10.15AfghanistanMaruf40The Taliban murder four local cops manning checkpoints.
2017.10.15IraqMosul31Terrorists kill two Iraqis with a bomb and gun down a health department official.
2017.10.15IraqYusufiya110One patrol is left dead after Jihadis set off a bomb at a market.
2017.10.15EgyptSinai637Six local police are machine-gunned by Islamic State members.
2017.10.14NigeriaTaagbe60Fulani militia murder a half-dozen villagers.
2017.10.14AfghanistanShebarghan20A young couple is shot to death for having ‘illicit relations’.
2017.10.14IraqTuz-Khurmato23A bomb left outside a Shiite mosque claims two lives.
2017.10.14IndiaDamhalHanjipora12Islamic militants open fire on a passing police vehicle.
2017.10.14SomaliaMogadishu512312Religious radicals detonate two suicide truck bombs in commercial districts, devastating over five hundred lives.
2017.10.14SyriaDaraa34Terrorists lob shells into a neighborhood, killing three residents.
2017.10.14ThailandPattani10A local official is assassinated at a mosque by a suspected ‘insurgent.’
2017.10.14NigeriaTaegbe65A Muslim raid on a Christian village leaves six dead.
2017.10.14NigeriaArichaka10One person is murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.10.13NigeriaHukke20Two Christians are murdered by Fulanis.
2017.10.13NigeriaKpachudu10One villager is slain by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.13NigeriaNzhweruvo20A Muslim raid leaves two dead.
2017.10.13NigeriaTafigana10One villager is cut down by Muslim extremists.
2017.10.13IraqBashiqa10ISIS bombers take out a shepherd.
2017.10.13PakistanSwat10Suspected Taliban gun down a TV journalist outside his home.
2017.10.13AfghanistanLaglori Khwor30Three brothers riding in a pickup truck are disassembled by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.12AfghanistanPul-e-Khumri11One person is killed when the Taliban fire on the head of a TV station.
2017.10.12NigeriaBelbelu52A woman is among five disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.10.12EgyptCairo11A Coptic priest is hacked to death on the street.
2017.10.12SyriaAbu Fas500Three suicide bombers target a group of refugees, killing at least fifty.
2017.10.12Egyptal-Arish64A fundamentalist attack on a police checkpoint leaves six dead.
2017.10.12IraqHit1120Eleven patrons at a café are vaporized by a suicide bomber.
2017.10.11SyriaDamascus26A pair of suicide bombers kill a pair of bystanders.
2017.10.11SomaliaBalad60A group fighting for Sharia attacks and kills six local security personnel.
2017.10.11NigeriaAribakwa40A 2-year-old is among four Christians murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.10.11NigeriaPlateau30Three people are killed in a Fulani raid on two villages.
2017.10.10NigeriaKpachudu10A young man is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.10NigeriaChuvorivireh10One villager is hacked to death by Fulanis
2017.10.10NigeriaYamteke10Boko Haram shoot another person to death.
2017.10.10KenyaUkunda23Islamists spray a car carrying university employees with bullets, killing two women.
2017.10.10IraqSaridiya26Children are among the casualties when Islamic State members hurl grenades into a family home.
2017.10.10IndiaHajin23A Lashkar-e-Toiba attack leaves two dead.
2017.10.09IraqShirqat11Islamic State militants murder a woman.
2017.10.09PakistanQuetta50A targeted shooting attack on Hazara religious minorities leaves five dead, including a passerby.
2017.10.09SomaliaBosaso713Seven are killed when Islamists attack a checkpoint and then first responders.
2017.10.09PakistanDosali37Pro-Sharia hardliners fire on a government vehicle, killing three.
2017.10.09DRCBeni112ADF Islamists attack UN peacekeepers, killing one.
2017.10.09ThailandNarathiwat11Muslim ‘insurgents’ kill one person with a planted bomb.
2017.10.09PhilippinesMarawi10A soldier is picked off by an Abu Sayyaf sniper while trying to rescue children.
