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发表于 2013-10-6 20:57:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 齐力 于 2013-10-6 22:02 编辑

Dorothy 是我教会的一个朋友,今年七十七,面色清秀,一双蓝眸依然清澈明亮,娇小玲珑的她有着东方人一般的柔和。老太太是个虔诚的基督徒,我来教会第一天,她就给我一个温暖的拥抱和天使般的微笑。事实上每次见到她,她都是那么亲切慈祥,拥抱每一个见到她的人,尤其是对那些新来的和看起来有点沮丧的朋友,老太太都会过去嘘寒问暖,如果他们愿意,她会虔诚地为他(她)们祈祷。在我认识她这么多年里,我从来没有看到她一次不耐烦,也没有听她抱怨任何人。


去她家那天,一位有着四个小朋友的单亲妈妈告诉我她不能去打扰Dorothy,孩子太吵了。我说你知不知道Dorothy 叮嘱我多少次一定要见你和孩子们。等我和这个家庭到了Dorothy家,已经是满屋子的欢声笑语,教会里的人已经济济一堂了。老太太见到孩子们,欣喜万分,挨个亲吻,当然也给了我一个。因为我带来她的孩子们。

Dorothy 曾经六次患癌症,最终战胜了病魔。老太太现在健康快乐!


参与人数 3经验 +11 收起 理由
老匠 + 4
YorkDeer + 3 感谢赞美主!
白色百合 + 4


 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 21:04:13 | 只看该作者

Be Thou My Vison

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发表于 2013-10-6 21:14:15 | 只看该作者
Dorothy 是我教会的一个朋友,今年七十七,面色清秀,一双蓝眸依然清澈明亮,娇小玲珑的她有着东方人一般的柔和。老太太是个虔诚的基督徒,我来教会第一天,她就给我一个温暖的拥抱和天使般的微笑。事实上每次见到她,她都是那么亲切慈祥,拥抱每一个见到她的人,尤其是对那些新来的和看起来有点沮丧的朋友,老太太都会过去嘘寒问暖,如果他们愿意,她会虔诚地为他(她)们祈祷。在我认识她这么多年里,我从来没有看到她一次不耐烦,也没有听她抱怨任何人。
去她家那天,一位有着四个小朋友的单亲妈妈告诉我她不能去打扰Dorothy,孩子太吵了。我说你知不知道Dorothy 叮嘱我多少次一定要见你和孩子们。等我和这个家庭到了Dorothy家,已经是满屋子的欢声笑语,教会里的人已经济济一堂了。老太太见到孩子们,欣喜万分,挨个亲吻,当然也给了我一个。因为我带来她的孩子们。
Dorothy 曾经六次患癌症,最终战胜了病魔。老太太现在健康快乐!
齐力 发表于 2013-10-6 21:57

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发表于 2013-10-6 21:19:58 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 21:20:43 | 只看该作者
费老 发表于 2013-10-6 22:14


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 21:22:11 | 只看该作者
superca 发表于 2013-10-6 22:19


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发表于 2013-10-6 21:24:07 | 只看该作者
Dorothy 是我教会的一个朋友,今年七十七,面色清秀,一双蓝眸依然清澈明亮,娇小玲珑的她有着东方人一般的柔和。老太太是个虔诚的基督徒,我来教会第一天,她就给我一个温暖的拥抱和天使般的微笑。事实上每次见到她,她都是那么亲切慈祥,拥抱每一个见到她的人,尤其是对那些新来的和看起来有点沮丧的朋友,老太太都会过去嘘寒问暖,如果他们愿意,她会虔诚地为他(她)们祈祷。在我认识她这么多年里,我从来没有看到她一次不耐烦,也没有听她抱怨任何人。
去她家那天,一位有着四个小朋友的单亲妈妈告诉我她不能去打扰Dorothy,孩子太吵了。我说你知不知道Dorothy 叮嘱我多少次一定要见你和孩子们。等我和这个家庭到了Dorothy家,已经是满屋子的欢声笑语,教会里的人已经济济一堂了。老太太见到孩子们,欣喜万分,挨个亲吻,当然也给了我一个。因为我带来她的孩子们。
Dorothy 曾经六次患癌症,最终战胜了病魔。老太太现在健康快乐!
齐力 发表于 2013-10-6 21:57

听从上帝的安排吧, 阿门!

