
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸 [打印本页]

作者: 田园时光    时间: 2011-4-5 08:21
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
作者: chrding    时间: 2011-4-5 08:31
作者: 好兵帅克    时间: 2011-4-5 08:44
从来不发评论的我,忍不住要告诉笔者 真的非常感动!
作者: 四哈    时间: 2011-4-5 08:50
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 四哈 于 2011-4-5 06:40 编辑


作者: 东方华    时间: 2011-4-5 08:51

- 与孩子的交流要保质保量,过多说教只会让孩子厌倦,适当的鼓励更能起到积极的作用;
- 多与孩子一起接触社会,参加各种活动,让他们看到家里积极的一面,并有个开阔的胸怀; - 启发孩子看到他们自己的未来,让他们意识到自己的潜力和优势,并建立他们的自信;
- 要让孩子理解,父母的努力可能只能为他们铺很短的一段路,而之后还有很长的路不仅要他们自己走,更要自己铺。

作者: Longago    时间: 2011-4-5 09:01
作者: 扳大轮    时间: 2011-4-5 09:55
作者: 七成新—滕燕青    时间: 2011-4-5 10:08
作者: loneshepherd    时间: 2011-4-5 11:29
The parents are great, but I don think the title of the article "爸妈..从未给自己儿子丢过脸" is appropriate. What if your parents did a few stupid things? Do you still appreciate them?
作者: qqxk    时间: 2011-4-5 11:57
The parents are great, but I don think the title of the article "爸妈..从未给自己儿子丢过脸" is appropriate. What if your parents did a few stupid things? Do you still appreciate them?
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-4-5 12:29 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Let me ask you a question: "Have you ever done one or two stupid things?" If the answer is yes, does that mean you don't deserve appreciation at all?
作者: visiondream    时间: 2011-4-5 12:37
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 visiondream 于 2011-4-5 13:41 编辑
The parents are great, but I don think the title of the article "爸妈..从未给自己儿子丢过脸" is appropriate. What if your parents did a few stupid things? Do you still appreciate them?
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-4-5 12:29 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


作者: 老虎猫猫    时间: 2011-4-5 13:58
作者: 爱心幼儿园    时间: 2011-4-5 14:31
作者: 哪吒    时间: 2011-4-5 14:36
Good boy!

作者: courelao    时间: 2011-4-5 14:38
作者: dick10    时间: 2011-4-5 15:11
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-5 15:41
我一般从不发言,但这次我觉得必须说几句,否则会有更多新移民更加理直气壮地miss treat 自己的孩子。JACK,你感谢自己父母是好事,但是你误导别人就不对了。
1. 据我所知,大部分加拿大学生大学毕业后都找到了专业对口的工作。而大部分跟随父母技术移民来的80后学生大学毕业后都找不到合适的工作。所以JACK你,也就是勉强做到了和大部分人一样,比大部分跟随父母技术移民来的80后强一些,用不着字里行间的那么得意。
作者: ivy110111    时间: 2011-4-5 16:25
give money to children that means love them ?No!
作者: 白色风车    时间: 2011-4-5 16:31
dick10 发表于 2011-4-5 16:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: loneshepherd    时间: 2011-4-5 17:14
Let me ask you a question: "Have you ever done one or two stupid things?" If the answer is yes, does that mean you don't deserve appreciation at all?
qqxk 发表于 2011-4-5 12:57 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    So what's your answer?
作者: loneshepherd    时间: 2011-4-5 17:19
give money to children that means love them ?No!
ivy110111 发表于 2011-4-5 17:25 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    Here is how you say it: "does giving money to kids mean loving them?".
作者: Winmart88    时间: 2011-4-5 17:22
回复 17# dick10


作者: Winmart88    时间: 2011-4-5 17:26
作者: 大白话    时间: 2011-4-5 17:27
      相同之处: 都爱自己的孩子, 尽自己的最大努力来为孩子创造一个好的生活和学习环境.
      不同之处: 1. 一对父母的经济能力强一些, 另外一对父母的经济能力弱一些.
                     2. 一对父母生了一个孝子, 另外一对父母生了一个逆子.

     相同之处: 都想生活的好一些.
     不同之处: 一个有才有德, 一个无才无德.