2017.10.09DRCBeni260Islamists tie up twenty-six people and break their necks.
2017.10.09PakistanJhabran10A Christian boy is beaten to death after refusing to convert to Islam.
2017.10.09IndiaDrang10Terrorists murder a border guard.
2017.10.08NigeriaNkie Dongwro11A Christian is killed by Muslim gunmen.
2017.10.08IraqTal Afar600The remains of sixty civilians victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.10.08IraqWahda31Three civilians are disassembled by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2017.10.08IraqHaditha10Terrorists gun down a university professor.
2017.10.07Saudi ArabiaJeddah23Two guards outside a palace lay down their lives to foil a suicide attack.
2017.10.07IraqAbu Ghraib28A bomb at a market leaves two dead.
2017.10.07AfghanistanDand-e Ghori21Sunni fundamentalists fire automatic weapons into a checkpoint, mowing down two police.
2017.10.07DRCBeni110Eleven people are ambushed and murdered by the Muslim Defense International.
2017.10.06Saudi Arabiaal Ardah10A laborer is killed on the job by Shiite militia.
2017.10.06YemenAbyan47An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills four security personnel.
2017.10.06PakistanKhushab32Three innocent people are killed in a suspected Lashkar-i-Jhangvi firing.
2017.10.06SudanKabkabiya10Islamic militia fire on a market, killing a guard.
2017.10.06IndiaTral10Islamic separatists open fire on a soft target, killing a civilian.
2017.10.06MozambiqueMocimboa de Praia30Islamic radicals kill a community leader and two police.
2017.10.05SomaliaBosaso12A businessman is shot to death at a coffee shop by Islamic extremists.
2017.10.05SudanMellit10An ambulance driver is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.05SyriaQusour150Three children are among fifteen civilians torn to shreds by an ISIS rocket attack on their neighborhood.
2017.10.05PakistanJhal Magsi2425A suicide bomber goes off at a Sufi shrine, killing two dozen, including five children.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-16 16:48:17 | 只看该作者
wow !长长的列表。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-16 19:39:29 | 只看该作者
摄郎 发表于 2018-2-16 16:48
wow !长长的列表。


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-18 19:10:16 | 只看该作者
2017.10.20EgyptWahat1613At least sixteen local cops lose their lives to an Islamist ambush.
2017.10.20AfghanistanKabul5655A suicide bomber massacres fifty-six worshippers at a Shiite mosque.
2017.10.20AfghanistanGhor3310A suicide bomber massacres thirty-three worshippers at a Sunni mosque.
2017.10.20SomaliaMakraz10One other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2017.10.19IraqBaghdad20Two civilians are pulled into pieces by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.10.19IraqBasra20An Islamic State landmine claims two children.
2017.10.18AfghanistanKhashrod53Islamists exterminate five lives in a roadside attack.
2017.10.18IndiaGutroo10An off-duty cop is murdered at his home by Islamic militants.
2017.10.18IraqDaquq13Fundamentalists murder a religious minority.
2017.10.18IraqHamud41Islamist plant a bomb under a police car, killing four occupants.
2017.10.18AfghanistanMaiwand439Two suicide bombers exterminate nearly every Afghan soldier at a local base.
2017.10.18AfghanistanFarah90Nine local cops are ambushed and murdered by the Taliban
2017.10.18AfghanistanBalkh60A half-dozen Afghans lose their lives to Holy Warriors.
2017.10.18NigeriaMora12A young villager is shot to death by Jihadis.
2017.10.18NigeriaDamboa35Religious radicals fire on a security patrol, killing three members.
2017.10.18IndiaWathoo10A middle school teacher’s throat is slit by Hizb ul Mujahideen.
2017.10.18PakistanQuetta10Lashkar-e Jhangvi gunmen take down a man on his way to work.
2017.10.18PakistanQuetta722Seven Pakistanis are blown apart by Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers.
2017.10.18PakistanKhyber Pakhtunkhwa20Two people are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.17AfghanistanKaubl13The Taliban throw a grenade into the street, killing a civilian.
