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发表于 2013-9-14 06:07:26 | 显示全部楼层
我是潘女士, 魏姓造假的文本内容如下n April8 2011, you(潘女士) had a conversation with Mr.wei and you wanted to move the money to Golden sector. On April 15, 2011, you(潘女士) had a convesation with Mr. Wei and you(潘女士)agreed to move fund from Deferred sales Charges (DSC) to Front END Load (FEL) as you were made aware that every year you have the rights to move 10% of the investment fee free from DSC to FEL. On May 6, 2011, you had a conversation with Mr. wei and you wanted to move all the investment from conservation Profile Fund to Precious Mentals Fund, as you agreed that the precious Mentals Fund has the long-term growth opportunity. 请问各位, 我可能有这么专业吗? 这种切换, 我有什么好处? 假如我有这么专业, 我怎么会亏那么多钱呢? 我们给他挂电话, 他要么不接, 要么就说, 他保证给我们赚钱. 我要他回答切换我有什么benefit, 他有什么benefit, 他无语. 我要他提供when, where, how, with who in detail. 他同样无语.他仅有的一句话是"看在公司的notes".


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发表于 2013-9-14 07:14:50 | 显示全部楼层
我是潘女士, 同时被骗的还有一位女士, 她一点也不懂英文. 她的切换也被他造假.在她刚投诉魏不久, 非常巧合的是魏主动联系她并到了她家, 在2013年8月23日晚, 他告诉她,到2015年快的话到2014年金价会涨到2700点甚至可以看到3000点. 魏还口头答应:到2015年底, 如果投资回到十万或更多, 那赢的钱归她. 如果还亏,低于十万, 他赔那个差价到十万给她,条件是撤销投诉. 他要她相信他,他一定有这个能力和实力来赔她的损失.但魏不同意写下他的承诺, 这让她无法再相信他的口头承诺. 她不可能再受骗. 因此, 她没有撤销投诉.

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发表于 2013-9-15 09:24:21 | 显示全部楼层
回复622# CBMR

我是潘女士, 我觉得你的建议非常的专业和有帮助. 我想得地你的指导. 我的邮箱:[email protected]

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发表于 2013-9-16 06:02:40 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 潘女士 于 2013-9-16 07:19 编辑

我是潘女士.到目前, 共有10位魏姓经纪的受害者. 我们发现了许多共性. 1.误导客户说是保本基金最多亏利息.2.许诺高回报, 3. 不经过客户私自从低风险切换到高风险.

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发表于 2013-9-16 21:51:36 | 显示全部楼层
我是潘女士. 请你们不要说出伤害CBMR 女儿的话. CBMR是一个非常有正义和道德的人.我作证, 他并不是一个律师. 前天我主动联系了他, 他给了我许多好的建议, 我非常感谢他.

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发表于 2013-9-16 22:01:55 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-9-16 22:08:08 | 显示全部楼层
感谢所有支持和提供宝贵建议的人! 我讨厌那些歪曲事实的人.

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发表于 2013-9-16 23:01:03 | 显示全部楼层
老实巴交,你说:"潘女士为什么能掉魏经纪的坑里,不就是因为钱么?..." 我告诉你: 我不骗, 不抢, 不偷, 我为钱又怎么啦? 你少在这里胡说八道.

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发表于 2013-9-16 23:10:15 | 显示全部楼层
我希望世界上少些骗子. 你们不但不帮助受害者, 反而在这里胡说八道, 不讲道理. 太可恶了!

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发表于 2013-9-17 08:08:24 | 显示全部楼层
老实巴交, 你说"用不着道歉,我现在敢断定这波人的话也不能全信。我还是那句话,没看到魏经纪的说法前,先别表态。。。" 你有本事叫魏经纪出来说呀! 在这坛子里, 我认为你最不的道,最可耻的一个人.