虎行千里吃肉, 狗行千里吃屎.

作者: 静源清流    时间: 2011-4-5 18:57
dick10 发表于 2011-4-5 16:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

agree. Look at this:

作者: 四哈    时间: 2011-4-5 19:11
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 四哈 于 2011-4-5 16:13 编辑
agree. Look at this:

清源静流 发表于 2011-4-5 15:57 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: Rose2013    时间: 2011-4-5 19:15
我想请教一下, 80 年代来来的留学生, 你们哪会交的学费是自费呢,还是公派留学?然后就没回去?这可是截然不同的两种情况,是吧?
作者: 四哈    时间: 2011-4-5 19:17
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 四哈 于 2011-4-5 16:20 编辑

回复 17# dick10


作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-5 19:26
回复 27# 四哈

我们是自费留学, 请别把我们和公费留学混为一谈.
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-5 19:40
回复 22# loneshepherd
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-5 19:46
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 Jstar 于 2011-4-5 20:50 编辑

回复 19#
作者: 家庭团队    时间: 2011-4-5 20:04
作者: 731    时间: 2011-4-5 20:47
作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-5 21:36
回复 18# Jstar

I don't like talking too much either, but I have to point out some differents opinion against you.
1.  This article never mentioned that parents should mistreat their children.  Definitely,  I  believe all kids get the necessary life support from their family even their parents are new immigrant who struggle for life.  What this article want to tell kids is they should not feel shame if their parents are poor or could not give them every thing they want.  
2. I don't know how successful you are.  I didn't feel the author is coming this forum来找感觉的, but I do feel you are here 来找感觉的.  I also believe the suggestions at the end of this article is quite useful to some parents who do what they could for their kids but can't get their respect.  It is also help those parents to educate their children to ensure their have healthy personality.   It is OK for author to be proud for his achievement since we should always applaud for every success in our life.
3.  If you really familiar with Chinese soccer team and read all the detail report about them, you should know their failures have nothing to do with congenital, the only one reason is they are spoiled and lazy.  They have highest salary but least training.  If they work as hard as other athletes.  I believe they will succeed.   Same as all those Chinese in Canada either they are first or second generation immigrants or international students.  I saw so much successful story happend around me including myself.  Nothing to show off just want to give some confidences to people who are struggling.   I had worked in the lowest position in one of largest company in canada 5 years ago when I just  be here, a little better than cleaner, but unfortunately, cleaner is not employee of my company.  I never lose my faith and do excellent job even it is half labour.  After my English graduately improved, I got 3 promotions in 4 years and work in my profession field also  involve in the executive.   When you boss look at you, they don't care 你是在地下室长大的, or 是听歌剧、看芭蕾、旅游度假长大的.  What they care is whether you are hard working, good interpersonal skill, professional competency.......   I agree that the higher position you are, the more competitive it would be.  The major barrier and challege for immigrant is English.  So do whatever you could to improve it.  Keep in mind the culture differents.  Chinese be educated too modest.  If you work in the western company don't be afraid to express your opinion.   
In a word, this is a good article and I believe the author could have an excellent future.
作者: discuz    时间: 2011-4-5 22:18
proud of you young man, I really do.
作者: okokoko9    时间: 2011-4-5 22:23
作者: discuz    时间: 2011-4-5 22:23
回复 17# dick10

why you so sneaky? why you so care about who wrote that article? be positive man, he's really a good author gives parents hopes.
作者: discuz    时间: 2011-4-5 22:53
回复 35# zhen2005

I like what you said and agree most part of your points, and also, as you said, most of chinese doesnt speak decent english as of english is the most important tool here in canada for LIFE, glad you are having it. however, something i not really agree with you is that the growing pain will always a life long pain, your background and living environment does make different inside of you compare with others how has different life style from childhood. be positive and commit that as a nagative.

Chinese who wants to live as what they like - china or be your own boss. no other choice.
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-5 23:48
回复 35# zhen2005
你说我是来找感觉的, 我可一句没提过我的年收入\我开什么车\住什么房. 我只是想为可怜的孩子们说几句公道话. 倒是你, 使劲提自己, 和那个JACK一模一样, "After my English graduately improved, I got 3 promotions in 4 years and work in my profession field also  involve in the executive.  " 什么叫"involve in the executive"? 你是executive, 是就说是,不是就不是, involve个什么劲?
作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 00:57
回复 40# Jstar




我只是想为可怜的孩子们说几句公道话. ????  I don't think there are any pathetic children need you to stand up for them.   Take care yourself and your kids and good luck for them.
作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 01:04
回复 40# Jstar


So, you feel it!!!  And lost?  But that doesn't mean others will like you.

