1941年這張在加拿大拍攝的這張照片里有一位不符合那時代穿著的人出現。它的太陽眼鏡,T桖的樣式,手上的相機都不符合1940年代的樣式。他被許多人稱為「時光旅行 作者: 稀泥派 老刘 时间: 2015-12-18 15:58
保持好奇心,保持敬畏心,不要迷失自己 作者: 好兴致 时间: 2015-12-18 16:12
是有点奇怪,不会是PS的吧?作者: Suntoront 时间: 2015-12-19 00:24
Most likely it is a PS thing. The person's ear makes a big shadow on his face. That means the sun is behind him. Look at other people's faces. Their faces have no shadow and are so bright. The sun is on the left side and not behind them.