2017.10.17AfghanistanGardez52158Suicide car bombers slaughter over fifty in an attack on a police training facility.
2017.10.17AfghanistanGhazni2043A suicide bomb attack on a governor’s compound leaves twenty dead.
2017.10.16AfghanistanShibkho20Two local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2017.10.16NigeriaMarte19Boko Haram Jihadists kill one person during a raid.
2017.10.16IndiaImam Sahib10Islamic militants gun down a village chief.
2017.10.16Egyptal-Arish715Islamists attack a church and a bank, killing seven.
2017.10.16ThailandTak Bai10A bystander is killed during an attack by Muslim ’separatists.’
2017.10.16NigeriaNkiedonwhro293Mostly women and children are among the twenty-nine Christians massacred by Fulani terrorists while trying to take shelter at a school.
2017.10.15PakistanKurram43A Tehrik-e-Taliban landmine lays out four members of a rescue team.
2017.10.15SyriaBab Touma45Sunnis send mortars into a Christian neighborhood, clearing out four residents.
2017.10.15AfghanistanKhash12A woman bleeds to death following a Taliban bomb blast.
2017.10.15AfghanistanMaruf40The Taliban murder four local cops manning checkpoints.
2017.10.15IraqMosul31Terrorists kill two Iraqis with a bomb and gun down a health department official.
2017.10.15IraqYusufiya110One patrol is left dead after Jihadis set off a bomb at a market.
2017.10.15EgyptSinai637Six local police are machine-gunned by Islamic State members.
2017.10.14NigeriaTaagbe60Fulani militia murder a half-dozen villagers.
2017.10.14AfghanistanShebarghan20A young couple is shot to death for having ‘illicit relations’.
2017.10.14IraqTuz-Khurmato23A bomb left outside a Shiite mosque claims two lives.
2017.10.14IndiaDamhalHanjipora12Islamic militants open fire on a passing police vehicle.
2017.10.14SomaliaMogadishu512312Religious radicals detonate two suicide truck bombs in commercial districts, devastating over five hundred lives.
2017.10.14SyriaDaraa34Terrorists lob shells into a neighborhood, killing three residents.
2017.10.14ThailandPattani10A local official is assassinated at a mosque by a suspected ‘insurgent.’
2017.10.14NigeriaTaegbe65A Muslim raid on a Christian village leaves six dead.
2017.10.14NigeriaArichaka10One person is murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.10.13NigeriaHukke20Two Christians are murdered by Fulanis.
2017.10.13NigeriaKpachudu10One villager is slain by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.13NigeriaNzhweruvo20A Muslim raid leaves two dead.
2017.10.13NigeriaTafigana10One villager is cut down by Muslim extremists.
2017.10.13IraqBashiqa10ISIS bombers take out a shepherd.
2017.10.13PakistanSwat10Suspected Taliban gun down a TV journalist outside his home.
2017.10.13AfghanistanLaglori Khwor30Three brothers riding in a pickup truck are disassembled by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.12AfghanistanPul-e-Khumri11One person is killed when the Taliban fire on the head of a TV station.
2017.10.12NigeriaBelbelu52A woman is among five disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.10.12EgyptCairo11A Coptic priest is hacked to death on the street.
2017.10.12SyriaAbu Fas500Three suicide bombers target a group of refugees, killing at least fifty.
2017.10.12Egyptal-Arish64A fundamentalist attack on a police checkpoint leaves six dead.
2017.10.12IraqHit1120Eleven patrons at a café are vaporized by a suicide bomber.
2017.10.11SyriaDamascus26A pair of suicide bombers kill a pair of bystanders.
2017.10.11SomaliaBalad60A group fighting for Sharia attacks and kills six local security personnel.
2017.10.11NigeriaAribakwa40A 2-year-old is among four Christians murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.10.11NigeriaPlateau30Three people are killed in a Fulani raid on two villages.
2017.10.10NigeriaKpachudu10A young man is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.10NigeriaChuvorivireh10One villager is hacked to death by Fulanis
2017.10.10NigeriaYamteke10Boko Haram shoot another person to death.
