Where can I find this job?
90%的男人要对他作正确引导,潜移默化。这是他身边女人需学习的高深学问。作者: 也许 时间: 2009-10-30 11:59 标题: 回复:男人们要知道,女人们都是食人间烟火者。 偏有不少愚钝的男人不解风情,脑子核心是被粪屎沉浸了几十年,或是娘胎里就带出来,像臭屎顽石那样又顽硬又臭,可怕的是还自以为是。最后人生走到65岁,想想自己做了什么?以前。
I am "农村出来的", but "家里父母素质" is not low as you said. Based on my chinese culture I will never question the "素质" of the other people's parents.
After reviewd all your post, I am absolutely sure that you "肯定不是什么好东西".
By the way, I feel more happy to post something with the words from you and feel pity on your husband.作者: 长江7号 时间: 2009-10-30 12:14 标题: 回复:男人们要知道,女人们都是食人间烟火者。 偏有不少愚钝的男人不解风情,脑子核心是被粪屎沉浸了几十年,或是娘胎里就带出来,像臭屎顽石那样又顽硬又臭,可怕的是还自以为是。最后人生走到65岁,想想自己做了什么?以前。
杜娟姐好,单是这个大言篇,我选你做臭口乡乡长,全权代表臭口乡农民,做四个带表,伟大的杜娟姐当然要比别人多带一个表的。作者: jj1111 时间: 2009-10-30 12:23 标题: Same feeling as I have.Being your wife ,She is probably living in the hell every day !!
I am "农村出来的", but "家里父母素质" is not low as you said. Based on my chinese culture I will never question the "素质" of the other people's parents.
After reviewd all your post, I am absolutely sure that you "肯定不是什么好东西".
By the way, I feel more happy to post something with the words from you and feel pity on your husband.作者: jj1111 时间: 2009-10-30 12:32 标题: I am now very sorry,my posts may really hurt few some chinese men who thought he can beat his wife at home!
I am encourage most of chinese wives call 911 if you think your husband is theatening and beating you and your kids, and your famliy is undering dangerous situation, Can call 911 feel free .Lets the Law protect you and your kids!
Give them( chinese animal) a ****!作者: shoot228 时间: 2009-10-30 12:45 标题: 回复:topcool988 :你的职位,收入,工作的环境,说得不好听的是档次 ,决定了你的观念,当然你在这里发表相反的观点本人一点也不意外!当司机努力养家是好男人,但你现在会不会或能不能考虑你的前途?难道你一生都当教练?如果你还拥有中国高等学府的文凭。
一生都当教练 is good. good income. good job. good future.
国高等学府的文凭 doesn't mean much.作者: 长江7号 时间: 2009-10-30 12:46 标题: 回复:I am now very sorry,my posts may really hurt few some chinese men who thought he can beat his wife at home!
I am encourage most of chinese wives call 911 if you think your husband is theatening and beating you and your kids, and your famliy is undering dangerous situation, Can call 911 feel free .Lets the Law protect you and your kids!
Give them( chinese animal) a ****!
杜娟姐,我支持你,不过LUNCH TIME过了,要工作啦,要挣钱圈养家里三条狗,牧养家外一”条”女友!!! 杜娟姐,我想你,人不在,心在!!!作者: 也许 时间: 2009-10-30 12:48 标题: 回复:Same feeling as I have.Being your wife ,She is probably living in the hell every day !!
On the contrary, she is very happy with his house-wife life. She has been enjoying it for 5 years. We just talk to each other about your posting 15min ago. She could not believe that came from a woman. We both suggest you go to see a psychologist.作者: topcool988 时间: 2009-10-30 13:05
你的问题就是自以为档次高,追求高,钱钱钱,所以现在夫离子散,不知道为什么还瞧不起“档次”低的家庭?作者: ydd 时间: 2009-10-30 13:12 标题: 回复:I am now very sorry,my posts may really hurt few some chinese men who thought he can beat his wife at home!
I am encourage most of chinese wives call 911 if you think your husband is theatening and beating you and your kids, and your famliy is undering dangerous situation, Can call 911 feel free .Lets the Law protect you and your kids!
Give them( chinese animal) a ****!
还“I am encourage 。。。。。”, 你要不要脸呀,丢人现眼也没这么丢的,还档次呐。what a poor English.作者: 吴蜀人 时间: 2009-10-30 13:44
剩女被留给剩男,只好上网发发牢骚.心比天高,身为下贱也是没办法的事.这就是为什么有的人"不求自得",有的人"求不得"的原因了.作者: jj1111 时间: 2009-10-30 16:30 标题: 我看这里你最不要脸,是不是被老婆打过911? 又或属没女人要的垃圾男。What a chinese trash man!!!
还“I am encourage 。。。。。”, 你要不要脸呀,丢人现眼也没这么丢的,还档次呐。what a poor English.作者: topcool988 时间: 2009-10-30 16:45
作者: 团结就是力量 时间: 2009-10-30 18:48 标题: 回复:回复:Same feeling as I have.Being your wife On the contrary, she is very happy with his house-wife life. She has been enjoying it for 5 years. We just talk to each other about your posting 15min ago. She could not believe that came from a woman. We both suggest you go to see a psychologist.
Can't agree more with u!
This is the 2nd time i meet this so-called lady at the forum, and each of the times i feel like the same thing about her, who is unnormal as well as so rude, more than anyone i've ever met, no matter women or men ! she definately got a mental problem and so sick! What a poor husband own such a wife! got to be a punishment from the God strike the man!bless him!作者: 团结就是力量 时间: 2009-10-30 19:17 标题: 回复:回复:男人打女人是无能的表现:非常同意! 如果你在家见你母亲被你爸狠打,你有什么反应?