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发表于 2013-10-6 21:24:18 | 只看该作者
齐力 发表于 2013-10-6 22:20

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 21:25:11 | 只看该作者

下面是Dorothy 的见证之一::


I was preparing for Christmas and walked into the kitchen, Christmas cards in hand to show my husband Tomas. I shared with him the card I had for his sister and he was pleased. He sat at the kitchen table, looking so calm and peaceful with a beautiful glow on his face as I put my arms around him and hugged him.

Just then, the phone rang in the living room. I went to answer it and shortly afterwards, Tomas walked slowly to the door saying he needed to go to the hospital. Within a split second of turning my head to hang up the phone, Tomas had been supernaturally transported beyond what my eyes could see.I ran from the front door to the veranda and saw Tomas on the far side of the driveway close to my neighbor’s property. I was baffled, but realized later Tomas was suffering from a massive heart attack. The Good Lord was watching over Tomas preventing him from falling down the large cement steps which had norailing. I watched in awe as Tomas bent his knees and gently laid his head on the driveway, as though somebody was helping him.

I was battling cancer at the time, the Lord gave me strengthas I ran to Tomas and heard him say, “Called Cindy.” I could not speak, but our neighbour Cindy ran to us from next door, sat her child beside me and ran to call an ambulance. She and another neighbor picked up some coats to keep Tomas warm.

Many people extended their love and prayers towards us. The officer arranged with Cindy our neighbor, to call the ambulance and the family which just the day before, I felt compelled to put children’s phone number on the refrigerator door-I silently thanked the Lord. The officer drove me to the hospital and was very supportive and understanding.

I arrived at the hospital alone to hear the devastating and shocking news that my husband had passed away while my dear children were atwork. It was a very trying and emotional time but the Lord was with me and covered me with His love and peace. I had to give this to Him as I was battling cancerat the time. My precious children were very shocked and emotional but God covered with His love and peace as well. Many people prayed for my family that day, “Thank God”.

As I was standing beside my husband’s body, the Lord suddenly gave me a vision of the word, “Give”. I said to the nurse standing by, “I want to give all of my husband’s organs”. The nurse replied, “Due to the heart attack, we may be able to remove only the cornea from his eyes”. Immediately, I looked at my husband’s face as though I was looking for his approval. At that precise moment, I saw one of his eyes open and close, as though he was winking at meand saying: “I agree-go for it” . My heart chuckled at such a scene. It was God’s perfect timing, assuring me and my family to go for it.

Two days before Christmas, the Eye Bank called me, and later sent me a letter confirming that the transplant was successful. A woman who had been blind for ten years had now received her eyesight- the gift from Tomas.That is exactly what my husband would have wanted, fulfilling the meaning ofChristmas, as he would have often travelled for miles to help another person in need.

Tomas once shared a very interesting story with me, I’ll never forget. One Easter Sunday morning, he had been walking down the street suffering from a very bad back pain, having great difficulty walking. He noticed a paper crown sitting on the sidewalk, probably dropped from a child coming from Sunday School.Tomas noticed it represented the crown of thorns that Jesus wore on His head. Tomas tried painfully to avoid from stepping on the crown, as he honored and respected its meaning. As a result, his back was instantly healed! Later, Tomas took a Bible course at Canada Christian College in Torontoand did extremely well. He also loved to sketch and drew some beautiful Bible sketches related to his course.