2017.10.10KenyaUkunda23Islamists spray a car carrying university employees with bullets, killing two women.
2017.10.10IraqSaridiya26Children are among the casualties when Islamic State members hurl grenades into a family home.
2017.10.10IndiaHajin23A Lashkar-e-Toiba attack leaves two dead.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-18 19:11:08 | 只看该作者
2017.10.09IraqShirqat11Islamic State militants murder a woman.
2017.10.09PakistanQuetta50A targeted shooting attack on Hazara religious minorities leaves five dead, including a passerby.
2017.10.09SomaliaBosaso713Seven are killed when Islamists attack a checkpoint and then first responders.
2017.10.09PakistanDosali37Pro-Sharia hardliners fire on a government vehicle, killing three.
2017.10.09DRCBeni112ADF Islamists attack UN peacekeepers, killing one.
2017.10.09ThailandNarathiwat11Muslim ‘insurgents’ kill one person with a planted bomb.
2017.10.09PhilippinesMarawi10A soldier is picked off by an Abu Sayyaf sniper while trying to rescue children.
2017.10.09DRCBeni260Islamists tie up twenty-six people and break their necks.
2017.10.09PakistanJhabran10A Christian boy is beaten to death after refusing to convert to Islam.
2017.10.09IndiaDrang10Terrorists murder a border guard.
2017.10.08NigeriaNkie Dongwro11A Christian is killed by Muslim gunmen.
2017.10.08IraqTal Afar600The remains of sixty civilians victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.10.08IraqWahda31Three civilians are disassembled by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2017.10.08IraqHaditha10Terrorists gun down a university professor.
2017.10.07Saudi ArabiaJeddah23Two guards outside a palace lay down their lives to foil a suicide attack.
2017.10.07IraqAbu Ghraib28A bomb at a market leaves two dead.
2017.10.07AfghanistanDand-e Ghori21Sunni fundamentalists fire automatic weapons into a checkpoint, mowing down two police.
2017.10.07DRCBeni110Eleven people are ambushed and murdered by the Muslim Defense International.
2017.10.06Saudi Arabiaal Ardah10A laborer is killed on the job by Shiite militia.
2017.10.06YemenAbyan47An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills four security personnel.
2017.10.06PakistanKhushab32Three innocent people are killed in a suspected Lashkar-i-Jhangvi firing.
2017.10.06SudanKabkabiya10Islamic militia fire on a market, killing a guard.
2017.10.06IndiaTral10Islamic separatists open fire on a soft target, killing a civilian.
2017.10.06MozambiqueMocimboa de Praia30Islamic radicals kill a community leader and two police.
2017.10.05SomaliaBosaso12A businessman is shot to death at a coffee shop by Islamic extremists.
2017.10.05SudanMellit10An ambulance driver is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.05SyriaQusour150Three children are among fifteen civilians torn to shreds by an ISIS rocket attack on their neighborhood.
2017.10.05PakistanJhal Magsi2425A suicide bomber goes off at a Sufi shrine, killing two dozen, including five children.
2017.10.04NigerTillabéri92Four Americans are among nine members of a security patrol killed during an ambush by Islamic militants.
2017.10.04IraqHussayneyah24Two Iraqis are blown to bits by Mujahid car bombers.
2017.10.04LibyaMisrata440An Islamic State suicide bomber detonates at a court complex, killing four.
2017.10.04IsraelKfar Qassem10A Jewish man is beaten to death at his factory by Palestinians.
2017.10.03PakistanYazman10A young women is honor killed with an axe for marrying against her family’s wishes.
2017.10.03IraqFallujah30A woman is among three residents killed in their own homes by ISIS bombs.
2017.10.03IndiaSrinagar12Fedayeen stage a suicide attack near an airport, killing a guard.
2017.10.02IraqQaim20Two young people are executed for ‘apostasy’ by the caliphate.
2017.10.02IndiaPadgampora10Religious extremists barge into a house a shoot a man to death in cold blood.