For you information,  involve means I am not executive director but I am a member of executive team.  Understand now?
作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 01:11
回复 31# Jstar

I do feel sorry for you.  Although you do received education in Western, you mind is as narrow as some uneducated Chinese parents who believe giving material is the best and only way to show their love to their children.  Do you understand why some US millionaires ask their children do household to get allowance?
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-6 02:20
回复 35# zhen2005

1。正规的北美大公司, 在员工加入公司周年纪念的日子左右, 经理都要给员工做评定, 如果达到了良(B),就会得到工资的晋升,直到这个员工的工资达到了这个职位的封顶水平。然后就只有周年评定,不再涨工资了,直到这个员工担任更重要的职位,比如team lead, 就又可以往更高的工资级别上迈步了。你四年只得了三次promotion,是你所在的公司不正规,还是你有一年表现不好,没被涨工资?
作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 02:29
回复 39# webnomadness

You are right.  The pain in one's earlier life could last during whole life and have very negative effect to a person's personality and future success.  For example,  a kid lives under poor living condition may feel they are inferior compare to their peer, thus develop low self-esteem, lack of confident even suffer from depression and some antisocial behaviou.   That is why I love this article because it show us a great ample that your children could be grow up healthy, happy, confident and successful even under tough living condition.  The children will also respect their parent regardless their financial issue and job position.  The most important thing  is communication,  making your children understand you and also try to understand they.   May be you can't give your kids luxurious life, but I believe every parenets can do this and it is more beneficial for your kids in the future.  

Immigrant is extremely tough.  As runing marathon, we just start but others already in the midway or close to the terminal, not to mention deficiency we have such as language barrier and culture gap.  I don't know how much effort we should put in to catch up those people who born or received education here, and how much reward we can get.  But I believe we all had a reason when we decided to give up everything we had in China and move to here. I know many people come back China in the past several years, some of them get wonderful life back in China and some of them can't find their place in China and come back here again.  I miss my friends and family in China, but I know I will never come back and live there.   As those who don't want come back to China and can not be a boss, the  only one thing I can do now is try my best be part of this society.
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-6 02:30
回复 41# zhen2005

1、我想你自己没有孩子,你也不认识几个新移民的孩子,你怎么知道there are no pathetic children need me to say several words for them? 我在加拿大20多年,见过的和听过的多了去了。很多家长明明有经济能力,却死扣钱,使子女受到不必要的伤害,有些最后还造成了家庭悲剧。

作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-6 03:02
回复 42# zhen2005

我当然在公司里受过不公正待遇,基本 每个移民(包括有色的和白的)都受过。我们夫妻两人坚持不懈、从没放弃过奋斗,才有今天的一切。我们知道自己走过的路有多难,所以我们尽力为自己的孩子搭建一个好的平台,同时也好心劝其他家长也尽力为自己的孩子。这难道有错吗?

作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 03:17
回复 46# Jstar

I broght my son to Canada when he was 6 years old, just enrolled in grade one. In order to let him in the best school, we chose a very decent community where most resident there are rich.   My son was upset at the first moment when he found out almost all classmates have most advance tool and vedio game appliance and very big luxuious playing room in the basement.  He always asked me why I couldn't bring him to see the moves on weekend  or why can we go to travel in March Break as his classmate do. Why could not he has big birthday party as his classmate?  It is difficult and painful when you had to explain those to a 6 years old boy who never experienced these in China.  Every time when he asked such question I stopped whatever I did, held his hand and look at his eye.  I told him that Dad and Mom just be this country 10 months but his classmates parents have been here more than 10 years.  Not only we must work very hard to support our life, but we also study very hard to make our life better.   I told him the most important thing for a person is not how much tool he or she have but how well he  perform in school.  I also assure him that just our family stay together, all work hard, in the near future, we can get every thing.  He is happy even he doesn't  have anything that his classmate have.  He had doing so well that was be enroll in gift program and have excellent performance in the program.  Now even we can afford everything. he is not spoiled, he is very independ and responsible.   Based on your theary was my son is pathetic at that time?  He wore second hand booth and clothes from my friends.  Haven't watch move in the first 2 years, never travel out of Canada until 4 years.  The truth is, I do have some money in my account at that time, did I mistreat my son?    I don't think so, I gave him the most important thing in life that can not buy by money.   I am sure may be he will have future better than those kids who fulfilled by money.

