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夏天花攝影照片 2 雜說 Summer Blooms 2 Bits and Pieces

发表于 2014-11-27 19:54:31 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Skills Transfer 于 2014-12-8 20:25 编辑

這系列照片是使用一部便宜的照相機在日間陽光下拍攝的。正是開花的季節,及時拍下, 沒有技術可言。你可以欣賞盛開的花朵。

这系列照片是使用一台便宜的照相机在日间阳光下拍摄的。正是开花的季节, 及时拍下, 没有技术可言。你可以欣赏盛开的花朵。

This series of photographs were taken using a cheap camera. It was in the blooming season. I took them for the blooms mostly during the day under bright sunlight. There is not much for techniques.

If you see a few duplicated images, I messed up. If not, I am OK.

Dec 1, 2014

This series of flowers were taken in the GTA areas. They are in full bloom during Summer time. I had a good collection of them. I took them from the point of the nature's beauty. If you are new to Toronto, you will find these local flowers blooming everything here. They do not last long, some only 2 weeks, some only 1 to 2 months. Years ago, I spent a whole week to visit the same place again and again just to shoot a series of them in different weather conditions. It is extremely time consuming to sort and file them, do touch up and make some slide shows or animations out of them. The other favorite gifts are the cards ,my posters and calendars.  People keep them in the purse or walls inside the bedroom so that they can see them every day. I gave away quite a few of them. They do have healing effects, believe it or not. Isn't that nice to see full bloom flowers in the bitter windy, cold and slippery Winter time?

Dec 8, 2014

很多人喜歡花花的花朵。你要側頭看嗎!這世界已經是365, 7/24!! ! ! !
People liketo see a lot nowadays. You got to view the flowers with your head facing the flowers from the top.This world is already 365, 7/24 now. Just click then here comes the picture, why not! Give a shot!

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参与人数 1经验 +5 收起 理由
凡间音符 + 5 技术好是就要好相机的^_*


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