2017.10.02PakistanMalam Jabba12A bomb planted by religious radicals claims the life of a villager.
2017.10.02SyriaDamscus1720Two Shahid suicide bombers slaughter seventeen.
2017.10.01RussiaTetkino10Muslim terrorists murder a border guard.
2017.10.01SudanZalingei19Islamic militia fire into a displaced persons camp, killing at least one refugee.
2017.10.01FranceMarseille20A man shouting praises to Allah slits the throat of one women and stabs another to death.
2017.09.30EnglandBirmingham01A 14-year-old Shiite is stabbed in a targeted attack by Sunni radicals.
2017.09.30SudanTawila13Janjaweed militia shoot a local herdsman to death.
2017.09.30CanadaEdmonton, AB04A man with an ISIS flag stabs a cop and runs over four pedestrians.
2017.09.30NigeriaBama10One person is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2017.09.30AfghanistanHerat22Two Taliban bombs take care of two Afghans.
2017.09.29RussiaBelogorsk22An observant Muslim soldier turns his automatic weapon on non-Muslim peers, killing two.
2017.09.29AfghanistanKabul529At least five innocents are massacred outside a Shiite mosque by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2017.09.29SomaliaBarire1011A suicide bomber attacks a local army base, killing ten.
2017.09.29AfghanistanKansak93A brutal attack by Islamic radicals leaves nine dead.
2017.09.28IraqHawija100Ten civilians are lined up and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.09.28IraqRamadi13A Shahid suicide bomber takes one other soul with him.
2017.09.28AfghanistanMaroof124A Shahid suicide bomber goes off at a government building, taking out a dozen Afghans.
2017.09.28AfghanistanKabul416A least four people are killed by fundamentalist bombers outside a mosque.
2017.09.28SomaliaMogadishu710Mujahid bombers destroy seven patrons at busy market.
2017.09.28Burkina FasoKahoel10One person is gunned down by Ansaroul Islam.
2017.09.27Burkina FasoTouronata30A cleric is among three people assassinated in their own homes by Islamic radicals.
2017.09.27AfghanistanKabul111A woman is killed when the Taliban send rockets toward an airport.
2017.09.27NigeriaGuzamala30Islamists kill three villagers and burn over 100 homes.
2017.09.27NigeriaDikwa20At least two people along a highway die from a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2017.09.27IndiaHajin14Muslim militants shoot a policeman to death in his own home in front of his family.
2017.09.27IraqBaghdad24Terrorists set off a car bomb at a busy intersection, killing two locals.
2017.09.27IraqQaim50Five people are executed for “communicating with apostates.”
2017.09.27IraqSaef Saad10A tribal elder is abducted and beheaded by the caliphate.
2017.09.26IraqBaghdad10Fundamentalists murder an alcohol dealer with a planted bomb.
2017.09.26IsraelHar Adar31A Palestinian gunman opens fire on a security gate, killing three people.
2017.09.26PakistanRaiwind20A young couple is honor killed by the girl’s parents.
2017.09.26AfghanistanHerat23Two security personnel die from a Taliban roadside bombing.
2017.09.26AfghanistanFarah30Fundamentalist bombers blow three local cops to bits.
2017.09.26NigeriaDikwa53A female suicide bomber storms a rival mosque and sends five souls to Allah.
2017.09.26IraqBaghdad210Two bombs take care of two Iraqis.
2017.09.26Burkina FasoTongomayel20Two people are killed by Ansaroul Islam.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-20 10:26:54 | 只看该作者
2017.09.25MyanmarKha Maung Seik170Seventeen more Hindu victims of Muslim execution are discovered.
2017.09.25SyriaSalamiyeh43Two children are among four residents torn apart by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.09.25AfghanistanMaiwand11The Taliban pick off a civilian with a roadside bomb.
2017.09.25AfghanistanKandahar20Fundamentalists set off a bomb near a hospital, killing two passersby.
2017.09.24SomaliaGalgala35A woman is among three people killed by al-Shabaab.
2017.09.24AfghanistanWach Karez17Women and children are among the casualties of a Taliban bomb blast.
