作者大可不必为民中的"不理智"担心作者: ccra 时间: 2006-1-23 08:44 标题: 赵先生说话也要厚道 伍先生的文章本人认为确实肉麻了点,网友发表批评无可厚非。当然骂人的话确实不太好,不过赵先生也不要把反对意见都说是不厚道。难道同意赵先生看法的都是厚道,不同意的都是不厚道?作者: 老北方人 时间: 2006-1-23 09:11 标题: 伍先生是何许人也? 来到加拿大后,一个没想到:我是华侨了! 想不通的是在中国时常常能听到某某长门我代表政府,代表党,代表......的腔调在加拿大与时俱进。xxx,xxx,号称侨领的不断涌现,我很惊奇,难不成我或我们被xxx,xxx,代表了不成!是谁选的哪? “ 侨领们“不要在打肿脸冲胖子,加拿大我居住一十二年的地方现在不会有“中桥中央“的代表!作者: davech66 时间: 2006-1-23 09:13 标题: vote smart and vote for 自由党 Mr Zhao do not worry, yes, there are a lot of comments in 51.ca against 自由党, but if you look who wrote it, just that a few ugly mind person, they do not represent honest, normal Chinese people.作者: 昵称 时间: 2006-1-23 09:22 标题: 是什么使51的老板也不能眠? 无非就是“本网站居然得到了本地华人联合会主席伍卓生先生的赏识,老人家亲自撰文要求在本网站上发表,怎不能令本人心潮澎湃、受宠若惊呢? “
另外, 伍先生久居加拿大,从把加拿大成为我们国家的字眼来看,他已经融入到加拿大了. 如果连质疑都不肯接受, 怎么算融入加拿大了? 所以, 也许, 老赵, 你多虑了.作者: 猪大肥 时间: 2006-1-23 11:23
4.赞成老赵的提议,多交流思想,少点人身攻击作者: 西门飘雪 时间: 2006-1-23 11:28
俺看这事儿是越描越花了呀! 作者: bestroomlee 时间: 2006-1-23 11:31 标题: I vote Liberty as a 5-year immigrant In fact, most of our chinese immigrants have benefited from current Liberty and its policy these years. We should keep the good trend. I loved former P.M. and current P.M. Thanks for their efforts, Canada got long-term ecolomy progress and has a good relationship with China. I am happy to watch more and more chinese immigants comming. Most of us lead a good life in the new land with our efforts. Who know what it will be if Happer gets power? Liberty did much for Canada. Forget scandal, we should see the main stream where Liberty wanted to prevent seperation. No perfect human. Any one can make a speak here, including Mr.Wu. Respect him. Respect anyone. Welcome all points.作者: Laocanadian 时间: 2006-1-23 11:38 标题: 走平民路线是51.ca得以发展的... 平波总编怎么为了一个老华侨要您登一篇文章就那么兴奋呢?走平民路线是51.ca得以发展的条件,有那么一些人,出国那么多年,还是象在国内那样,走领导路线,选举传单上也印一些重量级的MP的评语,结果呢,只有那些实实在在为选区选民服务的,才有希望...作者: Laocanadian 时间: 2006-1-23 11:53 标题: 还有几句话 当了一段时间(不知道多长)总编,平波先生好象慢慢失去了当年口蛛笔罚扬蓝王正的锐气了,还是我大学刚毕业的时候,我的师傅那句也许有点过分的话:当了"官",好人也会变坏人的...作者: 费老 时间: 2006-1-23 11:54 标题: 赵先生,您怎么知道伍“会长”没从自由党那收到钱? 对所谓的“全家花脸会长”的言行,我没有兴趣。但我对你的这句话倒有些想法,请告诉网友,你是如何知道他没从自由党那拿到银子的?作者: 西门飘雪 时间: 2006-1-23 11:59
说没拿,没有凭据,说拿了,也找不到凭据,还是不言而喻的好呀!中国人都含蓄,不是? 作者: lyxy 时间: 2006-1-23 12:01 标题: 回复:同意老赵 最初由[黄政]发布 同意老赵
5 years ago, Da Zhong Bao had a chance to become a popular Chinese newspaper, but Jia Lin Yiang missed the chance. Now I have seen many times there were many piles of Da Zhong Bao on the side walk. Nobody read it.
2 Years from now, 51.ca will still be the same as today if Zhao still has that kind of narrow mind.
他们愿意出头替华人出声,并且有成绩,我赞成。作者: mikegta 时间: 2006-1-23 18:15 标题: Zhai is wrong so much. Your headline news are choosed more to pro-liberals, so is your articles.
Wu sold out us for program funds.
How can he represent us?作者: jan_ai Zhang 时间: 2006-1-23 18:15 标题: 回复:回复:奴才! 最初由[sunset ave]发布 回复:奴才!
Do You want to know why? It is because Zhao is not familiar with standing.
Now many times he boasts himself that he argued with Wu Zheng and Yang Lan, and he also regreted many times to do that (Refers to newspaper "Hua Bao" and his own 51.ca) and want to have some tea with Yang Lan to say sorry.
One day if Yang Lang comes to Toronto and wave to Zhao Ping Buo, Zhao definitely will dash into Yang Lan's breast. So do not be surprised!
Why did Zhao move to Toronto? It is because he did not catch a chance to become an official in Mainland China.
I do not understand how such intellectual once worked in Chinese Science Institute. Ai, ..... even now he is in Toronto and no gun is pointing on his head.
I am so sorry for him because his IQ is not that low and conscience is not that black.
还有一点,我本人并非反对自由党,可我很不喜欢Mr. Paul Martin 这个人。伍先生说“百年难得一见的德才兼备的政治人物”,这是伍先生个人的评论。才,他有,自己的公司避税避得多好呀。德,我就不说了。至于百年难得一见,他能和Trudeaul比么?能和前任比么?而他为了上位逼宫,赖在位子上死不下来,为了坐住这个位子,大耍政治手腕,把百姓当傻子涮。在任的时候不改革,现在选举了,又是减税又是个人道歉的,早干么去了?3个月以前他要是实行今天的竞选承诺,那会是什么情形?
虽然是原始人讲话,因为说得对,还是顶一下!作者: Observer 时间: 2006-1-23 22:02
Mr. Zhao has made a same mistake as Mr. Wu made by presenting a very subjective opinion. Many Chinese living in Canada are educated and don't like to be led by some superficial analysis. As 51 provided a free forum for everybody, please allow all opinions that would bring the intelligence into the topic.作者: Horizon 时间: 2006-1-23 22:09 标题: 回复:对不起,伍老,我没投自由党! 最初由[加国愚公]发布 对不起,伍老,我没投自由党!