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纯正表达 雅思 IELTS 写作高分短语 30天攻克计划 专题4 - Health

发表于 2018-8-13 11:31:07 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 SummerLin 于 2018-9-13 17:59 编辑

Health & Fitness

Life expectancy = life span 生命周期 = 寿命
【实战例句】Many developing countries have seen an improvement of life expectancy.  许多发展中国家的人口预期寿命都有了提高。
extend life 延长生命

be health-conscious 注重健康
【实战例句】 People generally believe that women are more health-conscious than men.

body / physical condition 身体状况
be deficient in... (食物) 等缺乏某种营养
nutrition balance 营养均衡

nutrition deficiency 营养不良  
be rich in... 富含某种营养

Self- discipline 自制力
【实战例句】Without proper self-descipline, children may end up eating too much junk food. 如果缺少自制力,孩子们会吃太多垃圾食品。

junk / fast / instant food  快餐/ 垃圾食品
fatty and fried food 油炸食品;  hyper- calorie diet  高热量饮食
inviting and appetizing (食物)令人有食欲的

Immune system 免疫系统
【实战例句】Eating fresh vegetables is a natural way of boosting (增进) our immune system.  多吃新鲜蔬菜是一种天然的提高免疫力的方法。

live a fast-paced and high-pressured urban lifestyle
relieve / ease stress  减轻压力  
reduce anxiety 减少焦虑
proper emotion expression and control 恰当的情绪表达和管理

physical and mental / psychological health 身心健康
** health = wellbeing = soundness 健康n.

Sleeplessness / sleep deprivation / insomnia 失眠
Stress - related disease 压力引起的疾病
age - related disease 年老引发的疾病
depression 抑郁  emotional truma 情感创伤

medical treatment  医疗
= the process of providing medical care
【实战例句】A student who requires medical treatment has lost his travel insurance card. 一个需要之类的学生丢了他的旅行保险卡。
(Cambridge IELTS 8  General Training例句)

take out insurance 购买保险
【实战例句】Students will have to take out insurance to cover the costs of all visits to docotors and other non-emergency medical situations. 学生必须购买保险来涵盖就诊或其他非急救的医疗费用。

restrain from doing sth. 克制自己不做某事
【实战例句】 In Britain, people are asked to restrain from smoking in a range of public areas. 在英国,人们被禁止在一些公共场所吸烟。

feel refreshed  感觉焕然一新的
= feel lively and comfortable
has taken its toll on ones health 对某人的健康造成了伤害
【实战例句】20 years of smoking has taken its toll on Kyles health.

chronic disease 慢性疾病
【实战例句】Lucy has been suffering from this chronic disease for years.
Lucy 常年受这种慢性疾病的折磨。

high cholesterol 高胆固醇
【实战例句】 A high cholesterol level may put a person at risk of a heart attack or stroke.
high blood pressure 高血压

a sedentary job / lifestyle  久坐不动的工作/ 生活方式
【实战例句】Overweight people whose work is sedentary will find it much harder to lose weight. 那些每天需要久坐的超重人群会发现减肥真是件困难事。

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