
标题: 雅思 IELTS 写作高分短语 专题5 --Science & Technology" 纯正表达 [打印本页]

作者: SummerLin    时间: 2018-8-13 11:32
标题: 雅思 IELTS 写作高分短语 专题5 --Science & Technology" 纯正表达
本帖最后由 SummerLin 于 2018-9-13 18:00 编辑

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Science & Technology


scientific exploration 科研开发
high-tech industry 高新技术领域
cutting-edge technology 尖端科技
sophisticated equipment 精密设备
artificial intelligence  人工智能

have effective and efficient access to ...  有高效快捷的途径
earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的变化
far- reaching 深远的
in all aspects of human life 在我们生活的各层面
age / era of information exploration 信息爆炸时代

distinguish between right and wrong  分辨是非
invention 发明物      innovation 创新
optimize 优化(资源) /完善      productivity 生产力
expand labor pool of business  扩大劳动力选择范围
promote relative industries  促进相关产业发展

See dramatic breakthrough 取得突破性进展
milestone 里程碑/ 划时代事件    cure-all solution 万能良药
over-commercialized  过度商业化
pose a threat to... 对... 造成威胁
Social networking website 社交网站

steal personal information  盗取个人信息
Identity theft 盗用用户名
E-mail fraud 电子邮件诈骗
Internet hacker  网络黑客  potential hazrd 潜在危险
be deceptive and misleading 欺骗和误导人的

be detached from reality 脱离现实
monitor the content of...  / supervise ...  监管...
military defense 军事防御
draw / attract / appeal to be/ a magnet to sb. 深深吸引...

mass production 大规模生产
realise the untapped potential of... 发挥某事物的潜力
a progressive / enlightening society 一个进步的社会
overcome time restriction and geographical barrier 克服时间限制和地域障碍

                                高频词+实用句型 *****

become widely available 广泛普及
【实战例句】The Internet had become widely available to households in the UK by 2000.  截止2000年,网络已经在英国家庭广泛普及。

Telecommuting 远程上班
【实战例句】The benefits of telecommuting include energy conservation(节约能耗) improved work safety and enhanced family values. 远程上班的优点包括节约能源,提高工作安全性,还有增加家庭归属感。

Teleconferencing  远程电视会议
【实战例句】 Teleconferencing allows large companies to work more efficiently.    远程电视会议可以让大公司的工作更加有效率。
Communications equipment 通讯设备

break new ground  开拓新的领域
【实战例句】This biologist and his team members have been breaking new ground in genetic research.

scientific breakthrough 科学上的新突破
【实战例句】With more scientific breakthrough, the study of natural sciences has become more sought-after(热门的)  in recent years.

Its conceivable that... 可以预见的是...
【实战例句】It is conceivable that robots will steadily replace humans in repetitive jobs.

There is considerable evidence suggesting that...


the advent of sth. 某种新科技、新产品/ 制度的到来
【实战例句】The advent of the jet engine resulted in a large number of very fast planes.   

welcome sth. with open arms 热情迎接某种(新技术)的到来
popularise 让某种新生事物得到普及
【实战例句】The government has been trying to popularise these eco-friendly cars. 政府试图让这些环保汽车得到普及。
cutting down running costs 降低运营成本

a manned mission 载人航天任务
【实战例句】These scientists are discussing the possibility of a manned mission to Mars.

satisfy human curiosity 满足人类的好奇心
【实战例句】 A good reason to support space exploration is to satisfy human curiosity.  支持太空探索的一个重要理由就是这样可以满足人类的好奇心。

information highway 信息高速公路
【实战例句】There is a huge amount of information on the information highway, ranging from government services to technical support.

minimise the risk of sth.  尽可能减少风险出现的可能性
【实战例句】By minimising human involvement, the idea was to minimise the risk of flawed results.

Some scientific evidence has emerged to the contrary

有些科研成果已经证明 ......  不正确
【实战例句】There has never been any unbiased evidence that this disease is genetic;  in fact,  some scientific evidence has emerged to the contrary.

从来没有任何确凿证据能证明这些病是由基因引起的,事实上, 一些科学证据甚至将结论指向了相反方向。

Speed up the pace of sth. 加快某事物的节奏
Set priorities 分清主次, 确定需要优先完成的任务

dependency on sth.  对某事物的依赖
【实战例句】So integral have these time-based technologies become day-to-day existence that our dependency on them is recognised only when they fail to work.
这些取决于时间的科技是如此不可缺少,以至于只有当它们不能正常运行的时候,我们才会感觉到自己对它们的依赖。 (Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)
So+ adj. + that...  如此... 以至于...  
本句中用了倒装,have technology... become...

genetic engineering
【实战例句】Genetic engineering can be used to create more productive and disease- resistant farm animals.

Genetically-modified food 转基因食品
【实战例句】Gene transfer fromgenetically-modified food to cells of the human body has caused public concern.

Cloud computing 云计算
Space race
【实战例句】Some people argue that the space race is just a pointless waste of taxpayers money.

a hard-won discovery 难得的发现
interact with 相互交流,互动
automation 自动化

Virtual reality 虚拟现实
【实战例句】In the future children may find human relationships inconvenient and confusing, and prefer to stay inside a virtual reality.

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