I do not think that Geng' death is only his fault.
Please do not blaim him any more.
I think he is a brave man.
Can you do that? No, you can not. Sometime, death is the best choice.
If his wife love him very much, may he would not die.
Has anybody asked his wife: what happened with their relationship?作者: jjiang 时间: 2004-7-5 07:55 标题: [讨论]It is not only Geng's fault. It is not only Geng's fault.
Hi, everybody:
I do not think that Geng' death is only his fault.
Please do not blaim him any more.
I think he is a brave man.
Can you do that? No, you can not. Sometime, death is the best choice.
If his wife love him very much, may he would not die.
Has anybody asked his wife: what happened with their relationship?作者: hitomi 时间: 2004-7-5 08:02 标题: 不死真的不行! 不要说得天花乱坠,似乎新移民都能得到社会的帮助.设想一下,耿某不死的话,究竟能得到什么样的帮助呢?国会议员能解决他的专业工作问题吗?社会各界能捐款几万元吗?华人的教会又能做些什么呢?媒体又能怎样宣传呢?除了死以外,与耿某相同处境的大陆移民多的是,如果想帮助,也早点帮助帮助活着的人.
不死是换不回来这些的!作者: hitomi 时间: 2004-7-5 08:20 标题: 回复:[讨论]从安柳流落街头到耿朝辉坠楼如何看待价值观的转变? 最初由[老顽童]发布
在大陆都没什么意义了,在这提,笑话作者: 曹硕 时间: 2004-7-5 11:29 标题: 为什么要跳楼 你好,他不应该跳楼,他很傻作者: 曹硕 时间: 2004-7-5 11:32 标题: 为什么要跳楼 你好,我是曹硕.
他不应该跳楼,他很傻作者: lucy00 时间: 2004-7-5 11:49 标题: 恳请大家把公司内部的招聘信息贴出来! 连日来看到不少有关”跳楼事件”的评论。有人批评耿朝辉不负责任, 有人批评政府新移民政策不利。这些观点我都同意,但是我们议论之余更应该采取行动(比如说向耿家遗孤捐点钱)。
希望有工作的朋友提供信息。作者: coolfire 时间: 2004-7-5 15:13
feel sorry for his wife and kids but I have to say he is a big loser作者: hitomi 时间: 2004-7-5 19:15 标题: 回复:恳请大家把公司内部的招聘信息贴出来! 最初由[lucy00]发布
你怎么知道耿的死是因为失业,他告诉你了吗?耿是一个不内向的人,怎么会在失业一年后突然自杀.如果认为失业是根本原因,倒不如说来加拿大是根本原因更概括.作者: 多伦多先生 时间: 2004-7-5 19:39
Get into mainstream. Posting your opinions in English at Canadian Lifestyles Forum http://lifestyles.vipros.com
The whole point is to open our vision and think differently.作者: 嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 时间: 2004-7-5 20:01
生活的压力和生命的尊严到底那一个重要?作者: 阿扁哥哥 时间: 2004-7-5 20:05 最初由[老顽童]发布