叶欣(ROGER YE),安省注册工程师,目前为QDA(QUINN DRESSEL ASSOCIATES)结构设计事务所高级项目工程师。1993毕业于加拿大McGill大学,曾经在香港王欧阳建筑公司、加拿大HALSALL公司工作过。他参加设计的工程遍布中国的北京、上海、香港、杭州;加拿大的多伦多、蒙特利尔、卡加利和尼亚加拉大瀑布;中东阿联酋的迪拜。他有加拿大10年以上的工作经验,充分了解加拿大结构工程师的工作规范、设计与施工过程,有很多加拿大现场施工和合同履行的经验,对加拿大不同结构体系、材料和施工方法有充分的认识。具有很强的设计领导和合作能力,能有效地带领设计班子进行有效、独立的设计工作。作者: A1A3 时间: 2005-12-12 02:13
在其他国家的工作经历有用吗?作者: 土木清华 时间: 2005-12-12 23:00
其他国家经验当然有用了,关键是你如何在面试时准确表达出来.作者: F.Y.L Engineering 时间: 2005-12-17 09:22 标题: can you have a little more reality? I think I can know you a little bit about only through this article; I hope somthing in this article is not your real view or only author of this article'mind.I am a junior structure designer in toronto, but at the same time, I also have worked in china for 8 years. comparing canadian and chinese structural calaculation way, which is differet between them is only way. chinese is very easy and here is very complicate. any elightable chinese engineer is qualified of here engineering job. I think the chance is only not for canadian experience. please don't think you graduated here. actually chinese structural engineer is very good at caculating and analyzing. something like you said is that language decides 90% on finding jobs or noot作者: Roamer86 时间: 2005-12-25 23:13 标题: 如何成为一名加拿大结构设计师 此人说法不对. 小公司.我是大陆来的移民,现在一个咨询事务所作高级工程师,在这里设计了很多大项目. 我认为中国人的理论和时间都没有问题,我很想给中国来的结构工程师打打气:
1. 加拿大的水平力设计方法是简单,那是因为这里的设计方法落后中国五年!他们这种公司的工程师基本上不知道什么叫振型分解法,水平力分析充其量不过是个中国的基底剪力法. 这里的本科生是不学结构动力学的.大部分研究生也不学. 所以加拿大的新规范出炉后,尽管只是强调了一下动力分析,却遭到很多工程师的反对,应为他们不知道怎么做! 我很怀疑当年Quinn-D 公司怎么设计上海经贸大楼! 在技术上不要被误导.
2. 现在这里的结构事务所都喜欢用中国人,因为他们知道中国工程师能干. 但象Q-D这种小公司,却干着盘剥中国人的勾当."没有本地经验"只是资本家及其腿子们的借口! "初级工程师$30000?" 这里的镇大公司绘图员标准价是$20/hr! 为了获得加拿大本地经验,屈才拿低薪,但不要以为这是标准!作者: tom7 时间: 2005-12-27 16:37
一个绘图员,只要高中毕业就可以,薪水可以达到3-4万的。作者: 土木清华 时间: 2005-12-28 12:16
http://www.51.ca/bbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=91919作者: 暖通 时间: 2005-12-31 21:47 标题: 感谢ROAMER86鼓励 我也饱受加拿大经验之苦,我在国内是设计院暖通工程师,为本地经验在制造业画了N年Labour图,还是不被本行接受,一气之下读了本地文凭,现在又开始找工,希望能重回设计队伍。
多轮多x大学学生自由选课,学不全设计必须的好课,毕业生不可能直接上手设计,这是我们移民的优势。努力。。。。作者: frankyxiao 时间: 2006-1-2 12:58 标题: My Canadian Experience I am a structural designer for a mid size company, about 15 people. I have been to Canada for 3 years.
When I came here, I worked for a large company (200 people) for free for 4 month. I just wanted to get some Canadian experience. The did not pay me anything. My company hired me 2 years ago, and my salary was about $15/Hr + medical plan + vacation. My salary was increased three times within these two years plus bouns before Christmas. I averaged it, and I am making more than $25/hr now. I am happy.
My advices to all new comers are:
1. do not give up your job as a structural engineer,
2. try to improve your English as soon as possible,
3. get a job first, if the pay is too low, with your Canadian experience jump to another company,
4. never expect the company to pay you as you are in China, because the company knows you have no Canadian design expericnce, any they will train you. Improve your design experience while you are working, and ask questions.
5. If you work hard,the company will know, and you will get more money than anybody else.作者: 土木清华 时间: 2006-1-2 20:25 标题: Mr. Wang found the job Mr. Wang just found the job at NORR after we gave him three weeks canadian experience training. We beliceve this special trainig program is very useful for the newcomers. This is the short-cut to get into their professional field.作者: 斯芬克斯 时间: 2006-1-2 20:51 标题: 回复:My Canadian Experience 最初由[frankyxiao]发布 My Canadian Experience
I am a structural designer for a mid size company, about 15 people. I have been to Canada for 3 years.
When I came here, I worked for a large company (200 people) for free for 4 month. I just wanted to get some Canadian experience. The did not pay me anything. My company hired me 2 years ago, and my salary was about $15/Hr + medical plan + vacation. My salary was increased three times within these two years plus bouns before Christmas. I averaged it, and I am making more than $25/hr now. I am happy.
My advices to all new comers are:
1. do not give up your job as a structural engineer,
2. try to improve your English as soon as possible,
3. get a job first, if the pay is too low, with your Canadian experience jump to another company,
4. never expect the company to pay you as you are in China, because the company knows you have no Canadian design expericnce, any they will train you. Improve your design experience while you are working, and ask questions.
5. If you work hard,the company will know, and you will get more money than anybody else.
Very good writing! I hope this will help our Chinese new immigrants, thanks for sharing.
:smile:作者: 土木清华 时间: 2006-1-7 00:29 标题: 感谢frankyxiao的好文章 读了你的文章,很感动,我们也是一样这么走过来的.
找工作, 要高薪, 关键是靠咱们自己的本事, 而不是别人施舍.
My advices to all new comers are:
1. do not give up your job as a structural engineer,
这条最有启发, 我们当时也是在多年前IT一片大好形势下,没有转行学IT,而是给自己一段时间找自己专业工作.
我认为参加专业陪训课是一个较好的,而且是全面的接触这里设计界的好方法。作者: shangshanren 时间: 2006-2-17 10:15 标题: 回复:Language and Experience This is a good way to save time when you are finding a job here.作者: julia268 时间: 2006-5-12 21:08 标题: 这里很热闹啊 我发现很多年龄稍大点的技术移民的英语都不是很好,尤其是口语.有些可以把英语说的连贯的人,你仔细听的话,会发现:为了掩饰自己的英语说的不好而故意把很多音节拖的很长以达到"掩人耳目"的目的.其实,这是不可取的.这样只是"自欺欺人"罢了!一定要从根本下手,从每个音节下手!没有任何人可以代替你学习.学习英语是个体力活儿,只要你单词量上去了,基本的语法和句型也都会的话,就足够了.走旁门左道是没有用的!!!作者: F.Y.L Engineering 时间: 2006-5-15 11:46
yes it is. somebody's saying I agree with. but I hope 51 team group can invite professional people to face to face. and help more our comrades to build their career