车神 EVO X 发表于 2011-6-20 09:03 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
BL666 发表于 2011-6-20 08:34 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
还可以有更美好的理想: 人人按需分配, 想住什么房子就住什么房子, 想吃什么就吃什么, 从来不缺钱!
问题是支持这么美好的理想, 钱从哪里来? 象NDP说的钱长在树上?
法官 发表于 2011-6-20 10:10 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
NDP当政时建立了CPP. CPP设立之初只收收入的1.9%, 给当时退休的人用, 不是留着给交CPP的人用. 交CPP的人退休了, 由更年轻的人交CPP给他们用. 后来退休的人越来越多, 退休后领CPP的年头越来越长, CPP占收入的比例开始大幅上升, 现在占收入的9%, 还不够政府给退休的人发的! 今年大选NDP的一个要点是CPP供款加倍, 占收入的18%.
CPP说白了就是政府收的养老税, 你交了给别人花.说是加拿大有史以来最大的庞氏诈骗案, 也对, 收越来越多的新钱, 去还旧钱的窟窿. NDP几十年前干的蠢事终于资不抵债了.
法官 发表于 2011-6-20 10:06 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
看来加拿大也不应该由public health,也是大多数人出钱给少部分人看病。
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 10:32 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
BL666 发表于 2011-6-20 08:34 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
loveRwmtgb 发表于 2011-6-20 08:44 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
看来加拿大也不应该由public health,也是大多数人出钱给少部分人看病。
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 10:32 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
NDP当政时建立了CPP. CPP设立之初只收收入的1.9%, 给当时退休的人用, 不是留着给交CPP的人用. 交CPP的人退休了, 由更年轻的人交CPP给他们用. 后来退休的人越来越多, 退休后领CPP的年头越来越长, CPP占收入的比例开始大幅上升, 现在占收入的9%, 还不够政府给退休的人发的! 今年大选NDP的一个要点是CPP供款加倍, 占收入的18%.
CPP说白了就是政府收的养老税, 你交了给别人花.说是加拿大有史以来最大的庞氏诈骗案, 也对, 收越来越多的新钱, 去还旧钱的窟窿. NDP几十年前干的蠢事终于资不抵债了.
法官 发表于 2011-6-20 10:06 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
回复 车神 EVO X
这个问题还有另外一面,08年financial crisis,就应该我这种tax payer bailout? 一个个CXO们脑满肠肥,还要我来bailout? 说起来这些钱还不是tax money,不是一样到那些已经很肥的人的口袋里去了。然后那些政客们开始大印钞票,造成的损失还不是我们来填补?嘿嘿,这个和你深恶痛绝的“浪费”有多少区别?什么liberal, ndp, PC,都不是好货色。哪个上台,都有人有好处。这不,pc上台了,打着减少公司税的名头,还不是肥了那种富人?你还真的当公司税少了,就会多雇人?BS,这才是这届政府最大的谎言呢。
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 12:41 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
hack2 发表于 2011-6-20 14:12 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
Very smart commend! Fair always relative not absolute.
Never expect some kinds of social system, a party or a politician give you fair that you dream. Be smart people, try your best to be one that enjoy priority, not one that be taken advantage.
zhen2005 发表于 2011-6-20 14:13 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
回复 loneshepherd
I can agree partly with this post. Let's think further. Why are those define benefit plans unable to maintained? Oh, they are under funded and the companies have to contribute to them.
So why are they under funded? Because the funds lost money on the market.
So who caused them to lose money? Not the fund managers, not the unions, not the employees, BUT the suckers on Wall Street! Blame them if you want.
And who caused the financial disaster in 2008-2009? Those so called bankers, financial advisors, traders etc.
So what are they doing? Sucking blood from average Joes. They don't manufacture, invent, construct. They are using their smart brain to play games, number games! They are moving money from one's pocket to another. That's all they have been doing.
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 13:50 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
回复 loneshepherd
I pay "premium" for CPP, and get rewarded when I retire and I WILL RETIRE, whereas unfortunate things don't necessarily happen to me. According to this, CPP is better than private insurance.
Further, as per private insurance company, I pay premium and the company use my and others' premium to generate profit as well as move some of the money to "fat cat" CEOs plus regular employees employed by the company. While, as per CPP, I pay premium, and the government use my premium and others' premium to fund retirees and pay salaries to government commissioners as well as regular employees employed by the government.
Not just kidding, but arguing. Don't be too RIGHT.
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 13:32 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
"Why are they underfunded?" Because they were underfunded on the first place (main reason), and because fund managers of these pension plan sucks.
