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发表于 2007-6-5 14:01:34 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


这是关于平权会摄制《破碎家庭》片是否恰当的讨论中最关键的问题。找到了这个问题的答案,结论便一目了然了。答案并不难找,就在安省议会于2000年通过的《家暴保护法(Domestic Violence Protection Act, 2000)》中。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-6-2
He is an abuser

I don't know if a court order is sufficient to conclude if Mr. Lee is an abuser in a video.

A court order is no monkey's business; it is the foundation of social stability.

Probably some of us don't believe the Justice System and wanted Mr. Lee to challenge it;  But before the Court make any changes for him, he is an abuser, though some believe in his tears and story sharing.

It doesn't make sense to argue if Mr. Lee is justified to get a restraining order or not, if he thinks he is wronged, please go to appeal.

Currently, we are discussing the Domestic Violence incident based on the fact that he got a restraining order or no contact order, I don't know exactly which.

It doesn't make sense that we simply believe in his story, his tears. What we are able to believe is the Justice System, we have to follow the court order which protects the victim and constrain the suspect.

However, no one talking over the forum or Ping Quan Hui or Chinese Family Service is entitled to investigating, verifying who is right or wrong iexcept the Justice System. That's why some of us on this forum shared their opinions based the order rahter than guess or anticipations after listening to the story.

It is easier to tell which assumption is more logical.

Still, Mr. Lee keeps on disclosing their family secrets regarding AMANDA WU, which violates Amanda's privacy and also his daughter's privacy. If she likes, she is able to sue him.

If he really cares about how his daughter feels, he should have already stopped nagging the details how his daughter was conceived.

I am not sure if Mr. Lee is clear about what he wants now from the public or the Justice System? Or simply to revenge?
发表于 2007-6-5 20:32:50 | 显示全部楼层


Sedona       是你错了


  这里再补充一点,这次开庭amnda吴又有意提出第一次官司我违背限制令回家居住的问题,法官检控官提问时,我只回答了一句:回家居住是我妻子和孩子的共同心愿,当时法官和检控官一句话没再说,只是在最后宣判时说这个问题不予追究。 [/QUOTE



如果你违反了“不得接触令”,无需AMANDA WU提出这个问题;法庭自然会有案底,他们会知道你违反的法庭令。我不明白你为什么加在AMANDA WU的身上?___我认为这是对不了解家庭暴力案及法庭程序的网友的误导!! 基于我个人的一些工作经验,我也不明白法官为什么在最后宣判时说这个问题不予追究??请问是怎么不予追究的呢??

发表于 2007-6-6 08:12:08 | 显示全部楼层






2、如果你一直与AMANDA WU保持在500米半径的距离之外,没有任何直接或间接的接触,会有第二次上庭吗?你在告诉我们法庭是傻瓜,没有发现你违反法庭令,又搬回去住的事实?只是因为AMANDA提出了这个问题?
着想吗?如果你想要一个说法,请与平权会交涉! 如果你想要孩子的抚养权或探视权,请上法庭申请。如果没钱,可以申请法律援助,会有律师帮你打官司。

5、顺便说一句:你这样费力地上网发表各种言论,真的对你非常不利上。尤其在获得女儿的抚养权方面! 从你的言论推断你的抚养能力也是评价你是否具备良好的抚养能力的一项标准。
发表于 2007-6-6 11:19:37 | 显示全部楼层





1. I did not see you understood English in your first court issue, but you knew why you were in the court. In the second court issue, you declared you did not know why you were in teh court since you did not understand English.

Does it make sense to anybody?

2. I did not see too many people on your side, the more you disclosed, the worse your situation would be.

3. I bet you are not able to get custody, probably only access after the restraining order is expired. However, you will probably start with supervised access some time later. Considering what you are doing online, I don't believe you are a great father, sensible, sensitive, or responsible.  The more you are arguing, the more hurts you put on your daughter. This is a common sense for any parent.  It seems to me revenge is more significant than your responsibility of parenting, in your eyes.