That is great your family and you have a wonderful life.  But I don't think it is necessary for you to care about or judge other families issues.   The thing you believe best may be is consider worst to the others.  By the way, it don't make any sense to bra..... in this website about children mistreat.   If you do heard or saw some chidren be mistreated, it is your responsibility to report to Children Protect Assosiation.  Rembmber, based on Canadian Criminal Code, you would be charged if you knew a child abuse and did not reported
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-6 03:31
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 Jstar 于 2011-4-6 04:41 编辑

回复 43# zhen2005

你大可不必feel sorry for me. 我的父母都出身书香门第,我的爷爷是在上海的医生,我的姥爷是在北京的工程师,我的父母都是大学教授,我是在风景优美的大学校园里长大的,我大学上的是中国第一学府 - 我是在中国well educated 的典型。

我从来没说过giving material is the best and only way to show their love to their children。你为什么把这个话强加于我?有句话说的好,“钱不是完能的,但没钱是万万不能的”。你为什么对家长给自己孩子提供好的物质条件这么仇视呢? 是因为你的父母从未给予过你吗?即使你自己没有过,其他人通过自己的努力和奋斗,给自己的孩子好的生活,你也不应该这么愤怒吧?等以后你自己有了孩子,你愿意怎么对待那是你和你妻子的事,只要不违法就行;如果违法,自有政府机构来管理。

我当然understand why some US millionaires ask their children do household to get allowance,因为我们就是multi-millionaire(按加元算)。我们的孩子们都在一个国际连锁的课外学校当小老师,我认为让孩子们把自己的知识回报给社会,比给自己家做家务有意义。

作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 03:52
回复 44# Jstar

You had worked in Canadian company more than 20 years and you still don't understand the differents between promotion and salary increase?   Normally in a company you could work in same position and have regulary 3-5% salary increase every year.   Promotion means you have different title and your payment would have a big jump may be double or triple.

There still last jump I am preparing, If I succeed, I get everything I want in Canada.  I know I am not just beginner. I had gone through so much in the past 4 years, more than past 30 years I had experience.  I believe I had exprienced almost everything, good or bad.

eventually, I hear something make sense from you.
作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 03:56
回复 49# Jstar

Last comment, then have to go sleep.

Who is 气急败坏??????

Where is my 人身攻击.

Please let me know and I will check it tomorrow or may be today.   I really hate to waste my vacation in here.
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-6 04:06
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 Jstar 于 2011-4-6 05:59 编辑

回复 48# zhen2005


Now I finally understand that why you are so, so mad when I suggest that parents should give their children the best they can afford. Because you could not afford many things your kid wanted for a long time. But this should not be the reason you against other parents give their children good lives. And this also can not be the reason you did personal attacks to me many times here.

I am happy for you and your family that you kid doing well,and I wish him the best. At mean time, although our kids' lives are 'fulfiled by money" as you said, our kids are not spoiled at all. They are all top students in gifted class and even skiped one grade. Besides their excelent acadamic archievment, they are great at piano, art,  sports, involved in several clubs and be the leaders there, got several award in international compititions. There is no reason I do not believe our kids will have a splended future.