I do not like Wall (or Bay) Street suckers as well, but you blamed the wrong guy in this case.
"They (Wall Street suckers) don't manufacture, invent, construct.": wrong. These suckers manufacture, invent and construct financial products. We can argue those products sucks, but remember the foundation of capitalism is capital, and these sucker plays key roles.
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-6-20 16:14 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
You can call those things "products", I call them "games", they are merely playing games. and their irresponsibility caused major havoc all around the world. ?the foundation of capitalism is capital, but is it right for average Joes?
Moving money around does not create social wealth directly, like nor does the transportation industry or retail industry. But moving money around and make the society work more efficiently, ?and thus contribute indirectly to the wealth. Nowadays, the action of moving money around goes to such an extent that it permeates into daily life, enjoying far greater advantage over other industry. This is WRONG. The human society can not just work on virtual wealth, it is just numbers.
Most DB plans were not underfunded at the first sight. They are now underfunded because those guys drives everything up and down to make money, that is what they live up for. While you contribute to the plan, the money was/is largely eaten up by those bastards.
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 16:39 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
回复 法官
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 16:51 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
?? ?You can call them "games" or whatever you want to call, but they are financial products which are critical to fund people's daily economic activities (imagine your mortgage without wall st suckers), ?and lifeline to ?entrepreneurs. A lot of the products are bad some are scam just like any other products.
I do believe that those wall street suckers are paid way too high and a big chunk of the "performance pay" is not proportional to performance. It is absolutely necessary to reform our financial market. But that is another subject.
I do not know how to respond to your second paragraph. I disagree with some points, and agree with the other points.
Most pension plans were underfunded because they were based wrong assumptions:
1. The assumption of annual return were too high;
2. The assumption of life?expectancy were too low.
Then you have fund management take a cut from already underfunded PPs, the outcome is obvious.
These kind of corporation PPs are absolutely unsustainable, they have to be in national scale. CPP is still ok, however even Social Security in USA faces a huge challenge.
This is also my response to your other post.
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-6-20 18:29 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
回复 loneshepherd
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 18:51 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
Yes, Mortgages are good, daily loans are good, because they help pushing people forward. But is CDIC good? This is the direct culprit which caused trillions of dollars lost. I am not a fan of options either. Yes, when options came out, they were to alleviate risks, like people do covered calls, but what now? There is nothing wrong with capitalism, but when it went to some extremity, it is wrong. And Wall St has gone thus far.
Well, maybe we have gone too far on the topic, it is more of a left-or-right debate.
橡皮鱼 发表于 2011-6-20 18:50 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
广大纳税人是希望自己付的税费,应该更公平地被利用,像PUBLIC HEALTH,EDUCATION这些。纳税人没有意见!
而不是被一部分有特权的人滥用!例如TTC,POSTAL WORKER这些垄断行业!!
但,不是像某些垄断行业一样,是退休计划是GUARANTEED的。那么,万一计划到最后行不通,出现亏损怎么办(就像现在邮政工人一样)??? 向纳税人伸手要!!因为理论上讲,纳税可以占纳税人收入的百分之百!!现在才几个PERCENT,所以,这个GAME还可以持续玩很久很久!!直至破产为止!!!
你说3rd PARTY避险机制不应存在,那是BS,你现在买的汽车保险不就是3RD PARTY INSURANCE吗?!自己花自己的钱,光明正大!!!
车神 EVO X 发表于 2011-6-20 12:15 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
NDP当政时建立了CPP. CPP设立之初只收收入的1.9%, 给当时退休的人用, 不是留着给交CPP的人用. 交CPP的人退休了, 由更年轻的人交CPP给他们用. 后来退休的人越来越多, 退休后领CPP的年头越来越长, CPP占收入的比例开始大幅上升, 现在占收入的9%, 还不够政府给退休的人发的! 今年大选NDP的一个要点是CPP供款加倍, 占收入的18%.
CPP说白了就是政府收的养老税, 你交了给别人花.说是加拿大有史以来最大的庞氏诈骗案, 也对, 收越来越多的新钱, 去还旧钱的窟窿. NDP几十年前干的蠢事终于资不抵债了.
法官 发表于 2011-6-20 10:06 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
you can agree what? if you agree, then you agree. if you don't agree, then you don't agree. what do you mean you can agree? do you mean that you are able to agree? do you mean that you are going to agree? or do you just want to say that i would agree?
实在人 发表于 2011-6-21 02:45 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
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