Help you master the hottest J2EE/Weblogic technologies and build solid hands-on experience on them to win the most competitive chance in current Java market.
Project Description:
The project is a typical multi-tier, distributed enterprise system, Electronic Banking System (eBank system). It covers everything you need to know to design and develop a complicated real enterprise system. Mostly important, it groups things you learned from core Java and advanced Java and other hottest technologies in the market you might not have learned yet together to form a real and elegant enterprise system.
The covered technologies include:
Servlet, Filter, JSP, HTML, XSL, JavaScript, Session Listener, Custom Tag, EJB (including Session Bean, Entity Bean and MDB), JMS, JNDI, JDBC, Database Connection Pool, DataSource, Security, Log4J, Error Handling, Multi-language Support, Monitoring, XML, WSDL, Web Service, JAXB, Ant (auto build), Stored Procedure, Trigger, Sequence, Synonym, DataBase Link, J2EE famous Design Pattern, J2EE popular framework – Struts etc.
The servers and tools involved are:
Windows 2000, Weblogic 8.1 SP3, iPlanet Web Server, Oracle9i, SQL Navigator, JBuilder etc.
1. SDLC Methodology and J2EE Project Architecture Overview
2. How to Create Your Environment and Run a Simple J2EE Project on WLS
3. J2EE Web Component Technologies
4. J2EE Frameworks and Struts
5. J2EE EJB Component Technologies
6. JMS and Security Technologies
7. Webservice Component Technologies
8. eBank Project on Weblogic Server
Java 精华班(Core & Advanced Java)
授课老师简介: Raymond, Senior Architect。复旦大学计算机本科毕业,澳洲新南威尔市大学计算机硕士毕业。在北美十几年来,就职于IBM、Intel、CIBC 等诸多大公司,专攻IT疑难杂症。北美资深IT指导老师,对IT 学习方面有独到见解。新概念电脑培训中心“Java 精华班”和“Java与AOP实用技术班”的授课老师。以其深厚的IT功底、博大的信息量、优美的Code,深深感撼了每一位学员,被公认为“最有深度的老师”!
Royal College of Technology Canada(新概念电脑培训中心)
政府EI 申请首选学校,安省注册编号:0292。