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楼主: 老木匠
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发表于 2012-10-2 21:47:46 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


中日钓鱼岛之争不仅牵动着海外华人的心,也引起旅居加拿大日本侨民的关注,多伦多侨界名人王家明近期致函台湾总统马英九,表达了海外华人对捍卫祖国领土主权的强烈关注。 近期中国内地接连爆发反日游行示威,并迁怒 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2012-10-1
It seems Hiro KOGURE(小暮大刚) carefully studied the past agreements or accords as he quoted the details to support his opinion that the ownership of Diaoyu islands was not disputed by China before.  

However surprisingly he ignored the key facts that Japan's territory was limited to its 4 major islands only according to Cairo and Potsdam declarations, which are the key bonding agreements for Japan to surrender to the allied armies during WWII.  

It is a straight lie for Hiro KOGURE(小暮大刚) to say Japanese already learned the war time history and they will not repeat the same mistake.  Japanese school texts whitewashed Japanese army crimes during WWII and Japanese elites pay tribute to war criminals to boost up their public popularity.  How can Japanese learn the barbaric Japanese war time history while the war criminals are still treated like heroes by them?  

On the contrary, I would believe Germans already learned the lesson from WII.  Denying Nazis crimes is a serious criminal offense in Germany.  In Japan, denying Nanking Massacre can improve your public popularity.  

Hiro KOGURE(小暮大刚) probably loves his country of origin but seriously his arguments are very deceiving and vicious.  BUT PATRIOTISM SHOULD NEVER OUTWEIGH HUMANITY.
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