4. Restraining order is a restraining order which does tell us something, though not everything.

5. Everyone posting threads here is trying to clarify their understandings probably based on their common sense, logical thinking, life experiences, emotional preferences, work experiences, professional knowledge, and so on. There is not right or wrong in terms of each one's opinions,  we are trying to clarify some ideas and Justice systems in Canada. IF you refuse to take any idea, nor to think about any one of them, it is your problem; however, the readers will have an idea and form their own judegement.
发表于 2007-6-6 11:27:53 | 显示全部楼层




You are still misleading the public!!!!

Read these information:

Q. HOW DO I GET A ONE(restraining order)?

A. A Judge or Justice of the Peace needs certain information before s/he can grant you one of these court orders:

s/he must believe on a balance of probabilities that your fear is reasonable: this means a similar person in your position would be afraid
you cannot make emotional pleas without evidence; therefore, you should:
-   document every time the person stalked you or threatened you
-   keep any evidence of abuse such as hospital records, photographs, etc.
-   in the case of a partner/ex-partner, if applicable, evidence of his mistreatment of your children
-  for peace bonds only, document every time the person damaged your property or threatened to; take photographs, if possible.


A. Usually applications for restraining orders are made as part of a larger court proceeding under the Family Law Act (FLA), but you can apply for just a restraining order. The process can take many months. It will require a formal submission, evidence and a hearing at which both sides can make their claims.

A Judge needs certain information before s/he can grant you a restraining order:

s/he must believe on a balance of probabilities that your fear is reasonable: this means a similar person in your position would be afraid;
you cannot make emotional pleas without evidence; therefore, you should:
document every time the person stalked you or threatened you
keep any evidence of abuse such as hospital records, Photographs, etc.
in the case of a partner/ex-partner, if applicable, evidence of his mistreatment of your children

These info tell us clearly how a vicitim of DV gets a restraining order.

Source: Ontario Women's Justice Network
发表于 2007-6-6 12:32:33 | 显示全部楼层




Does it make sense to get a restraining order as you suggested to


Does this assumption go through your mind before you type it out? Do you think we can easlily believe in how effective your suggestions are since we don't know too much about the Justice System, particularly how a restraining order is issued?

You are still denying how you got the restraining order. We still did not see your explanations on how got it?

Do you use your mind before you shared with us how you make your girlfriend then conceiving in your very first date?
发表于 2007-6-6 12:34:39 | 显示全部楼层




Agree, I have the similar concern. Besides, he is not likely to get custody.
发表于 2007-6-6 13:10:17 | 显示全部楼层




A. A peace bond...

takes place in front of a Justice of the Peace (JP)
considers threats to or acts that damage your property, as well as personal threats and acts of violence to your person or family members
also described as "entering a recognizance" or called an "810"
can last up to 12 months
if your abuser or stalker refuses to sign this document, he will be jailed for up to 12 months
a peace bond is not a criminal charge, but breaching one is an offence

A. The police do not need to be involved. Make an appointment with a Justice of the Peace (JP) at the provincial court to explain why you are seeking a Peace Bond. If the JP agrees with your concern, s/he will issue a summons requiring the other person to appear in court on a specific date.

At this appearance:

you will give evidence under oath describing why you are in need of the Peace Bond. You cannot make emotional pleas without evidence; therefore, you should:
document every time the person stalked you or threatened you
keep any evidence of abuse such as hospital records, photographs, etc.
in the case of a partner/ex-partner, if applicable, evidence of his mistreatment of your children
document every time the person damaged your property or threatened to; take photographs, if possible
the other person will have the opportunity to rebut your argument
the JP will decide whether or not the Peace Bond should be issued. S/he must believe on a balance of probabilities that your fear is reasonable: this means a similar person in your position would be afraid

Even if it was a peace bond, so what? It means he was wronged or what he did was lesser severe? Jjust look at how Peace Bond was issued.

No Contact Order refers any one of the following three:

1. Peace Bond
2. Restraining Order
3. Terms of Release
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