
标题: 人民日报记者与哈珀随员发生冲突 [打印本页]

作者: 老子    时间: 2013-8-23 19:51
标题: 人民日报记者与哈珀随员发生冲突
RAGLAN MINE, Que. — Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s tour of the North ended Friday with a dust-up involving a Chinese journalist who was prevented from asking a question about rules surrounding foreign takeovers.
Li Xue Jiang of the People’s Daily, China’s largest newspaper, has been following the week-long tour.
The Prime Minister’s Office limits the number of questions during public events and other journalists on the tour offered Li the opportunity to query Harper.

When staff refused to recognize him, Li tried to take the microphone, triggering a tussle involving one of the prime minister’s communication officers that ended with him being hauled to the back of the room by RCMP security staff.
He was not detained, nor charged.
作者: 老子    时间: 2013-8-23 19:52
“It’s not fair,” Li said afterward. “I would have liked the prime minister to clarify the federal government policy and regulations towards foreign state-owned companies investment because it is not clear since the Nexen takeover. People in China would want to know.”

Last winter CNOOC Ltd., China’s state oil company, was given the green light to take over and Nexen Inc., in a $15.1 billion deal for the Alberta oil patch giant.

But Harper erected new barriers to foreign investment by state-owned companies.
There are 10 journalists following Harper on this week’s tour, and his availabilities have been tightly scripted, with only four or five questions allowed before they are cut off.

The incident took place at the end of an event at the Raglan Mine in northern Quebec, where Harper was lauding a renewable energy project funded by the federal government.

Li, the newspaper’s bureau chief and a former Washington correspondent, says the communications staff initially gave him the indication he would be called upon, but then revoked it just before the prime minister’s availability.
作者: 老子    时间: 2013-8-23 19:53
He said he doesn’t intend to ask his embassy to file a protest, and apologized for causing a fuss.
A spokesman for prime minister, Andrew MacDougall, responded on Twitter saying that the matter will be raised with the Parliamentary Press Gallery and he called on Li to apologize immediately.

“Agree or disagree with how events are run, there was no excuse for the Chinese state reporter to get physical with our staff,” MacDougall wrote.

But Li was incredulous.
“Why should I apologize? They should apologize to me for depriving me of my right to ask a question,” Li responded.

Tension between the Canadian media and the prime’s minister’s staff has largely become a matter of routine since the Conservatives were elected, but it the incident is the first of its kind with the international press.

The incident capped a week where Harper hop-scotched through the Arctic with three — sometimes four — federal ministers in tow, reannouncing some measures from the last federal budget, and adding $100 million in new money for mineral resource mapping in the region.

It is a broad effort to lay the foundation for a resource boom in the Arctic, something Li said is of particular interest to Chinese readers and investors.

Opposition New Democrats have dismissed Harper’s tour of the region as little more than a taxpayer-funded photo-op.
Harper met with Inuit leaders from across the country as part of the journey and took time to praise them on Friday.
“It was a very positive, forward-looking discussion,” he said. “We all recognize there are serious challenges, social challenges that exist in the Arctic regions of Canada. At the same time, the Inuit are very proud people with a very long history of adventure and self-reliance. The focus of the leaders is overwhelmingly on the great opportunities that are ahead of them.”

作者: david-davidabc    时间: 2013-8-23 19:55
总理议会秘书朱莉.沃在试图和李学江沟通时双方发生了冲突。皇家骑警介入把李拉到会场后面。wow! wow!!!!!
作者: 水箱    时间: 2013-8-23 19:59
标题: 人民日报记者与哈珀随员发生冲突
本帖最后由 水箱 于 2013-8-23 21:04 编辑


51 新闻精要


作者: 痛扁五毛奴    时间: 2013-8-23 21:08
作者: 扫盲办    时间: 2013-8-23 21:42
作者: futureback    时间: 2013-8-23 21:53
作者: rocky28    时间: 2013-8-23 22:21

作者: TTV    时间: 2013-8-23 22:38
作者: 如鲠在喉    时间: 2013-8-24 07:05

1. 从西方殖民扩张以来, 它在掠夺侵略殖民第三世界的同时,一直在妖魔化亚非拉。 对中国的妖魔化在冷战结束以后更变本加厉了。 目前,中国在国际上处于负面印象 (中国也经常让人抓到把柄- 比如六四时间)。  在很多西方人看来, 中国是邪恶国家。代表“邪恶国家”的官方媒体 当然 不受欢迎。  

2. 西方大多数人 有种族优越感。 自以为高于亚非拉民族。 (亚非拉 自己也有很多傻逼, 自认为不如西方人,专门舔“西人” 的屁眼)。  对待 有色人种, 很多白人是残暴的种族主义者。
中国音乐学院 发表于 2013-8-24 06:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: kbs8707    时间: 2013-8-24 07:32
回复 11# 中国音乐学院

作者: 胡图    时间: 2013-8-24 07:34

- 此帖来自无忧论坛手机版
作者: 游夫    时间: 2013-8-24 07:48
作者: 潇洒游子    时间: 2013-8-24 08:49

rocky28 发表于 2013-8-23 23:21 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: 老子    时间: 2013-8-24 08:53

作者: david-davidabc    时间: 2013-8-24 09:19

1. 从西方殖民扩张以来, 它在掠夺侵略殖民第三世界的同时,一直在妖魔化亚非拉。 对中国的妖魔化在冷战结束以后更变本加厉了。 目前,中国在国际上处于负面印象 (中国也经常让人抓到把柄- 比如六四时间)。  在很多西方人看来, 中国是邪恶国家。代表“邪恶国家”的官方媒体 当然 不受欢迎。  

2. 西方大多数人 有种族优越感。 自以为高于亚非拉民族。 (亚非拉 自己也有很多傻逼, 自认为不如西方人,专门舔“西人” 的屁眼)。  对待 有色人种, 很多白人是残暴的种族主义者。
中国音乐学院 发表于 2013-8-24 06:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: david-davidabc    时间: 2013-8-24 09:20
回复 14# 胡图

作者: MWML2001    时间: 2013-8-24 13:48
回复 7# 扫盲办

    你真把自己当加拿大人了?一脸奴才相!! 不耻
作者: 扳大轮    时间: 2013-8-24 16:05
亚非拉 自己也有很多傻逼, 自认为不如西方人,专门舔“西人” 的屁眼
中国音乐学院 发表于 2013-8-24 06:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: 蓄势待发    时间: 2013-8-24 17:01
作者: 扫盲办    时间: 2013-8-24 21:31

回复  扫盲办

    你真把自己当加拿大人了?一脸奴才相!! 不耻
MWML2001 发表于 2013-8-24 14:48 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: MWML2001    时间: 2013-8-27 13:50
回复 23# 扫盲办

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