
标题: 再开支票:新民主党欲拨129亿元拼交通 [打印本页]

作者: viewpoint    时间: 2015-9-13 09:08
标题: 再开支票:新民主党欲拨129亿元拼交通
作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-9-13 09:12
省了打伊拉克的几百亿军费开支, 将钱用在民生上有什么不好? 一个国家的城市建设和景气度有关系的.
作者: liumang    时间: 2015-9-13 10:09
本帖最后由 小路平平 于 2015-9-13 10:16 编辑


http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ ... screening-1.3219359

Stephen Harper says Canada will not airlift refugees without proper security screening
'We are willing to take more people, but we must be sure we are helping the most vulnerable'

Stephen Harper says the government is looking to improve the refugee resettlement process, but it will not airlift thousands of refugees from countries such as Syria and Iraq, where extremist organizations operate, without conducting a proper security screening.

"To help, we must ensure we screen every potential refugee carefully. We have been clear that we are willing to take more people, but we must be sure we are helping the most vulnerable.

"We cannot open the floodgates and airlift tens of thousands of refugees out of a terrorist war zone without proper process. That is too great a risk for Canada," Harper said on Tuesday during a question-and-answer session on Facebook.

Syrian refugee crisis: Christy Clark pledges $1M to help refugees
Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard to sponsor Syrian refugee family
Harper and other world leaders have come under increased pressure to take in more refugees as the war in Syria continues to displace millions of people into neighbouring countries.

Four million Syrians have already fled the country, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which estimates that another 7.6 million people are displaced inside Syria.

Harper said on Tuesday, during a morning campaign stop in Mississauga, Ont., that efforts to bring in more refugees cannot come at the expense of Canada's security.

"This government has already announced prior to the latest round of headlines, we announced our intention to bring more Syrian and Iraq refugees to this country … we're looking to bring in more and we're looking to improve the process."

"When we are dealing with people that are from, in many cases a terrorist war zone, we are going to make sure that we screen people appropriately and the security of this country is fully protected," Harper said.

Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper and his wife, Laureen, visited Facebook’s Canadian headquarters in Toronto for a Q&A session. (Facebook)

In January, the Harper government announced it would resettle 10,000 more Syrian refugees over the next three years and another 3,000 Iraqi refugees by the end of 2015, in addition to the 20,000 Iraqi refugees who have already resettled in Canada.

Harper also said Canada will continue to prioritize refugees who are ethnic and religious minorities — comments that previously drew the ire of his political rivals.

"We are going to make sure that we are selecting the most vulnerable bona fide refugees. Obviously with a focus on the religious and ethnic minorities that are the most vulnerable," Harper said during a campaign stop in Mississauga.

'Bureaucratic trap'
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair, who was in Dorval, Que., on Tuesday morning, criticized Harper for lacking the political will to take in more refugees.

"You shouldn't have people in this desperate situation falling into a bureaucratic trap asked to produce identity papers, as if you had time to renew your driver's licence when you were walking across the desert with your family.

"So you have to take that into account, having more people on the ground there would be a good idea. And, of course, we could use military assets to start moving refugees out of the area more rapidly," Mulcair said.

Over the weekend, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau called on Harper to meet with him and the NDP leader to come up with an improved response to the crisis.

Mulcair also said he had reached out to the Conservative leader.

Harper later dismissed the proposed meeting as "partisan games."

B.C. latest province to offer help
The pressure on Harper to take in more refugees continued to mount on Tuesday when B.C. Premier Christy Clark became the fourth provincial leader in recent days to announce measures to help Syrian refugees resettle in Canada.

The photograph of the Syrian toddler Alan Kurdi, whose body was found on a beach in Turkey after he drowned with his mother and brother trying to reach Europe, hit British Columbians particularly hard because the three-year-old's aunt lives in Coquitlam.

The premiers of Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario also announced increased efforts to help Syrian refugees in the past week.

ANALYSIS | Refugee crisis makes for strange sights on Lesbos: Margaret Evans
ANALYSIS | Refugee crisis brings out best and worst in Europe: Nahlah Ayed
The Canadian office for the United Nations Refugee Agency thanked Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil for his province's contribution of $50,000 for Syrian refugees.

