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楼主: noname
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发表于 2011-1-29 01:10:28 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


(本网特稿)医生的诊断是杨秀平最多还有几个月的时间了。如今杨秀平最大的心愿就是见自己唯一的儿子,谭港已经向国会议员求助,目前正在朋友的帮助下申请儿子来多伦多探亲,只盼能让老婆见儿子最后一面。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2011-1-28
有同胞遭遇莫大的不幸的时候, 就有人以道德上高人一等的架势来咄咄逼人地讨伐了。 多一些同情, 少一些冷漠, 是普世美德。 用不着为自己的冷漠抬出一些大道理。

美国也好, 加拿大也好, 都是背井离乡的人讨生活的地方, 多数人都不是合法地来到这个地方谋生的。 华人到了这里就要受到更多的责难吗?   

加拿大地广人稀, 缺乏美国那样非法移民可以通过美墨边境大量进入美国的条件, 缺少的是劳动力, 而不是所谓的满足移民条件的硕士博士。

中国的劳力进入加拿大, 对人口过剩的中国有利, 对劳力稀缺的加拿大有利, 对劳动力移民也有利, 这种只有好处没有坏处的事情, 却成了法律上不允许的事情。当悲剧发生的时候, 我们更应该去质疑造成悲剧的政策和法律。
发表于 2011-1-29 09:07:35 | 显示全部楼层
Yes. We should blame the system. Especailly the welfare system.
According to my experenice, most people who collect welfare are Local Canadian who have criminal record and go to jail in and out all the time, who take drugs and like to make other trouble too, who are too lazy to go to work and like to cheat money for a living.............. They are 100 times worse and I can tell you hundred and thousand true stories i went thorugh and I was in last 12 years. They are LOCAL people who were born here and grown up here but they cellect welfare in all their life. They sit at home , play club music, fight with people, steal from people, call police all the time, find excuse and sue people all the time, take drugs with your money, TAX-PAYER 'S MONEY. govenment system stand ththeir side and protect them . They have A LOT OF rights because they have a lot of free time to enjoy their their rights, they were born here and they kn ow their system so they take advantage from the the system.
Compared with those welfare peoole , most refugee people are much better  because most of refugee are from outside Canada and they don't know too much about this system and they hardly take advantage from this system. They might collect some money from government but they hardly make trouble for others. Some of them still go to work bacause they have hardworking backgound from other country. They don't even know English and they don't try to ceate trouble . They do eveyntihng for simple living only. We are all taxpayer  and we all want government money properly tosupport people who really need help for food . I don't think anybody here wants govenment to use your tax money to buy other poeple  drugs , car, pets, huge  free lagel fee for their own trouble.................
runyingw 发表于 2011-1-29 08:45 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    这些事实很多人没有见识过, 估计也看不懂, 用中文写出来就好了。 他们有这些见识就不会在施建兰蒙难, 老谭不幸的时候来骂人了。

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