What I said about the kids been mistreated is about their parents can afford to give them something but simply do not just to save the money. I have always been in proffesional field in Canada and  never knew anyone who are so low that they mistreat their kids to the point of against the law. I learned law in Canada and past the exam. I truely believe that the professor did a good job (at least better than you can do). Please save your knowledge of Canadian law to other people who really need it.
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-6 04:17
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 Jstar 于 2011-4-6 06:07 编辑

回复 50# zhen2005

你在公司里混了几年,就觉得自己是number 1 了?可以随便教训任何人了?就有了个白领的工作,就觉得自己上天了。你这才刚开始呢,以后的路还长着呢。你不知道的事情还多着呢,你不了解的SENSE也海了去了。你对加拿大有多少了解,就说 "I will get everything I want in Canada"? 你不觉得自己可笑,旁人很清醒。
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-6 04:41
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 Jstar 于 2011-4-6 06:05 编辑

回复 51# zhen2005

你用了那么多“!”和“?”, 还说自己没气急败坏?看来气急败坏是你的常态, 你自己已经习以为常、感觉不到了。



我劝你还是心平气和点,这样对你孩子也有好处。无论你在这里如何攻击别人,你们过去的苦日子也不能被改写了。 你可以苛刻你自己的孩子,你是你和你妻子的事。但是我建议家长对自己孩子尽心尽力,你为什么要这样来不顾一切、毫无理智地反对呢?You said that you hate to spend your vacation here. Then let me tell you: nobody invited you. You came here by yourself. Now you say that you hate to waste your time here, try to show you are 高级 than everyone? 真可笑。

我与你或是JACK本人都无关, 你们爱谁谁。我在这里发言是因为我认为JACK和你的发言有误导家长的成分,可能使更多的孩子们受不必要的委屈。如果有一对家长能听进一点我的话,那末我就帮助了一个孩子和一个家庭,那末我的时间就花得有意义。这就是我和你的区别:我是想帮助别人,你是想泄私忿(对前几年苦日子的愤怒)。如果你永远带着这种情绪,即使是只对自己同胞的话,你走不远的。
作者: zhen2005    时间: 2011-4-6 06:13
回复 54# Jstar
1. I don't have Chinese type setting in my computer so I had to use English.  I also surprised that you can still type Chinese so well after more than 20 years in Canada, You are really from 书香门第.  however, every time when I read your comment, I have someone in my mind.  Stand in the middle of street, one hand on the waist, the other arm stretch and finger almost point to my nose.  It really doesn't fit: 我的父母都出身书香门第,我的爷爷是在上海的医生,我的姥爷是在北京的工程师,我的父母都是大学教授,我是在风景优美的大学校园里长大的,我大学上的是中国第一学府 - 我是在中国well educated 的典型。I use ? just a courtesy way to remind you, you are the one......

2. You had education in Canada.  You spend more than 20 years in Canada.  Have you ever watch the politician debate?  If you don't watch it this time, when the party leader debate, they some time attack people. But that is all business.  Nothing personal.

3. I said I will get every thing I want in Canada just because I know who I am and what I want.  For me a stable enjoyable professional job with relatively decent pay is enough.  I just want my family and I had middle class life in Canada.  I am not as fancy as you: Canadian education.  learning law and past the examination-lawyer?   Oh, I am so scared.   Have more than 20 years working experience in big or small company.  

4. I didn't have mysteriou life in Canada, even in the first several years.  I lived in a very decent community and have my own house. My whole family is happy at that time even we had work very hard.  I didn't give my son everything is because it is not very necessary and it should consider luxurious at that time.  I have a baby girl now, even for her, I will not give her every thing she want in the future.  That exprience is very treasure for my family  and we always dicusse it now.

5.  The reason why I against you are.
a.  I think it is unfair to talk jack the way you did.  He is a positive youngman and change his life by his effort . He should be applauded rather than judge.
b. You comment is very unfair to many new immigrant family who love their kids not less than you, but just can't provide adequate material to their kid. they are good parents as you, no unqualified.
c.  You repeat again and again that JACK is misguide parents to mistreat their kids, but I think you are MISGUIDE many kids if they have chance to read your comment.  They will think it is take for granted to get every thing from parents and their parents should do whatever they could to fulfill their need.  They will feel very reasonable to blame their parent, if they disatisfied.   So, you are MISGUIDE people.

It doesn't matter how much education you received.  From the bottom of your heart. you are uneducated.
作者: loneshepherd    时间: 2011-4-6 11:43
回复  loneshepherd
Jstar 发表于 2011-4-5 20:40 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Totally agree.
Your original post was wired English though.
作者: Jackofall    时间: 2011-4-6 16:35
回复 11# visiondream

作者: Jackofall    时间: 2011-4-6 16:38
      相同之处: 都爱自己的孩子, 尽自己的最大努力来为孩子创造一个好的生活和学习环境.
      不同之处: 1. 一对父母的经济能力强一些, 另外一对父母的经济能力弱一些.
                     2. 一对父母生了一个孝子, 另外一对父母生了一个逆子.