It also expressed gratitude to individual Canadians and other groups "for the outpouring of public support and donations" offered in response to the Syrian crisis.

In a press release issued Tuesday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said the agency only had enough funds to meet about 37 per cent of its needs for the Syrian emergency.

Former Progressive Conservative prime minister Joe Clark said last week that Canada could take in refugees more quickly by sending Canadian officials to United Nations refugee camps where they could screen applicants in person.

Clark said that's what his government did when it airlifted thousands of Vietnamese applicants to Canada from refugee camps in 1979.

'Agree to bring 50,000 of those frightened men, women and children to Canada. Say we'll do it by end-December.'–Rick Hillier, retired Canadian general
Retired general Rick Hillier also added his voice to the debate on Sunday, urging the three main federal leaders to work together to bring 50,000 refugees to Canada by the end of the year.

"Each of our federal leaders has said we must do more, so let's do it.… Challenge our provinces, cities, churches and individual Canadians to step up and help this get done. Let's do it instead of endlessly talking about doing it," Hillier said in a post on Facebook.

Refugee applications processed 'within a year'
Part of the struggle to bring refugees to Canada is based on the resources to process them.

In 2012, Canada closed its visa processing office in Damascus, shunting hundreds of case files over to the already overstretched embassies in Jordan and Egypt.

Then, the government did deploy additional staff to try to get a handle on a case backlog that included both refugee files and family sponsorship ones — cases in which people in Canada were trying to get their own families out of the war.

But at that point, the government had made no firm commitments on Syrian refugee resettlement and staff were largely processing refugee cases belonging to Iraqis.

A spokeswoman from Citizenship and Immigration Canada told CBC News that it was "difficult" to say how many of its staff are currently assigned to processing applications from refugees, because "we move work around the immigration network depending on where we have available resources and where files can be processed most quickly."

"We are processing Syrian resettlement cases within a year and continue to look at ways to streamline processing," Nancy Caron said in an email to CBC News.

Caron said processing times depend on a number of factors, including "the volume of applications, the security situation in the region and how quickly requirements such as security screening and medical examinations can be completed."

She also noted that CIC has "reallocated resources and centralized the intake and processing of applications in Winnipeg to alleviate the administrative burden at visa offices overseas and reduce backlogs."

作者: liumang    时间: 2015-9-13 10:11
Harper: 加拿大人的好总理
作者: liumang    时间: 2015-9-13 10:12
作者: liumang    时间: 2015-9-13 10:13
加拿大的国家利益第一, 支持哈珀总理。
作者: liumang    时间: 2015-9-13 10:15
作者: 新豬    时间: 2015-9-13 10:43
作者: yalan    时间: 2015-9-13 11:00
作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-9-13 11:21
小路平平 发表于 2015-9-13 10:15
想来想去,我还是选哈珀,经济不好是因为石油下跌,是外部原因,不是加拿大自己造成的,只要油价不涨,现在 ...

伊斯兰对加拿大怎么了? 值得哈珀这么大动干戈? 你到是说给我听听.。。明显和美国的共和党, 保守党的老相好有关.。。。他们是代表军火商的利益的, 也是攻打伊拉克等的主谋.。。。连美国现在都不想弄这个烂摊子了, 加拿大去接它干吗? 脑子里有屎还是另有图谋和利益?
作者: tiger.k    时间: 2015-9-13 13:52
本帖最后由 tiger.k 于 2015-9-13 13:53 编辑

作者: inoo    时间: 2015-9-13 13:57
tiger.k 发表于 2015-9-13 13:52
只要加拿大不出兵海外,少参与别人的战争,既能省军费,还能减少安保开支,转而将钱投向国内,可以大大改善 ...

作者: inoo    时间: 2015-9-13 13:59
克 飞 发表于 2015-9-13 11:21
伊斯兰对加拿大怎么了? 值得哈珀这么大动干戈? 你到是说给我听听.。。明显和美国的共和党, 保守党的老相 ...

作者: tiger.k    时间: 2015-9-13 14:01
inoo 发表于 2015-9-13 13:57
加拿大的国防安全主要依靠美国。因此已经省了很多钱。支持美国出兵中东是应尽的义务。不知道你们平常是怎 ...

