白人的智商是比较高,亚裔和犹太裔的智商最高(平均)。作者: Daru 时间: 2009-3-4 20:03 标题: 东亚裔学生(中国,日本,南韩) 6 8 % 1 0 +万年薪 2004年, 我在打工时认识一日本人29岁,人挺精明,3岁时来加,College毕业, 在我公司挣12刀一小时,和我一样。当时是从卡车司机的位置转来,当时我挺惊讶。作者: beihang 时间: 2009-3-4 20:16 标题: IQ and EQ "成绩好,不等于智商高。" I agree with this sentence.
Parents from Asian families are pushing their kids to study hard. In general, this is a good thing.
However, good students are more likely to be under greater pressure. This will have hugh impact on their personalities and how they handle disappointments.
Sadly, most parents chose to ignore this problem. Their kids might have good grades. But they could be shy and demand everything to be perfect. Eventually, they will be disappointed and they could not know how to handle this.
For example, good students might expect that they could go to Harvard. One day, they will wake up to the fact that most of them can never go to Harvard and not even a first class univesity in Canada. Imagine how they would feel by then.作者: 新租 时间: 2009-3-4 20:24 标题: 我儿子就智商很高 但成绩很差,一年级的时候reading是个D,但二、三年级却是A,这个学期四年级去了天才班,但写作拿个C已成定局,为这事老师把我找过去两次,问我儿子为什么作文只写简单句,威胁我要给D,还拿出他们班同学写的作文,我看这水平相差太大了,他们班的同学居然每天都写一篇作文,一整张那种大本子,分成3-4段,简直好极了,句子粗看真跟大人的句子差不多,真想不到这里的水平那么高。作者: 疯子了 时间: 2009-3-4 20:48
智商低的人能做的东西看来通常智商高的人都发明不了。我不怀疑所有人的智商,我总觉得我们是不是太自负。作者: 一圆店 时间: 2009-3-4 21:09
学习好不等于工作好,智商高不等于地位高.作者: albertszcn51 时间: 2009-3-4 21:28
雕虫小技,模仿,揣摩, 是一流水平