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楼主: 九段
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发表于 2012-9-30 15:55:51 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


几十名因为政治原因而有家不能归的“流亡者” 们在多伦多西面密西沙加市的一栋民居内举办了一场别开生面的中秋聚会,联邦移民部长康尼先生也应邀出席了聚会。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2012-9-30
Kenny was just serving his political base.  

Chinese Canadians are second class visible minority. I wish senior Canadian politicians one day could pay some attention to the rights issue of Chinese origin here at home in Canada!!  The rights of Chinese in China should not be their priorities at all.

It is nothing wrong about promoting human rights in China.  The proven result is national failure when putting human rights ahead of national unity, national sovereignty, national economic development.  The color revolutions in Europe and the Arab Springs are good examples.  National assets are looted by these rights promoters through so called mergers and acquisitions, elections were heavily influenced or controlled by foreign political forces, ordinary people lived through grave hardship (asking the Russians about it in the 1990s.)

You will learn a lot when you do comparison readings between Chinese and Canadian media.  Sometimes I felt I was reading a drama when I read Chinese news on CBC website or Globe and Mail site.  Sometimes the language went so dramatic I thought I was reading something from the 1960s in China.  It is inciting hate on our motherland and how can I appreciate if you tell me you really care about the human rights status in my motherland?
发表于 2012-9-30 18:49:03 | 显示全部楼层
大家静下心想一想, 哪个加国政客敢接见反以色列的加国移民?  在加国自由的媒体里面只有反中的自由, 没有顶中的自由.  说到底,那有什么真正自由的媒体?  媒体为了生存, 都给后面的金主服务.  中国的媒体有时还互相指责, 在加国很少见. 而且在对外关系上, 几乎没有真正的不同意见.  在对内方面, 很少有涉及国家体制问题的, 总体上大事化小.  不象新浪网, 过多的负面新闻, 反映不出国家的整体利益.

中国在媒体掌控方面, 比美加差太远了.   

建议大家没事时看看加国驻华记者们是如何报道中国的.  如果你不懂什么叫阴, 你会从他们的文章学到的.  同时看看每晚七点CBC的LANG AND O'LEARY 财经新闻, amanda lang 代表着加拿大主流对中国和华人的态度.  你可以看看她是怎么报道涉华新闻的.  看他们这种新闻长大的人怎能不反华和歧视华人呢?  不久以前, 我买了两件印China的短袖杉从Winners, 真值! 才五块钱!  是从二十降的. 美国洛山基的品牌, 越南制造. 原零售价格39.99.  有一次我穿着这件短袖去北约克中心, 一个华人老头看见我就鼓掌.

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