作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-9-13 14:16
inoo 发表于 2015-9-13 13:57
加拿大的国防安全主要依靠美国。因此已经省了很多钱。支持美国出兵中东是应尽的义务。不知道你们平常是怎 ...

作者: Criticalthinker    时间: 2015-9-13 14:16
作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-9-13 14:25
本帖最后由 克 飞 于 2015-9-13 14:28 编辑

拉登家族是布什家族的世交, 萨达姆是美国扶持起来打伊朗的, ISIS是美国以色列扶持出来搞乱叙利亚的.。。。现在美国又在伊拉克扶持库尔德武装, 是中东公认的恐怖分子, 他们认为比ISIS还要可恶, 所以中东没有人帮忙, 连欧洲也不愿意。
所以把布什说成是四大恶人, 不是没有道理的. 除了军火商和一些石油巨头, 全世界的国家的人民都是Loser。

作者: inoo    时间: 2015-9-13 14:31
tiger.k 发表于 2015-9-13 14:01
错了,美国一向要求加拿大安置难民和后勤支援,从来没有指望加拿大派出战斗人员直接参与战斗,要真有那个 ...

作者: inoo    时间: 2015-9-13 14:34
克 飞 发表于 2015-9-13 14:16
连奥巴马都没有兴趣。。。唯一有兴趣是小布什之流.。。他们是善于发国难财的啊。 ...

作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-9-13 14:36
inoo 发表于 2015-9-13 14:31
出兵不是为了战斗力,而是一个姿态。美国打伊拉克时只有英国追随,加拿大没出兵,美国很受伤。出兵不在多 ...

花几百亿追求一个姿态? 加拿大也够有钱的啊。
作者: USBenq    时间: 2015-9-13 14:37
作者: 大炮二世    时间: 2015-9-13 14:37
小路平平 发表于 2015-9-13 10:09

http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ ...

这个态度是正确的,一个leader的正确态度是lead, 不是follow,有时候不能轻易跟随群众意见。
作者: xuxi    时间: 2015-9-13 16:39
克 飞 发表于 2015-9-13 09:12
省了打伊拉克的几百亿军费开支, 将钱用在民生上有什么不好? 一个国家的城市建设和景气度有关系的. ...


作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-9-13 16:57
USBenq 发表于 2015-9-13 14:37
问一下这位开支票的伟哥:钱是哪来的?你伟哥自己掏腰包?或是NDP掏腰包? ...

这还简单, 欠债呗。。。哈珀到中东打仗的几百亿难道是保守党出的? 十块钱都不会掏的啊。
作者: 冬临城堡    时间: 2015-9-13 17:59
克 飞 发表于 2015-9-13 16:57
这还简单, 欠债呗。。。哈珀到中东打仗的几百亿难道是保守党出的? 十块钱都不会掏的啊。 ...

作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-9-13 18:18
冬临城堡 发表于 2015-9-13 17:59

这都是事实, 而且加拿大不是哈珀一个人的, 对不对? 你认为是他一个人的吗? 如果发展到这样, 只能另想办法了.
作者: 冬临城堡    时间: 2015-9-13 18:59
克 飞 发表于 2015-9-13 18:18
这都是事实, 而且加拿大不是哈珀一个人的, 对不对? 你认为是他一个人的吗? 如果发展到这样, 只能另想办 ...

作者: xuxi    时间: 2015-9-13 19:19
新豬 发表于 2015-9-13 10:43

猪,加拿大的难民好像不能随便干活,俺知道的几个假难民都是干现金工,具体咋球回事,俺也不太清楚,三达子 可能清楚

作者: xuxi    时间: 2015-9-13 19:25
本帖最后由 xuxi 于 2015-9-13 22:56 编辑
tiger.k 发表于 2015-9-13 13:52
只要加拿大不出兵海外,少参与别人的战争,既能省军费,还能减少安保开支,转而将钱投向国内,可以大大改善 ...



作者: racingcar    时间: 2015-9-13 19:52
加拿大的国家利益第一, 支持哈珀总理。
作者: racingcar    时间: 2015-9-13 19:52
作者: 资足长乐    时间: 2015-9-13 23:15
作者: skyspeed    时间: 2015-9-14 12:32

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