
标题: Montreal新市长玩得一手好装*政治学(中英) [打印本页]

作者: justiceQC    时间: 2018-6-5 12:48
标题: Montreal新市长玩得一手好装*政治学(中英)
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2018-6-5 13:23 编辑

装*(C前A后),百度给下的定义是“一种是以卖弄、做作获取虚荣心的自我满足甚至欺骗性质的行为,向别人表现出自己所缺少不具备的气质。” 我认为这个定义太片面,殊不知,“装*”也是民主国家一个“政客赢家”不可或缺的素质。

去年年底新当选的女市长Valérie Plante在竞选中曾经承诺针对“蒙特利尔市市民买不起房子纷纷搬出岛的问题,拿出自己的改良经济补偿施政方案,鼓励在本市买房的家庭。在她上任之前,这项政策原本只适用于家里至少有一名18岁以下的孩子、首次买房家庭,而且,所购房屋是新condo或有多套住房的民居地产,当然还有一些首次购房等条件,这里不一一赘述。Valérie 提出的这个竞选施政方案当然对她成功拿下市长宝座功不可没,那么当选后怎么兑现呢?
事实表明:民主国家的政客,恶心一点的,就把竞选口号、施政方案抛到脑后,一副“我当选了,我是赢家我怕谁?!”的嘴脸;除此之外,多数会拿出政治装*好手的看家本领,毕竟是胜选的“政客赢家”么。看看Valérie 是怎么干的:

1. 原有计划中,孩子的年龄被从18岁以下,压制到13岁以下,究竟是有更多的家庭符合政府掏腰包的标准?还是更少的家庭符合政府掏腰包的标准?呵呵~~~

2. 新、旧申请表都规定:申请提交的时间最晚不超过购房成交后6个月内。以今天2018年6月5号为例,现在新规定已经进入实施阶段(这个另说,市政府网站说该政策从2018年5月1号开始实施,但相关新表格到6月2号时还没有出台,这都不算事儿),以此往前推,2017年12月5号以后签购房合同的、符合其他条件的申请者都应该有资格提交申请,然而,政府网站却在下载新表格的网页加注了一个说明:2018年5月1号以后签购房合同的才有条件申请。


此外,这位女市长貌似还格外“仁慈”地追加:对于“家庭中至少有一个孩子”的规定,她的新增条款说:如果是购房合同签字后9个月内,家庭新出生/收养的孩子也算。很仁慈是不是? 她一定有一个装*政客好手告诉她:年轻夫妇在紧锣密鼓购房前1个月成功怀孕第一个宝宝,然后在购房后9个月内顺利迎接宝宝,一个年轻家庭敢同时面对供房、养孩子两大挑战的几率几乎等于零!


Political Zhuang-bility in Quebec/魁北克的装B政治学
“Zhuang-bility/装B学”:A study to show off vanity, self-satisfaction or even deceitful behavior and to show others what they lack or they don’t really want. In one word, fake. (ref.: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%A3%85B)
Here is an example of Zhuang-bility in Quebec politics. On November 5, 2017, Valérie Plante became the 1st woman to be elected as Mayor of Montreal. One reason for her to be elected is that she promised to “reimburse the welcome tax to families who buy property for the 1st time” (ref.: http://en.projetmontreal.org/welcome_tax). During the election, she proposed a new program “for all families with at least one child acquiring their first property as a family in Montreal” and her understanding of popular’s feeling seemed quite touching: “families in Montreal can barely afford a house.” It all looked good until she has to deliver her manifesto promises where the political Zhuang-bility can play high.
According to the new program carried out by Valérie Plante ‘s administration, it says:
1) “ A lump sum when you buy a new residential property, if you are a family with at least one child under 13 or who will be born or adopted no later than 9 months after the property is purchased; “ whereas the old program is for families “with at least one child who is under 18 “ (http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=9437,143036184&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL);
2) Although in the new application form, the maximum time limit to submit an application is “at the latest, 6 months following the date the transaction is recorded in the Land Register, as long as the program is still in force” (http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/pls/portal/docs/page/habitation_fr/media/documents/programme_appui_acquisition_residentielle_formulaire_2018_en.pdf), the official website put some restriction on it: “ If the bill of sale was signed before May 1, 2018, the old program applies. “ (http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=9437,143036184&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL)Today is June 5, 2018, if we follow the instruction given in the form, the family whose deed of sale was signed between December 5, 2017 to June 5th, 2018 will be entitled to apply if they meet the other criteria, but Valérie Plante’s administration imposed above the law a restriction to exclude the eligible families whose deed of sale was signed from December 1, 2017 to May 1st, 2018. Well played, Zhuang-bility!
As for the above-mentioned point 1), comparing with the old program that requires a child under 18, the political winner limited the child’s age to under 13or a child who will be born or adopted no later than 9 months after the property is purchased". Good for you, Ms. Valérie Plante, a good political Zhuang-biliter shall know that it is almost impossible for a young couple to challenge both housing mortgage and raising a child at the same time, planning their first baby one month(it usually takes 10 months to have a baby born)before they purchase a new condo.
It’s always the political Zhuang-biliters who win and their voters lose.
ref.: https://twitter.com/val_plante/status/925480467792412672
ref.: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/the-charm-offensive-val%C3%A9rie-plante-s-charge-for-city-hall-1.4314639
ref.: https://www.asqql.com/html_file/445/125274.html


作者: justiceQC    时间: 2018-6-6 16:21
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2018-6-6 16:23 编辑

女市长Valérie Plante的学历:

Plante moved to Montréal in 1994 to study anthropology at the Université de Montréal, where she graduated with a BA in 1998. She then went on to obtain a certificate in multiethnic intervention in 1998, and a master in museum studies in 2001 at the university.

Google translation: 1994年,普兰特移居蒙特利尔,在蒙特利尔大学学习人类学,1998年毕业于文学学士学位。同年,她获得多种族干预证书,并于2001年在该大学获得博物馆研究硕士学位。

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