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发表于 2001-8-6 15:23:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我目前刚刚拿到考雅思的通知,可是,在网上看了很多文章,very confused,移民究竟是为什么?我们活着是为什么?
发表于 2001-8-7 07:35:16 | 只看该作者
come to Canada is to have a better life than in China.  If you are in some 'big' cities in China, then you can count how many days you can see the blue sky in one year.  Of course, people have to have money to live, so, if you think you are very competitive, (better be in I.T.), then welcome to Canada.
发表于 2001-8-7 11:54:41 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2001-8-7 12:15:15 | 只看该作者
athough i am in IT,but i was a sales for 2 years, and now as a tester for 1 year,i dont feel i am very competitive, but i am highflying. and if i work hard, i believe i'll make it. but now,i hesitate bacause i saw many articles that many person have failed in canada, and i feel very terrible bacause my parent push me out, but my BF is against it very much. i am miserable between them.
the aim of going to canada bring me driver to learn english and computer,or i have not drive.
so u believe the life is canada is better than in china for sure?
发表于 2001-8-7 12:37:18 | 只看该作者
You may find much more negative comments about Canada & Immigrant on internet (forum, bbs, ...), one reason (not all) is that, those people who do not get a job yet, who do not like Canada so do not want to be a member of this society, always have more time on net and write more words.

Actually, there are always positive people and negative guys in every single society. You could be a happy guy without car/house/girlfriend, you could be a lonely person standing in a crowded street, you could be a hero even you were defeated, it really depends. Think about what you really want to do, your target, then you could tell youself the answer YOU want.
发表于 2001-8-7 12:46:43 | 只看该作者
匿名  发表于 2001-8-7 13:11:46
楼上的 perm 的说法我不赞同。







发表于 2001-8-8 08:30:36 | 只看该作者

照你所说,pmer(不是perm)把在论坛上经常炮制文字的人都归入失意者行列了,这不是明摆着挤兑人吗?站到了我们广大网虫,尤其是板主您的对立面,这种不利于安定团结,不利于经济发展国防建设祖国统一人民安康的文字,没有不删的道理啊,班主还不把这种人拉下去砍了......等一下,他好象说的是one reason (not all)啊,oh

 楼主| 发表于 2001-8-8 09:49:08 | 只看该作者
匿名  发表于 2001-8-10 06:22:58
hi you guys there, spending time talking about going to canada or not is meaningless.  what matters most is that who you wanna be and what life you are supposed to live.  you need to work our by yourself who really you are and what your ambitions are.  no one can give you any clue if you give up at the first place.  whether to still live in china or go to canada is a topic that you yourself shall figure out.  no matter what happens to everyone of us in this planet, be happy is the most important, right?  

by the way, going for IT may not be a smart choice at present if you seek for development in canada or even in the states.  the market has been overwhelming and there have been so many lay-off and increasing jobless technitians.  

keep your mind and eyes open, good fortune may goes for you.

best wishes from vancouver
匿名  发表于 2001-8-10 10:48:22

If you have a dream, you must try it.

In my view, immigration to Canada by DIY is at low cost and take
little risk. If you have a dream, go for it. You lose nothing but make
your life enriched. Come and see, if you fit, stay here. If not, go back,
if you are able, you will have no problem surviving anywhere.

Life is short, enjoy youself, try to explore the world, the colorful life.

Canada is really a good country. I love Canada.
匿名  发表于 2001-8-11 23:30:28



但是,回到现实,稳定的经济来源是一切的基础。但是不是一蹴而就的。要有耐心。Believe someday it will pay back.
匿名  发表于 2001-8-18 22:03:16
Please do not think so much. Just go ahead. You will feel more confused when you think more.

Don't be afraid. You will always be able to roll back when you feel upset.

And, in my point of view. A capable person can live well at anywhere.

Good luck!
 楼主| 发表于 2001-8-19 19:35:13 | 只看该作者

change way to think

i am very glad to see so many friends have good ideas.
my old brother encouged me that just go head,even if i can not survive in canada,my english will be very good after staying there for half a year,even if i come back, i will find a better job in shanghai.if i think in this way, it will reduce my stress and i'll be brave enough to go to canada.it says:when u r faced with diffculties,will u cry or will u dance, to cry is cowardice ,to dance is to take brave action.i'll choose the second choice.
匿名  发表于 2001-8-21 14:54:21
I am working in IT and as a Network Administrator. Also This is a free job and sometime it's free. But I still think it's not a good way to come to Canada. Also Job, Money, And environment is important. But In Canada we are second level people. Also no one told me. My family in Canada and already buy a house. But it's all.don't like in china I feel free. I have many relationship (also I have more 20 distance relationship in Canada). But it's different. In China I have many friend I think it's better in Canada. Also you have ajob in Canada. But you don't know how long you can keep it.
So Canada it's not good enough as you think in China.
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