Tomas held a deep faith in God and often attended church with his family. He was a person of honor, Customs Canada was pleased always to receive Tomas’ work, which was always up to par. He had a great sense of humorthat everyone loved, making many people laugh, including his family.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 21:33:50 | 只看该作者
听从上帝的安排吧, 阿门!
velocity 发表于 2013-10-6 22:24

希望你说的是真心话.:-D 如果你在上帝面前谦卑,你的内心会得到平静。和你分享一下我堂妹给我写的Email. 她最近来多伦多开会,我们在一起重温了旧日时光。这是她离开多伦多之前给我发的email. 请着重看红字部分。

Dear sister,

I am soooo happy spending time with you too! my memory of colleges days came back: you took care of me, brought me snacks and fruits and gave me your favorite clothes (just like my dad took care of your dad...)

I wanted having dinner with you everyday after meeting but worried about you would be so tired after work and driving.... i have been wanted to see you in person to see your life here. now i find peace and it is a true blessing to learn that you live a happy life and you have god looking after you. ever i am not a christian, but i do believe you have god looking after you and that is a great comfort to me.

Now it is your turn, you have to come to san francisco to see my life

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 21:35:34 | 只看该作者
费老 发表于 2013-10-6 22:24


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发表于 2013-10-6 21:39:13 | 只看该作者
齐力 发表于 2013-10-6 22:35

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 21:41:31 | 只看该作者
费老 发表于 2013-10-6 22:39


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发表于 2013-10-6 21:56:48 | 只看该作者
希望你说的是真心话. 如果你在上帝面前谦卑,你的内心会得到平静。和你分享一下我堂妹给我写的Email. 她最近来多伦多开会,我们在一起重温了旧日时光。这是她离开多伦多之前给我发的email. 请着重看红字部分。

Dear sister,

I am soooo happy spending time with you too! my memory of colleges days came back: you took care of me, brought me snacks and fruits and gave me your favorite clothes (just like my dad took care of your dad...)

I wanted having dinner with you everyday after meeting but worried about you would be so tired after work and driving.... i have been wanted to see you in person to see your life here. now i find peace and it is a true blessing to learn that you live a happy life and you have god looking after you. ever i am not a christian, but i do believe you have god looking after you and that is a great comfort to me.

Now it is your turn, you have to come to san francisco to see my life
齐力 发表于 2013-10-6 22:33

我当然说的真心话, 在上帝面前,我是如此的谦卑,犹如绵羊般地温顺,因为我知道上帝是伟大的, 他给予你的,都有他的道理,尽管你一时都无法明白为什么。同样, 他给予其他人的,也是他们应该得到的,因为这是上帝想让他们得到的。
在上帝面前,我们犹如绵羊般无弱小和无助, 但我们知道上帝是爱我们的。我们将平静,安详地接受上帝的给予!
顺便说一句, 你堂妹是在中国受教育的中国人吧,我想用自己的母语更能把一些细微的感情描述的更精确到位。 都是自己人之间通信, 何必用英文书写呢?有卖弄的嫌疑!
俺一个舅公,十多岁去国外,著名大学教授, 写给国内的家信都是一笔一划工工整整的中文书写,包括写给俺的书信。爱自己民族文化从自己做起!

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-6 22:01:37 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 齐力 于 2013-10-6 23:02 编辑
我当然说的真心话, 在上帝面前,我是如此的谦卑,犹如绵羊般地温顺,因为我知道上帝是伟大的, 他给予你的,都有他的道理,尽管你一时都无法明白为什么。同样, 他给予其他人的,也是他们应该得到的,因为这是上帝想让他们得到的。
在上帝面前,我们犹如绵羊般无弱小和无助, 但我们知道上帝是爱我们的。我们将平静,安详地接受上帝的给予!

顺便说一句, 你堂妹是在中国受教育的中国人吧,我想用自己的母语更能把一些细微的感情描述的更精确到位。 都是自己人之间通信, 何必用英文书写呢?有卖弄的嫌疑!
俺一个舅公,十多岁去国外,著名大学教授, 写给国内的家信都是一笔一划工工整整的中文书写,包括写给俺的书信。爱自己民族文化从自己做起!
velocity 发表于 2013-10-6 22:56


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