In May 2009, there were opposition calls for Ontario Health Minister David Caplan's resignation after it was revealed that eHealth Ontario CEO Sarah Kramer had approved about $4.8 million in no-bid contracts during the first four months of the agency's operation, while also spending $50,000 to refurnish her office, and paying consultants up to $300 an hour(每小时三百刀). One consultant earned about $192,000 in five months (五个月赚取十九万,合同工可以拿公司抵扣税收哦). Additionally, nine senior eHealth employees had been fired in a four month period, some reportedly for challenging the agency's tendering practices.
而今天,在媒体的吸毒、收买、说谎、通奸、威胁杀人等组合拳的重击下,这胖福不但不下台,还坚持要参选市长,健忘的省民们,是否会对胖福的作为也健忘一下呢?从今天51的新闻来看,似乎很有健忘的趋势:多伦多市长福特昨晚获邀参加北约克区 West Toronto Church of God教会为完成其装修工程而举行的庆祝聚会,会众为他及其家人祈祷,福特还于教会合唱团旁跳舞及拍手和音。该教会牧师霍华德(Caleen Howard)说,任何人都会犯错,而市长昨晚似乎甚为享受该项聚会。她指大家应该博爱,应鼓励他人做得更好。