
标题: Rally against sex-ed curriculum about the kids, not politics [打印本页]

作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 08:17
标题: Rally against sex-ed curriculum about the kids, not politics
自粉们说抗议安省手淫肛交性教育的华人不懂英语, 俺这个"不懂"英语的, 就帮着自由党上一篇曾经投票给韦恩的家长是如何"支持"这个性教育的文章. 希望韦恩, 陈国治喜欢!


TORONTO - It was Fatima Ali’s first protest.

She’s not homophobic, not concerned Premier Kathleen Wynne is a lesbian, and she’s not a Conservative.

In fact, in the last election, she voted for Wynne.

“I supported her,” Ali said.

Not anymore.

At least, not unless Wynne changes the language in her new sex-education curriculum.

“I am a mother and I can’t believe as a mother the premier is allowing something that will destroy kids,” said Ali, who came to Toronto 20 years ago from Somalia. “You don’t introduce kids to sex like this so young. This will be the destruction of kids.”

Fatima matters.

She was one of the more than 4,000 who came to the lawn of Queen’s Park Monday to demonstrate against the curriculum, which introduces same sex-relations, anal and oral sex, masturbation, sexting and gender identity to students in elementary school.

For their part, the Liberal government did not seem to take the group seriously. Education Minister Liz Sandals told reporters it was “Conservative” politics. Wynne has said some of the protesters are homophobic or part of the Conservative Party of Canada’s political agenda. Recently, she told the Toronto Star some of the protest has “taken on a very negative tone because I’m a lesbian.”

It’s sad because I don’t see any evidence of this being an issue in this crowd.

They are parents. Many are worried about the fact that Ben Levin — convicted of child porn-related charges — was the deputy minister of education but not at all focused on the premier’s sexual orientation.

Why would they be?

Fatima said suggestions that she’s intolerant because she worries about the children are hurtful. Many felt that way.

“To say this is all politically motivated is a lie,” said Jotvinder Sodhi, an organizer of the event. “This is freedom and these politicians are your servants.”

Charles McVety, of Canada Christian College, said there will come a point where the Liberals will have to stop belittling the protests and, instead, listen to and engage those opposed to their plan.

“This, after all, is their base,” said McVety. “I don’t see how the Liberal government can just dismiss them. They are going to have to deal with this at some point because each of these members understand how many votes are at stake.”

He and Sodhi are correct. This is not a fringe group that can be labelled non-progressive.

“A lot of what is in the curriculum is not age appropriate,” said protester Matt Lau. “It’s three or four years too early.”

What should happen is the premier should reach out to this group and try to find a middle ground. There is compromise in many things in politics, except for this. It’s like this radical sex-ed curriculum is set in stone and if you dare to point out issues with it, you are now anti-gay or dismissed as a social conservative.

It’s so insulting.

Immature too. This crowd is not a menace but the people who make this province great.

There is language inside of this curriculum that can be altered and there is nothing wrong with increasing the age students are targeted for the material.

Somewhere there has to be a middle ground.

There is room for input from people like Fatima Ali.

“As they say, if a government misleads people on their taxes, they may forget in three years, but if you do anything that puts their children at risk, they never forget,” said Jack Fonseca, of Campaign Life Coalition.

Fatima feels she is a mom protecting her children. She said that under no circumstances is she political.

“For me, it’s all about my kids and future grandkids,” the mother of two said.

If this curriculum is not changed, she believes many people will not only opt out of the days it is being taught but may opt out altogether.

“I think you are going to see a lot more home schooling,” she said.

If Sandals and Wynne don’t believe that, they might want to take note that there were 26 school buses at this protest. Some came from as far away as Thunder Bay and Windsor.

And many, like Fatima, were attending their first political protest. It turned out to be quite a big one.

作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 08:32

“I am a mother and I can’t believe as a mother the premier is allowing something that will destroy kids,” said Ali, who came to Toronto 20 years ago from Somalia. “You don’t introduce kids to sex like this so young. This will be the destruction of kids.”

“我是一个母亲,我不能相信省长作为一个母亲会允许(推行)毁掉孩子们的东西. ”. 阿里说. 她20年前从索马里来多伦多。 “你不应该在孩子这么小的时候就教他们这样的性知识(性行为). 这会毁掉孩子们。“

She was one of the more than 4,000 who came to the lawn of Queen’s Park Monday to demonstrate against the curriculum, which introduces same sex-relations, anal and oral sex, masturbation, sexting and gender identity to students in elementary school