2017.09.24SomaliaMogadishu20Two government employees are assassinated on their way home from a mosque.
2017.09.24MaliAnefis35Three UN peacekeepers are blown to bits by ‘The Group to Support Islam and Muslims’.
2017.09.24MyanmarYe Baw Kya280Twenty Hindu women and eight children are found in a mass grave after their execution by Muslim militants.
2017.09.24IraqQaim30Three young people are dragged from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.24IraqBabil51Sectarian Jihadis open fire on a city street, dropping five people at random.
2017.09.23PakistanRajgal10A border guard is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2017.09.23AfghanistanBagh-i-Attar58Muslim extremists suddenly spray a police checkpoint with automatic weapons fire, killing five.
2017.09.23AfghanistanNad-e-Ali10The Taliban ambush and kill a local police chief.
2017.09.22IraqRashidiya10A legal professional loses his life after Islamic State loyalists plant a bomb under his car.
2017.09.22IraqSinjar30Three civilians are murdered in their own home by the Islamic State.
2017.09.22IraqBaqubah10A law student is shot to death by suspected terrorists.
2017.09.22ThailandSai Buri47Muslim terrorists ambush and murder four members of a local security patrol.
2017.09.22AfghanistanDaikund11The Taliban murder a man inside his home.
2017.09.21IndiaTral330Three people, including a teenage girl, are killed when Islamic militants hurl a grenade into a bus stop.
2017.09.21AfghanistanShajoy52The Taliban attack a local security checkpoint, killing five members.
2017.09.20IraqBaghdad14A Mujahideen bomb blast claims one civilian.
2017.09.20IraqBaghdad10Religious conservatives murder a liquor store vendor with a bomb.
2017.09.20NigeriaDaima924At least nine innocents are slaughtered when Boko Haram attack a peaceful farming community.
2017.09.20SyriaHasakah40A landmine planted by the Islamic State transforms four children into pulp.
2017.09.20IraqTal Afar200Twenty civilian victims of ISIS are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.09.20SomaliaMogadishu13Islamists put a bomb under a car that claims the life of the driver.
2017.09.20PakistanAchar Kali20A 10-year-old is among two sisters honor killed by their father for leaving the house without permission.
2017.09.19IraqTal Qasr400Forty victims of ISIS torture are found in a mass grave.
2017.09.19IraqSaladin334Two suicide bombers walk into a restaurant and detonates, taking out three diners in mid-bite.
2017.09.19IraqHawija130Twelve tuberculosis patients and their doctor are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.19PakistanSukkur58A bomb planted by suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leaves five dead, including two factory workers.
2017.09.19IraqAli Saray10A farmer is laid out by Jihadi shrapnel.
2017.09.18SyriaQamishli16A bomb planted on a motorbike kills a passing child.
2017.09.18PakistanChaman117A civilian is blown to smithereens by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.09.18NigeriaMashalari1543Two female suicide bombers attack an aid distribution station, slaughtering over fifteen needy people.
2017.09.18SomaliaMogadishu13A local official is gunned down by al-Shabaab.
2017.09.18AfghanistanKandahar60A half dozen civilians are destroyed by a Taliban bomb.
2017.09.18IraqBaghdad12A bomb attached to a taxi produces one corpse.
2017.09.18AfghanistanIslam Qalah30Fundamentalists execute three kidnapped workers.
2017.09.18IraqMosul20A man and his wife are beheaded by sectarian radicals.
2017.09.17NigeriaKurmiri50Five villagers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.09.17AfghanistanKhost414Jihadi bombers hit a mobile phone market, bringing down four attendees.
2017.09.17PakistanKhar60The Tehreek e-Taliban blow six persons into bits with a planted bomb.
2017.09.17AfghanistanDeh Yak80Eight others are killed when the Taliban attack a local checkpoint.
2017.09.17SomaliaKalabayr43A group fighting for an Islamic State murders four security personnel.
2017.09.17IraqMosul1523A bomb left at a school kills fifteen.