     相同之处: 都想生活的好一些.
     不同之处: 一个有才有德, 一个无才无德.

虎行千里吃肉, 狗行千里吃屎.
kyle.1977 发表于 2011-4-5 18:27 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: loneshepherd    时间: 2011-4-7 15:23
回复  visiondream

Jackofall 发表于 2011-4-6 17:35 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-7 19:59
回复 55# zhen2005
讨论问题应该就事论事,而你已经对我本人说了那么多personal attack的话,却为自己无理狡辩“that is all business.  Nothing personal. ” 既然如此,那末按照你的荒抝逻辑,我也来对你business一把。

首先,你真的很需要education in Canada。你自己仔细读一读你写的英文,就知道我为什么这么说了。其次,你的中文水平也实在欠缺,你对我的发言从头到尾就是误读。我劝做父母的为自己孩子尽心尽力,就是说有多大能力使多大劲。我从来没有说让家长为孩子不顾条件的瞎花钱,更没有说过给孩子钱是爱孩子的最好和唯一的方式,这些胡言乱语都是你强加于我的。所以所说,你不仅仅是英文欠缺,连中文也没学好,典型的unedacated person。

关于怎么辩论,我也受过Canadian Education了,不用你操心。倒是你,根本不懂得辩论的基本路述。首先,辩论是有中心议题的。我的议题很明确 - 劝做父母的为自己孩子尽心尽力。而你,除了说不要为孩子花任何钱之外,通片从各个方面对我进行人身攻击,连我的父母、祖辈和孩子们都不放过。你的言行说明你的道德品质低于一个可以称之为“人”的底线。所以不仅从文化水平上, 你是unedacated person,从道德品质上,你也是unedacated person。其次,辩论是你来我往的过程。凡是你对我轰过来的炮弹(尽管无理又无礼),我都一一回应了。可是你对我反复问你的一个问题 “我劝做父母的为自己孩子尽心尽力,有什么错?”你从来就没正面回答。你在这贴#5(C)的说法纯粹是胡说八道 - 有哪个十几岁的移民二代会来五一网?真是天大的笑话!十几岁的孩子们都在Facebook and Youtube 上忙活哪。再说了,我写都是中文,连你这三十好几的中文差的主儿看着都理解不了,十几岁的移民二代就是真来了五一网,也读不懂啊!以前你父母和你老师没教给你(恐怕他们也不会),现在我教你, 记住了 - 辩论是摆事实,讲道理,不是胡言乱语,无中生有,不是进行人身攻击,更不能对辱骂辩论对手的家人。在西方世界,如果一个政治家辩论的时候辱骂辩论对手的家人,那此人的支持率也就完了。我在加拿大第一次看政治辩论,是在1989年的夏天,工党的领导人竞选。到今天,美、加的政治辩论,我记不清看过多少次了,偶尔有气急败坏的政治家向对方做人身攻击(事后基本都道歉了),但从来没有辱骂辩论对手的家人的。我不知道你来加拿大的这几年,看了几次政治辩论?恐怕头几年看了也根本听不懂吧,何况你还要打好几份工,恐怕也没时间。这次好了,你有了正经白领的工作,英文也能听个一知半解,好好地学习学习,什么是politician debate。



按你的说法,it's only business. Nothing personal.
作者: Jstar    时间: 2011-4-7 20:00
回复 56# loneshepherd


作者: anybody    时间: 2011-4-8 12:33
我只是对这个题目感兴趣才来潜水的, 但实在忍不住冒个泡.
对一件事有不同看法很正常, 心平气和地讨论就是了, 这样超出范围的彼此人身攻击只能让人摇头叹息了.
作者: 家庭团队    时间: 2011-4-8 13:38
作者: 家庭团队    时间: 2011-4-8 18:39
标题: 感激爸妈:他们从未给自己儿子丢过脸
本帖最后由 家庭团队 于 2011-4-8 19:41 编辑

作者: qlpy    时间: 2011-4-8 22:14

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