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楼主: 野驰
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发表于 2005-10-15 08:48:38 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


这份报告事实上是在表明,68%的新移民,或者是没有工作,或者是在干与专业工作无关的Labour工!只有32%的新移民找到了专业工作...... ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2005-10-14
Canada's immigration policy

Modern slave smuggling well organized by the government.

We are just their labor pool. When economy is blooming, they need us. When it's down, they will just kick us out like without any hesitation.

They used Chinese to help them build the cross Canada rail way, but you know what happened later on.

In the recent years, in the .com blooming time, they used a lot of Chinese programmers, but they laid off Chinese first later on, I think.

I still remember one guy told me that we came to Canada for freedom and democracy, but we lost our diginity.

What MAO ZE DONG said Education is Useless tens of years ago is prfectly achieved in Canada NOW!!!

This is a criminal to the whole world if you think waste is criminal.
发表于 2005-10-15 11:14:19 | 显示全部楼层

挺在理, 就是别太急, 急坏了身子可是自己的.


Thank you. I past the drakest time. I am a senior manufacturing engineer in a fortune 500 company. But I still have this bad memory. When I just graduated from a local university here (It's a piece of ****, actually. What I learned here is just what I did sevirial times in China. It's really a waste of time. But that's fucking local education.) My first interview, they told me everything was ok, just concerned about my CULTURE background. After they showed the plant, fucking make me crazy, 1/3 Chinese, 1/3 Indian, and 1/3 black people. What culture problem do I have? One more time, I submit my resume in a plant, the fucking white Canadian women said - you know what, this is a hi-tech industry, you need at least 5 years of Canadian experience. Guess what, that's just a **** generial milling machine and lathe plant.
After all these pains, I now feel so bad when I talking to my Chinese fellows, especially the now comers. How long they will be in the dark? That's terrible. The fucking Canadians are like our Shanghainese, when they here your broken Shanghainese, they just don't talk to you. Typical XIAO SHI MIN.
And you know, after all these miserable experiences, how can you love Canada? What's your feeling of these white people? Democracy and Freedom are only for them, and that's based on our miserable life. We are just their slaves like they did to the blacks hundreds of years ago. This is what rooted deeply in the Brits' mind - we are the controller of the whole world. That's why they invaded Iraq, why they are surrounding China.
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