
标题: 我这个托福成绩可以入约克吗 [打印本页]

作者: jenny2005    时间: 2005-1-20 11:46
标题: 我这个托福成绩可以入约克吗
我的托福成绩是553(笔试),我去申请的时候他们说比要求的560分低一点,我申请的是ARKINSTION COLLEGE,不知道他们会不会放松条件呢,我听说好像这个学院要松一点的,有谁有经验的说一下好吗,因为我不想再考一次托福了,也不想考YELT
作者: 且听风吟    时间: 2005-1-20 15:07
I don't know much about York. But it is sure that a university will consider the student whose TEOFL is 10-10 lower than required.

However, if you really wanna enter the program you want, try to pass the minuma Toefl score.
作者: jenny2005    时间: 2005-1-20 15:37
标题: thanks
I don't know much about York. But it is sure that a university will consider the student whose TEOFL is 10-10 lower than required.

However, if you really wanna enter the program you want, try to pass the minuma Toefl score.

I know from the admission officer that the minimum TOEFL score for the Atkinson college of York University is 560,she said she couldn't guarantee,but she recommend I take an YELT test in York University.

why do you sure a university will consider the student's TOEFL score which is 10 lower than the requirement?
作者: Steamed Bun    时间: 2005-1-20 16:15
作者: 且听风吟    时间: 2005-1-21 13:32
Thatz the reason why it is better to pass the minmum.
However, I don't know much about the college.
If they are too many vocacine...530 is okay in some extreme situation...

But don't put hope on something only happnd by 0.01% possibility...

------ If you do like that college, try TOEFL again. Usually, ppl get higher mark than b4.
作者: 育婴亲子    时间: 2005-1-21 14:42
标题: 不行,绝对不行。人家620的都没把握。

作者: Steamed Bun    时间: 2005-1-21 20:52
作者: jenny2005    时间: 2005-1-21 23:50
Thatz the reason why it is better to pass the minmum.
However, I don't know much about the college.
If they are too many vocacine...530 is okay in some extreme situation...

But don't put hope on something only happnd by 0.01% possibility...

------ If you do like that college, try TOEFL again. Usually, ppl get higher mark than b4.
实际上我在一月初就已经申请了,并且我已经拿到约克的FILE 号码了,我只是在等,不知道他们如果觉得我的托福成绩不行的话会不会要求我去考呢?还有我也不知道拿到FILE号码后一般要等多久才有消息?有人有过这样的经历吗?我指拿到学校文档号码后一般要等多久?
作者: jenny2005    时间: 2005-1-21 23:53
作者: Steamed Bun    时间: 2005-1-22 22:27
因为以前有个中国人在admission office 里面做头头
作者: 育婴亲子    时间: 2005-1-23 07:38
标题: 有料,能否介绍认识吓?
最初由[Steamed Bun]发布
因为以前有个中国人在admission office 里面做头头
作者: Steamed Bun    时间: 2005-1-23 14:24
作者: jenny2005    时间: 2005-1-23 23:15
标题: 要等多久?
作者: 育婴亲子    时间: 2005-1-24 07:39
标题: 你可认识一位姓钱的朋友?
最初由[Steamed Bun]发布
作者: 且听风吟    时间: 2005-1-24 13:52
UT accpted some 180 TOEFL Chinese International students last year but I am sure that most of them were cheating.

McGill gave many offers to the Chinese students whose TOEFL are lower than 200 even no TOEFL score. However, McGill plans to kick them off after the first yr.

There are billions of examples because some Chinese ppl like cheating. However, as individual, you have to consider if you can get use to the university life or not with poor English level even you've already got into the university.

Commerce of UT this yr plans to fail 50% freshmen.
And the 50% of the rest on the 2nd and 3rd yr.
作者: Steamed Bun    时间: 2005-1-24 13:54
作者: jenny2005    时间: 2005-1-24 18:30
标题: how do you know?
UT accpted some 180 TOEFL Chinese International students last year but I am sure that most of them were cheating.

McGill gave many offers to the Chinese students whose TOEFL are lower than 200 even no TOEFL score. However, McGill plans to kick them off after the first yr.

There are billions of examples because some Chinese ppl like cheating. However, as individual, you have to consider if you can get use to the university life or not with poor English level even you've already got into the university.

Commerce of UT this yr plans to fail 50% freshmen.
And the 50% of the rest on the 2nd and 3rd yr.

how do you know so many these case?are you a admission officer?
作者: 且听风吟    时间: 2005-1-24 19:16
Hehe, if you applied for a university, you will always know more than others.

Some of my friends are working in AD office. Most of my friends are in Top 3 Universities. Maybe Thatz why I know some cases about those schools...
作者: Steamed Bun    时间: 2005-1-24 20:55
作者: 且听风吟    时间: 2005-1-25 14:09
haha, because if someone is cheated, he will always tell other ppl....