2017.09.16IraqSaddiyah50Five local cops are turned to ash by Islamic terrorists.
2017.09.16IraqKirkuk39Bombers target a shop selling alcohol, taking three lives.
2017.09.16IraqMuqdadiya27A suicide bomber detonates outside a shop, killing two innocents.
2017.09.16PakistanAchar Kalay20A conservative father honor kills his two daughters with a gun after discovering they were having affairs.
2017.09.16PakistanJangalkhel11Terrorists fire on a social worker, killing his bodyguard.
2017.09.16AfghanistanLamen62A half-dozen police at a checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by militants fighting to establish Sharia.
2017.09.15Burkina FasoDowoule20A monk is among two people exterminated by Jihad warriors.
2017.09.15FranceBourgogne-Franche-Comté02A man shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ attacks two women with a hammer, severely injuring both.
2017.09.15EnglandLondon029A ‘cell of several Jihadis’ set off an incendiary bomb on a passenger train.
2017.09.15AfghanistanKandahar12A suicide car bomber plows into security patrol, killing one member.
2017.09.15IraqDora13A planted bomb explodes at a market, killing a patron.
2017.09.15SyriaDeir Ezzor11ISIS lob a mortar shell into a neighborhood, killing one resident.
2017.09.15IraqHawija50Two children are among a family of five exterminated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.09.15AfghanistanKandalan55Religious radicals spray a group of police with gunfire, purging five.
2017.09.14Burkina FasoWendpoli10A village chief is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic militants.
2017.09.14PakistanShah Alam Baba30Muslim terrorists shoot three people in a passing vehicle to death.
2017.09.14IraqNasiriyah8493Over eighty are massacred when suicide bombers fire into a restaurant before blowing themselves up.
2017.09.14ThailandYala226Muslim ‘insurgents’ stop a police patrol with a bomb, then open fire on members.
2017.09.14SyriaHarfa14Terrorists kill a civilian.
2017.09.14AfghanistanJaghatoo10A fundamentalist group plants an IED that claims one life.
2017.09.14FranceToulouse07A man shouting praises to Allah violently assaults strangers on the street.
2017.09.14IraqQaim30Three civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.13IraqNahrawan16Mujahideen plant a bomb near a brick kiln that takes a life.
2017.09.13IraqMussayab110A suicide bomber claims one other life.
2017.09.13AfghanistanKabul35A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a cricket tournament, killing three innocents.
2017.09.13EgyptSinai20Two Egyptians are taken down by a suicide bomber.
2017.09.13CameroonSandawadjiri51A child with a suicide vest is blown up in front of a mosque, taking five others with her.
2017.09.12IraqMashtal11A Jihadi car bomb claims one life.
2017.09.12AfghanistanManogi20Two civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.09.12GermanyBerlin01Two Muslim refugees beat and stab another for wearing a Christian cross.
2017.09.11IraqQaim50Five young people are beheaded in front of their family by caliphate supporters.
2017.09.11AfghanistanMazar-e-Sharif10A Spanish doctor working as a humanitarian worker is brutally slain by a suspected radical.
2017.09.11EgyptSinai187Eighteen policemen are massacred by Islamic State loyalists in a suicide car bombing.
2017.09.11SomaliaBeled-Hawo1624Sixteen others are left dead after a suicide assault by Fedayeen on a small town.
2017.09.11SomaliaBal’ad30Three security personnel are shot at close range by al-Shabaab.
2017.09.11SomaliaMogadishu14Islamists plant a car bomb outside a hotel that claims one life.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-20 10:27:36 | 只看该作者
2017.09.10KenyaMararani16A Kenyan is vaporized by al-Shabaab shrapnel.
2017.09.10IraqNahrawan20Two women are tortured and killed by suspected ISIS.
2017.09.10SomaliaBeledweyne415A suicide bomber detonates at a café, laying out four patrons.
2017.09.10MyanmarFakirabazar860Eighty-six Hindus are reportedly slain by Muslim ‘rebels.’
2017.09.10SomaliaJillib30Three Kenyans are publicly beheaded by Islamists.
