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加拿大有多少底气跟美国抗衡 看这两张图就知道

发表于 2018-6-17 12:41:53 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


加拿大人不想惯着川普。Angus Reid的一项新调查发现,70%的受访者希望渥太华方面与特川普政府在两国之间不断增长的贸易争端中表现强硬立场。只有30%的人希望采取“软”的方式来安抚脾气暴躁的美国领导人。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2018-6-17
本帖最后由 星洲炒米 于 2018-6-17 12:46 编辑


Why would anyone be criminal charged with insider trading in Canada? Many people can think it is legal since our liberal finance minister introduced legislation that was going to adversely affect the shares of his own company, Morneau Shepell but just before that legislation was to take effect he suddenly sold off a large block of his personal shares in the company. Then, another individual sold off another large block of Morneau Shepell shares and that person turned out to be Bill Morneau's own father. Quite the coincidence wouldn't you say? Only a liberal could believe that was just coincidence and it's okay for him only.

The problem under liberal is the law applies differently base on who you are. If Trudeau has a big family business in automobile industry and he will negotiate hard for the car tariff thing with Trump, but Trudeau himself lives on his father's big fortune i.e. TRUST FUND. He does not care at all.
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