Sigh...I cannot believe that McGil did so wrong last yr...l
作者: Steamed Bun    时间: 2005-1-25 20:48
well, in some point of view, international student means money.
That's the mistake that every people will make.
作者: 且听风吟    时间: 2005-1-25 21:17
Ya..ur rit..
luckily...Canada hasn't considered Education as a business currently as British,Aus,New Zealand...

but...for sure, the tuition fee will increse greatly for Chinese students in the coming years.
作者: jenny2005    时间: 2005-1-25 22:42
标题: 说了半天
作者: k&k888    时间: 2005-2-20 03:55
我去york 的AD office问的东西,还不如来各个大学来我们学校推荐的人说得清楚呢!
作者: k&k888    时间: 2005-2-21 00:33
楼上运气好啊...是本地高中的吧?去学校的人恐怕都是能说会道哪有AD OFFICE那么笨...应该还会有一些简单的校园介绍等等..

不过AD OFFICE回答的是录取的东西...真正申请还得多跑..各位偷懒是不好的...

不是的吧~~ 我上次很来是想去AD office申请的,可是那边的人说只能网上申请,要么申请。其他的什么都没说。 现在害我觉得不合算了,college毕业转得学分比不读完多得多了,而且还没有成绩要求。当初去york问的时候,他们都没说的。
作者: chris3767    时间: 2005-3-6 11:42
标题: 你就一定想上约克吗?
作者: Marl Reinslin    时间: 2005-3-8 15:32
作者: chris3767    时间: 2005-3-8 19:53
标题: 凭哈说我是"骗子"???这未免太武断了吧!!!

Concordia University (Montreal);http://www.concordia.ca
Carleton University (Ottwa);http://www.carleton.ca
The University of Lethbridge (Alberta);http://www.uleth.ca
Algoma University College (Ontario);http://www.gradview.com/articles/algoma.html
Memorial University of Newfoundland (Newfoundland);http://www.mun.ca
作者: wine    时间: 2005-3-8 20:58
标题: 可以考york出的英文测试。

作者: 淡定    时间: 2005-4-5 21:51
作者: k&k888    时间: 2005-4-8 22:44
标题: 回复:凭哈说我是"骗子"???这未免太武断了吧!!!


Concordia University (Montreal);http://www.concordia.ca
Carleton University (Ottwa);http://www.carleton.ca
The University of Lethbridge (Alberta);http://www.uleth.ca
Algoma University College (Ontario);http://www.gradview.com/articles/algoma.html
Memorial University of Newfoundland (Newfoundland);http://www.mun.ca

作者: moka    时间: 2005-4-19 15:33
作者: cindy kc    时间: 2005-5-6 16:06
i think they will give you offer. but request you take yelt test.
then you will take a really long time in english study. you will pay a lot of money to yu. 'cause their esl is really expensive(my husband used study there).
作者: one baby    时间: 2005-5-6 20:30
标题: 请问无TOEFL成绩 是否可以参加YELT考试
最初由[cindy kc]发布
i think they will give you offer. but request you take yelt test.
then you will take a really long time in english study. you will pay a lot of money to yu. 'cause their esl is really expensive(my husband used study there).

有谁参加过YORK U的英语入学考试

跟TOEFL比较   谁容易一点

至少考不好   再复习考嘛

不至于报名后考试后 然后被通知去学英语

为TOEFL  250分奋斗   :rolleyes:  :p  ;)  
作者: yourdaddy    时间: 2005-5-7 10:16
标题: I can help
First, you need to be sure if you really want to study in university. if you are 200% sure, i can help you.

email to [email protected]

作者: one baby    时间: 2005-5-7 15:13
标题: Sure! I want to study in University
Why will you help me?
For money?
Ha Ha
You can send message to me in 51.ca.
作者: yourdaddy    时间: 2005-5-7 18:03
Why will you help me? ------ your question
For money?               ------ my answer
Ha Ha                       ------ wahaha...
You can send message to me in 51.ca ---------- no

I'm only helping ppl who really will study at university. I've been seeing lots of students failing everything when they are in university/college. They have been here for 3 or 4 years but his/her education background is blank. This is wasting my time to send these kids to university/college.  Why international students hard to get an offer from university? We need to ask these stupid kids. They are playing fool with the schools, but the schools are not FOOL.
作者: 小花1    时间: 2005-5-11 13:43
标题: 我的同学是一个公司申请的, 刚拿到。
我的同学是一个公司申请的, 刚拿到。好像是凯旗公司,在51上能找到广告 听说不错
作者: yourdaddy    时间: 2005-5-15 00:12
标题: TO: 小花1

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