
标题: 同居男友:我难道骗了这个女孩吗? [打印本页]

作者: 哇咧    时间: 2005-5-14 09:38
标题: [评论]同居男友:我难道骗了这个女孩吗?
作者: 白山黑水    时间: 2005-5-14 10:17


作者: sweethoney    时间: 2005-5-14 15:44
不太同意, 什么是道德底线?
道德底线即使有也是在变化的, 说实话, 一个女孩子随便喜欢谁就和谁同居了, 你是说现在的道德底线可以容纳这个了, 如果这样的话, 我认为这个男人及时行乐, 随意自由的行为被包括到道德底线以内的时间也不会长了.
现代社会真的有道德底线吗? 我个人的认为是一个人群有一个人群的道德底线, 在某些人群里, 一同居就惦心着结婚就是不道德的, 在同性恋人群里, 你讨论同性恋的忠贞也是可笑的,  说实话, 看着这些20出头的人互相不明就里地同居, 然后还讲什么忠贞了, 欺骗什么的本身就是很可笑的事情



作者: 爱心幼儿园    时间: 2005-5-14 17:21
作者: ccccccccccc    时间: 2005-5-14 19:33
标题: 真能编文章

作者: condition zero    时间: 2005-5-14 20:01
同居 definietly a fair thing to do , the girl is adult , she should take responsible for her action , whatever male or female , if she cannot thinking right that is her problem , why she must take advantage to male .
作者: tomfa    时间: 2005-5-14 21:11
作者: flyingpet    时间: 2005-5-14 21:47
同居是个危险的游戏,不 合单纯的女孩
不管是同居还是结婚之前一定要看清楚对方, 想清楚得与矢
这样对双方都好, 就算分手也可以坦然
作者: 胖小新    时间: 2005-5-15 02:16
标题: 计较啥?凑合看吧!


最初由[condition zero ]发布

同居 definietly a fair thing to do , the girl is adult , she should take responsible for her action , whatever male or female , if she cannot thinking right that is her problem , why she must take advantage to male .
作者: condition zero    时间: 2005-5-15 10:55
chinese- english  , i have bad grammar
作者: tomfa    时间: 2005-5-15 10:59
作者: Till4U    时间: 2005-5-15 17:24
其实吧 这样的故事大家看看就得~ 清官难断家务事 这两口儿指不定还有什么事儿夹在里面没说呢  别说人家 就说你自己家有多少事儿是其他人不知道的 如果有人问 你能都说出来?

说故事的也是这样 肯定自己帮自己说话儿 谁能分手了弄这么热闹还帮对方找理由呢 这不扯嘛!!

但是非常不赞成男女同居 一有问题就是男生有问题 周瑜打黄盖 一个愿打 一个愿挨~~   这么多姐妹自己琢磨下 有几个能认识个男生一个星期就让男生上床拉   自己的门就没关严!!!! 到最后想起来人家男生骗她拉 早干吗拉  

别说多伦多 就咱论坛还这么多单身男生找不到女朋友呢 又不是没男人 多挑挑啊 真是~~

作者: 百忍成精    时间: 2005-6-16 13:47
标题: not thinking straight
From this article I found the guy is not very mature for his age.  He thinks that common law is not a responsibility rather than short term friendship with benifit.  I guess he doesn't realize that in Canada when people live together for 1 year, they are considered to be married.  The spouse is entitled for all the benifit as married couple.

There are so much more he needs to learn in his life.  He has no plan for his future, he doesn't think cheating is wrong, he believes hiding the truth is not lying.  Maybe in China 23 years old is still considered as a BOY, but in Canada most people at that age either start working or try to finish post secondary school.  People start planning their career at that age.

I feel that's a huge difference between old and new immigrants.  Old immigrants work their ass off to get stay in Canada, new immigrants has similar background as the one in the story are usually not appreciated what they have.  Things will change when age is catching up on him.  I can't picture how he can be good husand or father, nor supporting a family.
作者: 文月    时间: 2005-6-16 14:42
同居是个危险的游戏,不 合单纯的女孩
不管是同居还是结婚之前一定要看清楚对方, 想清楚得与矢
这样对双方都好, 就算分手也可以坦然

作者: 爱上馒头的包子    时间: 2005-6-16 15:03


恩,这话说得在理!可是,女人在男人面前的穿着是越穿越少,这两年是露肚脐,露内裤,过两年偶看就会裸奔了。希望那女人接近男人的目标之一不是上床。。。, 嘿嘿。。。   

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