她是4000多个星期一(笔误, 是星期二)来到女王公园草坪抗议(省府性教育)课程的一员. 该课程介绍同性恋,肛交和口交,手淫六种性别身份给小学生。
作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 08:37
俺知道世界上有男人和女人两种性别. 安省自由党的性教材里居然发现六种性别身份, 这是韦恩的创造力还是想在孩子们的头脑里制造混乱呢? 生物学上说, 除男人和女人两种性别外, 人类的其他四种性别|(如果存在的), DNA构造是怎么样的?
作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 09:00
这位母亲, 索马里移民, 出于韦恩的性教育对孩子不良影响的忧虑, 参加抗议集会的言行, 那个多伦多星报是不会报道滴!. 这就是加拿大的"新闻自由"! 星报感兴趣的是发表歧视亚裔学生的"asian student suffering for success"社论.
作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 11:01

克 飞 发表于 2015-4-15 10:16
是的, 自由党是更代表印巴人和华人等少数族裔的(相对于保守党来说,他们更代表本地白人),我就不知道了 ...

克飞说" 为什么这些个华人”代表“怎么痛恨自由党而推崇保守党的, 这感觉有点.。。不识好歹!". 看来这成千上万参加示威的百姓是"不识好歹"了, 省府给你们天真无邪的孩子准备了这么"好"的手淫肛交性教育, 你们居然还不识抬举?! 难怪几天前, 陈国治厅长撰文说你们是捣蛋者, 给予严正警告!

作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-4-15 11:06
加拿大老张 发表于 2015-4-15 11:01
克飞说" 为什么这些个华人”代表“怎么痛恨自由党而推崇保守党的, 这感觉有点.。。不识好歹!". 看来这成 ...

老张, 不要把矛头转移啊, 我讲的只是你这种”代表", 下面是原语!

是的, 自由党是更代表印巴人和华人等少数族裔的(相对于保守党来说,他们更代表本地白人),我就不知道了, 为什么这些个华人”代表“怎么痛恨自由党而推崇保守党的, 这感觉有点.。。不识好歹!
作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-4-15 11:08
这位索马里母亲讲的话, 三十年前, 中国开设课程“生理卫生”时也有很多这种言论的, 我还言尤在耳, 因为当初我也这样想过.
作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 11:13
克 飞 发表于 2015-4-15 11:08
这位索马里母亲讲的话, 三十年前, 中国开设课程“生理卫生”时也有很多这种言论的, 我还言尤在耳, 因为当初 ...

省府给你们天真无邪的孩子准备了这么"好"的手淫肛交性教育, 这位索马里母亲不感激韦恩为她的孩子着想, 还跑出来抗议, 不识好歹了?! 克飞30年前, 有不识好歹的嫌疑, 现在跟着韦恩成了"进步势力", 这就是"进步"!
作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-4-15 11:17
加拿大老张 发表于 2015-4-15 11:13
省府给你们天真无邪的孩子准备了这么"好"的手淫肛交性教育, 这位索马里母亲不感激韦恩为她的孩子着想, 还 ...

算了吧, 这不是大纲说的内容, 只能证明你这个天才的淫棍的想象力确实名副其实。,
作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 11:39
克 飞 发表于 2015-4-15 11:17
算了吧, 这不是大纲说的内容, 只能证明你这个天才的淫棍的想象力确实名副其实。,  ...

你看, 我帮你们批评这位参加抗议集会的索马里母亲不识好歹, 陈厅长早就撰文警告参加抗议的那些人是捣蛋者了. 按省府的意思, 下一代不学会手淫肛交性教育就小学毕业, 那不是文盲吗? 你要理解韦恩和陈国治厅长对孩子们的"期待"!
作者: 克 飞    时间: 2015-4-15 11:44
加拿大老张 发表于 2015-4-15 11:39
你看, 我帮你们批评这位参加抗议集会的索马里母亲不识好歹, 陈厅长早就撰文警告参加抗议的那些人是捣蛋者 ...

我不认为陈国治会这样下流, 人家明明是穿了件短袖, 而你却看到手臂想起大腿,又想起.。。。。

然后你就指责他在公共场合裸体, 由是华人大哗!
作者: inoo    时间: 2015-4-15 11:52
安省的政治权力,教育系统,掌握在同性恋,恋童癖的手中。看看那个Liz Sandals,眼神邪恶,就跟一个妖婆一样。
作者: 加拿大老张    时间: 2015-4-15 12:16
克 飞 发表于 2015-4-15 11:44
我不认为陈国治会这样下流, 人家明明是穿了件短袖, 而你却看到手臂想起大腿,又想起.。。。。

然后你就 ...

呵呵, 重口味, 省府这套手淫肛交性教育, 在克飞眼里还是"人家明明是穿了件短袖"? 那穿背心的时候是不是要给孩子们上手淫肛交视频和电影啥的, 保证孩子们人人都练习呀? 至于省府性教育搞到"公共场合裸体"的程度,  俺无法想象怎么样, 还是克飞韦恩陈厅长们给大家讲讲是什么样子吧?

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