漫骂是不管用的,只有实际做了,才能够证实到底民主是否存在。作者: mihuchong 时间: 2009-6-4 16:52 标题: ha ha ha! Good point! 在这里本人只是想说明世界上根本就没有民主这回事,所谓民主不过是某些利益集团利用民众的幌子,和中国封建社会的孔孟之道没有什么区别,只是名字不同而已。
Of course, here is democracy. I can freely criticize the government in any way I like, but maybe only those who wandering here will know it.作者: mithugo 时间: 2009-6-4 17:28
毛泽东领导中国工农取得了胜利, 而不是依靠外族势力建立的新中国哦 :smile:作者: 车神 STI 时间: 2009-6-4 22:42
CAO NI MA 民运垃圾还要面不????!!!!!!作者: 车神 STI 时间: 2009-6-4 22:44 标题: 回复:加拿大是怎么实现民主监督的? 在这里本人只是想说明世界上根本就没有民主这回事,所谓民主不过是某些利益集团利用民众的幌子,和中国封建社会的孔孟之道没有什么区别,只是名字不同而已。
Did you vote for Ontario Liberal Party in the last election? If yes, the money loaned to GM is delivered on behalf of "you", because the current Ontario Liberal Party sits with a majority after last fair election. The baseline is "You need to vote!".
Meanwhile, if you don't agree with the Liberal government, you also can set up your "arty" and lead your "people" to "fight" for what you believe in. You can get your voices heard in many channels if you would like to choose a positive way. Talk to your MPP, MP and even write to PMs. Politicians do watch and listen. As I understood, the majority of Ontario people support the GM & Chrysler loan, otherwise, the Liberal Government would have sat on a much hotter seat, which means they would be punished for the next election.
As to the strike issues, there was a clear example with Tamil Tiger supporters, who even took over one of the major Toronto expressway/highway for half a day, if you did live in Canada. The strikes had been lasted more than one month along with the war proceeding. They were on strike in front of US Consulate and Queens Park until the recent decisive defeat. People do have some complaints, but they still carried on. I think this is a very good and reasonable example to argue with you as your points do not stand firmly or you have difficulties to understand how Canadian Democracy works.作者: 依水巍山 时间: 2009-6-5 00:25 标题: 回复:回复:回复:这些学生领袖一个都没死, 领袖们怎么向死去的学生家长解释? 建立的新中国哦 :smile:
Did you vote for Ontario Liberal Party in the last election? If yes, the money loaned to GM is delivered on behalf of "you", because the current Ontario Liberal Party sits with a majority after last fair election. The baseline is "You need to vote!".
Meanwhile, if you don't agree with the Liberal government, you also can set up your "arty" and lead your "people" to "fight" for what you believe in. You can get your voices heard in many channels if you would like to choose a positive way. Talk to your MPP, MP and even write to PMs. Politicians do watch and listen. As I understood, the majority of Ontario people support the GM & Chrysler loan, otherwise, the Liberal Government would have sat on a much hotter seat, which means they would be punished for the next election.
As to the strike issues, there was a clear example with Tamil Tiger supporters, who even took over one of the major Toronto expressway/highway for half a day, if you did live in Canada. The strikes had been lasted more than one month along with the war proceeding. They were on strike in front of US Consulate and Queens Park until the recent decisive defeat. People do have some complaints, but they still carried on. I think this is a very good and reasonable example to argue with you as your points do not stand firmly or you have difficulties to understand how Canadian Democracy works.
"Democracy" does exist no matter whether you believe it or not.
“让中国政府接受人民的监督,让国家的税收更有效用于人民的医疗教育养老。”, how to get your ideas implemented in China? Especially, “让中国政府接受人民的监督”. This was why 64 happens 20 years ago and got crackdown straight. You have to answer the question directly and get your mindset clear.作者: y_2009 时间: 2009-6-5 11:28 标题: 回复:中国人都是猪 用这个标题可能过分了些,但只想表达一种愤怒。中国人真的是张着猪脑袋,不会分是非的种。天安门上那些学生为什么在那儿,面对死亡他们慷慨就义,为什么? 反官僚,反腐败,为什么? 还不是为我们大家好。可为什么有这么多人,象以上这位疯狗,不但不领情,还肆意谩骂,攻击? 不是长个猪一样的脑子,又是什么?