2017.09.10PakistanKuchlak53A boy and two women are among five dead when Sunnis fire point-blank on Hazara religious minorities.
2017.09.09IraqBaghdad33Jihadis set off a bomb at a market that claims three lives.
2017.09.09AfghanistanKapisa20A cleric and his body guard are assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.09.09IndiaAnantnag12Islamic radicals fire on a passing police party, killing one member.
2017.09.08AfghanistanBala Buluk40Four policemen are shot to death in their car by fundamentalists.
2017.09.08SomaliaBaidoa34Three restaurant patrons are taken out in mid-bite by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.09.08NigeriaMallan20Two farmers are gunned down by Islamists.
2017.09.08IraqBaghdad18A Mujahid blast claims an innocent life.
2017.09.08NigeriaAncha195Six women and six children are among nineteen Christian villagers butchered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.09.08IraqAyadia500Fifty civilians are discovered tortured and shot in the head by Islamic State proponents.
2017.09.08NigeriaNgala73Islamists pour machine-gun fire into a displaced person camp, picking apart seven refugees.
2017.09.08NigeriaMuna Garage25Two refugees are blown to bits in the camp by a Boko Haram suicide blast.
2017.09.08AfghanistanParaw50A radicalized policeman shoots four comrades and one civilian to death.
2017.09.07IndiaSrinagar114A civilian bleeds to death after terrorists toss a grenade into a market.
2017.09.07IraqYoussefiya14Jihadis place a bomb outside a row of shops that claims one life.
2017.09.07AfghanistanPashmaki52Five Afghans are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.09.07IraqKirkuk120A dozen civilians are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2017.09.07YemenKhor13A displaced woman succumbs to injuries after a Shiite militia bomb a residential area.
2017.09.06NigeriaMallan30Three young people are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2017.09.06NigeriaKesa Kura30Advocates for a Sharia state murder three villagers.
2017.09.06KenyaLamu50Five Christians are targeted and beheaded by al-Shabaab…
2017.09.06BangladeshDhaka40Two women and two children are incinerated by a suicide blast during a raid on Jamayetul Mujahideen.
2017.09.06MyanmarRakhine60Six Hindus are killed by Muslim terrorists.
2017.09.05IraqNajaf31A grenade attack on a rival cleric leaves three dead.
2017.09.05IraqKhan Dhari14A bomb planted by Mujahideen at a market kills one patron.
2017.09.05NigeriaBulamari40Boko Haram murder four farmers in a drive-by shooting.
2017.09.05MaliKidal22Two peacekeepers bleed out following a landmine attack by suspected Islamists.
2017.09.05AfghanistanHaska Mina30Two brothers and their uncle are abducted and executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.05IndiaKuppam11A Hindu man is hacked to death for being in a relationship with a Muslim woman.
2017.09.04PakistanKarachi11Ansar ul Sharia members open fire on police, killing one.
2017.09.04SomaliaElasha Biyaha24A remote-controlled bomb takes down two passersby.
2017.09.04MyanmarMaungtaw10Another Hindu villager is reported killed by Muslim terrorists.
2017.09.04IraqRamadi70Terrorists break into a home and shoot all seven members of a family to death.
2017.09.03KenyaUkunda22Suspected al-Shabaab members open fire on a church during service, killing two guards.
2017.09.03SomaliaKismayo1110At least eleven others are killed when a suicide bomber strikes a local security base.
2017.09.03IraqAnbar160Sixteen civilians are executed in cold blood by caliphate members.
2017.09.02PakistanKarachi20A child is among two people killed by Ansar ul Sharia gunmen.
2017.09.02IraqSamarra712Suicide bombers take out seven employees at a power plant.
2017.09.01PakistanShati Meena32A father and son are among three people dismantled by Islamic bombers.
2017.09.01SomaliaAf-Urur1310A group fighting for an Islamic State plants a bomb that claims thirteen lives.
2017.09.01IndiaPanta Chowk17One person is killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba members attack a bus.


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