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楼主: 老态龙钟
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发表于 2014-6-6 16:31:25 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


执政十年的自由党屡屡违反诺言、腐败丛生,当时支持其的民众已经低于30%;韦恩如果以安省利益为重,本应解散议会让选民决定她是否领导安省,可惜她为一党之私,和NDP 互通款曲、通过满足NDP的福利政策换取喘息机会。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2014-6-6
今天早上 环球邮报 的这篇“OPP强化发电厂侦讯”的文章有一百多跟贴,选几个贴过来,原文见
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... be/article19036382/

BobbyClobberObber 8 hours ago
I'm sorry Ms. Wynne, but "I'm sorry" is not enough.
Now that you admit that the gas plant cancellations were done for political gain (of your Party) you need to go one step farther to have any credibility. You need to 1) tell the people of Ontario that the Liberal Party of Ontario will pay back all of our dollars that were expropriated for political gain, and 2) you will full co-operate with prosecutors in pursuing the perpetrators. Anything else is hollow and warrants a "trip to the woodshed".
Reply 9 replies+14

也就是说我可以到Queens Park、删掉韦恩计算机里的所有数据而不必担心“被调查”?这个世界是怎么回事?我碰一下进入我房子的小偷会被起诉、可是小偷却在温哥华喝葡萄酒?
"Police say allowing a non-government worker access to government computers could be a breach of trust. Neither the IT consultant nor his partner are under investigation."?
So I can walk into Queens Park stick a "Dell Tool" into all of Wynnes computers and COMPLETELY OBLITERATE them and walk away having no fear of being INVESTIGATED?
What on earth is going on here? If I scratch a thief entering my house I will be charged but this guy is sipping wine in Vancouver?
Reply 1 reply+10
发表于 2014-6-6 16:36:07 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 loneshepherd 于 2014-6-6 18:16 编辑

环球邮报 OPP强化发电厂侦讯”的跟贴

Cantruth 9 hours ago
I we don't vote out politicians when they misuse our money for personal gain, then we deserve to be taken advantage of.
Reply 4 replies+10

Mennoen 2 hours ago
一句抱歉是不行的。自由党的劣行必须有报应。把他们从省政府轰出去,因为他们不配用纳税人的钱。A simple sorry is not enough. There needs to be consequences for the misdeeds of the Liberal Party. They do not deserve to have access to our money anymore and need to be removed from power.
Reply 1 reply+7

Jack Bauer
And to believe people will still cast a vote for these corrupt arrogant thieves is unbelievable. To support anyone of these liberals is a clear sign you are aiding and supporting a crime or are a union member eating from the same trough, not to mention you are incredibly short on intellect.


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发表于 2014-6-6 17:48:13 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 loneshepherd 于 2014-6-6 18:49 编辑

环球邮报 OPP强化发电厂侦讯”的跟贴:

Ms. Wynne has said that she has taken full responsibility for the 'gas plant scandal'.
Does anyone know what that means ???
I would think that you would, at the very least, resign from the gov't.
But obviously I don't understand gov't speak very well.
Reply +6

Political Entitlement
就是在Queens Park用五个俄罗斯间谍也不可能比麦坚地的朋友李汶希和麦坚地秘书的男朋友菲斯特做得更糟,这帮家伙居然销毁计算机!
Even if the Russians planted 5 spies in Queens Park they could not have done a worse job at Queens Park than Daltons friend Livingsy ton and Daltons secretarys boyfriend Faist in destroying computers.
Yet nobody knows nothing about nothing.
Are you really buying this load of dung?
Reply 1 reply+6

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