第三, 检控官找不到有利的证据,诈骗的钱在哪里,他们仍然误导公众我诈骗6000万,并误导公众投资人的痛苦和损失是我诈骗造成的,而不是市场原因,作为一个检控官,他们应该知道2008年金融海啸是银行的贪婪所造成,当时有数千万人损失,很多人家破人亡,为什么检控官Macdonald Gavin and Robert Gattrel 不去监控银行,反而,监控我受害人,2008年的金融海啸损失超过数万,数万亿,为什么证券会不去追查投资人损失的钱到谁哪里去了,谁拿走聊投资人的钱,这些钱我肯定没有拿过。
作者: 唐炜臻 时间: 2016-3-4 09:40
Weizhen Tang’s Oversea Chinese Partnership Fund is a major concern of its investors. The Fund’s current difficulties and frustrations are only temporary.
To trade on the financial markets of the world is to do legitimate work. It is no sin, but glorious work that may fulfill the hopes and dreams of those who invest.
Whether Weizhen Tang obtains permission to trade again is a matter that concerns all investors, and not merely Tang himself.
No one without real competence and confidence should choose to trade in the complex situation of the present time. To do so competently requires courage and bravery, as well as experience and expertise.
Anyone suspected of criminal intent would never seek permission to trade. It would be a kind of attempted suicide.
A criminal suspect would be wise to remain silent.
If one is truly guilty of a crime, whatever he does is going to be futile. However, if one is innocent, why would he worry about anything?
Some people think that because I have temporarily lost their money, I therefore deserve to be punished. These men and women are just as incorrect in their thinking as the Ontario Securities Commission.
Only the guilty should be punished. I was not guilty of any crime before, nor am I now, and I shall never be in the future.
It is my own decision to voluntarily offer to pay back the investors for their losses. This is not demanded by the securities law. The OSC can relieve the burden it has placed on me, but will not compensate the investors on my behalf.
My strong determination to pay back the investors is a reflection of my honesty, and the ability to do so depends on my skills. I deserve encouragement for this action, not condemnation.
I intend to make money from the market to pay my investors back. Anyone’s decision to not sign the consent form means that he or she does not wish me to trade on their behalf, and that they no longer trust my ability to make money from the market. If people choose this route, I am not obliged to return anything to them.
If the OSC is going to handle the affair according to their business principles, they are not going to make me work to compensate you. Counting on the OSC means that you don’t want me to make the money that would allow me to pay you back.
Any punishment that the OSC imposes on me is going to hurt you even more than me.
The OSC is not going to bring you a single cent back, yet you may choose to believe that it is protecting you. Whereas when I try my every means to return your investment—both the principal as well as the interest—some turn a deaf ear to me and even accuse me of trying to escape the charges. How untrue!! Since I am innocent, why should I attempt to escape any charges?
If one is guilty, empty talk of paying back money would never alleviate the charges. Instead, it would only make things worse.
To sign or not to sign the authorization is your own decision. However, what motive would you have to urge others not to sign? Do you plan to pay anything to the investors?
What harm is my trading going to do to you, or to anyone who objects to it?
Seeking permission for public trading is not a sin. No one should fear or worry about anything.
Trading is my only way to recoup past losses. How come you don’t realize this and not take any action?
大多数人并不知道我真正的操盘能力,只知道表面现象。很多人以为几千万是天文数字, 希望只有1%, 而我确认为问题只是1%,希望是99%。
Most people don’t understand my true competence. Many think the chance to recover the loss of millions of dollars is no more than one per cent. In my opinion, the chance is 99 per cent, since any potential problems account for only one per cent.
As the saying goes, truth is usually seized by only a minority. I believe that there is much truth in that expression.
有人认为没有钱怎么板本, 其实钱市场有的是,投资人有的是,操盘能力和机会才是决定因素,你给我一个机会,更是给自己一个机会,凭什么不给,还有什么可以损失的?
Some investors doubt that I can recoup the losses without funds. In fact, the market has an ample supply of funds and investors. The decisive factors of success are the ability to trade and the opportunity to do so. A chance given to me to trade once more is a chance given to you as well. After all, there is nothing more to lose on your side.
What the investors fear most is that I have actually committed a crime. However, they are not correct in assuming that I have done anything of the sort.
Fortunately, most investors of the Oversea Chinese Partnership Fund are of high intelligence and good faith. They are reasonable and know better than to doubt someone who has served them so well in the past. Because of those who maintain their trust in me, my situation remains a promising one. 作者: 光荣啊,汉奸! 时间: 2016-3-4 09:45
那为何你们都来加拿大呢?作者: 唐炜臻 时间: 2016-3-4 09:46