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发表于 2013-9-19 18:17:54 | 显示全部楼层
我是潘女士! 向在这个坛子里给与我帮助的人问候. 祝大家中秋节愉快! 我和我的朋友一直在等Londonlife寄合同复印件, 他们说半个月前已经寄出,但到现在还没有收到.事实上我已经催了将近一个月.

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发表于 2013-9-19 19:37:16 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢大家! 有谁知道OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI)与Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) 是什么关系? 是不是在OLHI投诉了就不能到FSCO投诉?

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发表于 2013-9-19 19:43:03 | 显示全部楼层
Authorization & Agreement for Dispute Resolution Services
In consideration of the OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (“OLHI”) providing both the Consumer and the Insurer with a forum for the impartial resolution of a complaint filed by the Consumer with OLHI (“Complaint”), the parties agree as follows:
1. OLHI will assist the Consumer throughout OLHI’s dispute resolution process (“the Process”).
2. The Consumer confirms that there is no past or current court action or other dispute resolution process relating to the issues described in the Complaint.

3. OLHI will assign staff to assist the Consumer with his/her Complaint. OLHI staff is permitted to discuss with and disclose to the other party any information which is provided by a party during the Process, including personal information of the Consumer which may already be in the possession of the Insurer.
4. OLHI or its staff is not liable to the parties for any damages which may arise from the Process, provided they act honestly and in good faith.
5. OLHI’s Process is non-binding, confidential and without prejudice. That means:
a) None of the parties will require OLHI or any of its staff to testify or give evidence at any legal or other proceeding;
b) None of the parties will require OLHI or any of its staff to produce any documents, records, notes or work product prepared or received in connection with the Process in any legal or other proceeding;
c) No document, recommendation or admission made by any of the parties, including OLHI, during the Process can be disclosed to anyone else (including media representatives) or used in any legal or other proceeding, without the consent of the affected party; and
d) Neither party is legally bound to accept and follow the recommendations of OLHI.
6. Where required under the Process, OLHI will publish a report issued by its Senior Adjudicative Officer on the OLHI website, omitting any personal information of the Consumer.
7. Except in the province of Quebec where it is not permitted by law, as between the Insurer and the Consumer, all relevant limitations periods, provided they have not already expired, are suspended during the Process from the date the Consumer signs this agreement until ten (10) business days from the date of issuance of OLHI’s notice to the parties that the Process is complete or otherwise terminated.
8. Each party is responsible for seeking independent legal advice should he/she feel it is necessary. OLHI cannot provide the parties with legal advice on any matters pertaining to the Complaint, including whether a limitation period has expired or may expire. If the Consumer has any concerns

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about whether the use of OLHI’s Process will affect his/ her right to pursue a legal remedy against the Insurer or any other person he /she is advised to seek independent legal advice at the earliest opportunity.
9. The Consumer may authorize a representative to act on his/ her behalf provided both the Consumer and the Consumer’s representative sign below. In that event, both representative and Consumer agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. This means that any breach of this agreement by the Consumer’s representative constitutes a breach by the Consumer as well.
Date signed by Consumer:
Name of Consumer         Signature of Consumer
Name of Insurer         Signature of Insurer’s Authorized Representative
Name of Consumer’s representative
(if applicable)         Signature of Consumer’s representative
(if applicable)
Holly E. Nicholson, LL.B.
Executive Director & General Counsel
Canadian Life and Health Insurance OmbudService
Operating as “OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance”

第二句话是要你保证你现在没有找其他的争议仲裁或裁决机构? 那意味着同时我不能向FSCO投诉, 对吗?

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发表于 2013-9-19 19:48:02 | 显示全部楼层
我已经向OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI)投诉了, 我仍然想到FSCO去投诉, 不知可不可以?因我签了上面哪个协议. 我想知道协议中第二句话的意义: 是要我保证我现在没有找其他的争议仲裁或裁决机构? 那意味着同时我不能向FSCO投诉, 对吗?

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发表于 2013-9-19 20:00:29 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢你, 就是不给你用3.

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