
标题: 多伦多急诊记:苦等4小时才见到医生 [打印本页]

作者: 梦工作室    时间: 2008-11-3 09:46
标题: [评论]多伦多急诊记:苦等4小时才见到医生

作者: 独立意志    时间: 2008-11-3 09:58
标题: 才等4个小时?多幸运!

作者: panda50    时间: 2008-11-3 09:59
If you do not care yourself, who care of you. You do not go to see Doctor early once your heel got bite. That mean it is not a big problem to you.
作者: mimico    时间: 2008-11-3 10:04
作者: 一粒散沙    时间: 2008-11-3 10:09
作者: 周舟    时间: 2008-11-3 10:40
应该去看家庭医生,这种小问题,等待4个小时,应该是效率非常高,或者可以去看WALK IN 医生。在中国看医生其实也是需要3个小时,挂号要排队,看医生要排队,拿药又要排队,最少2个小时
作者: hjh108    时间: 2008-11-3 10:44
这种小问题应该去看家庭医生,that is why the hospital is slow!!
This is not emergency at all!
I wish they could let you wait 24 hours....just to teach you a lesson!
作者: tibetsmilecom    时间: 2008-11-3 11:13
作者: theone    时间: 2008-11-3 11:33
标题: 急诊室是加拿大这个国家
最腐朽的地方。And nobody can change it for dacades. Ridiculous!
作者: hellowj    时间: 2008-11-3 11:56

作者: 白左就是地球癌    时间: 2008-11-3 13:50
晓露刚来不久,一个单身女子也不容易,大家就别打击她了。想想以前在国内肯定很多事情不用自己操心的。 以后记得有这样“不是特别紧急的病”,可以去walkin clinic。当场买药,花不了一两个小时,如果clinic不是特别忙的话。

作者: hhxxttxs    时间: 2008-11-3 14:55
作者: 787878    时间: 2008-11-3 15:15

作者: 胡蝶兰    时间: 2008-11-3 17:28

作者: 梦工作室    时间: 2008-11-3 18:04
标题: 表音文字,25个字母(另有几个专门用来翻译汉语的,只在古籍里能见到)


作者: 加拿大庸医    时间: 2008-11-3 18:54
标题: 加拿大这个变态医疗体制,
记得一个朋友得了病,加拿大医生确诊不了,又十分慢,买机票回国,一周做完手术,二周出院返加, 加拿大医生还问病人,中国医生诊断的是什么病,怎么处理的,,,
作者: bubble5    时间: 2008-11-3 19:21
应该去看家庭医生,这种小问题,等待4个小时,应该是效率非常高,或者可以去看WALK IN 医生。在中国看医生其实也是需要3个小时,挂号要排队,看医生要排队,拿药又要排队,最少2个小时

作者: 骑兵连连长    时间: 2008-11-3 19:27
晓露进了急诊室,“没几分钟,急诊室里一个小房间的年轻女医生”就对她进行初步测量和询问,然后给她分在“Minor treatment ”。我觉得还算可以。

作者: 四哈    时间: 2008-11-3 19:31
标题: 为啥不去WALK IN 那每周七天工作

作者: bubble5    时间: 2008-11-3 19:39
walk in 至少也要等2小时,而且水平很烂。
作者: 四哈    时间: 2008-11-3 19:42
walk in 至少也要等2小时,而且水平很烂。

我这不咋等,还都是老大夫,我的家庭医生就在WALK IN  那。

我周围有三个walk in 呢。
作者: 抬头看    时间: 2008-11-3 23:44
标题: " 我周围有三个walk in 呢"
讨教: 什么叫 walk in ?

作者: 天枢    时间: 2008-11-4 06:26
作者: kingsw    时间: 2008-11-4 07:38

作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-11-4 08:54
标题: 回复:" 我周围有三个walk in 呢"
讨教: 什么叫 walk in ?


Walk-in medical clinics provide prompt medical care for people who are sick and do not have a family doctor or are unable to reach their family doctor. Generally, appointments are not needed. It is best to call before visiting to check the clinic‘s hours as they are subject to change. The clinics are often busy and many stop registering new patients up to two hours before the listed closing times.

作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-11-4 08:55
标题: What is the role of walk-in clinics?

What is the role of walk-in clinics?

The March 2002 issue of Canadian Family Physician focused on another timely topic: walk-in clinics. One result, however, was taken from the paper "Who provides walk-in services?"1 by Barnsley et al and was highlighted three more times in the journal; in my opinion, such attention was not justified.

The result was that more than 60% of visits were made by "regular patients." This point was mentioned by Borkenhagen2 in his editorial, by Reid3 in Editor’s notes ("This provides new evidence that walk-in clinics do more than ‘skim off the cream’ and fill an important role in primary care"), and in the Editor’s key points1 that accompanied Barnsley et al’s paper.

First, in the article,1 there is no definition of "regular." If patients with heart disease go to walk-in clinics for several blood pressure checks a year, but attend their own family doctors for referrals and follow up, are they "regulars" of the walk-in clinics?

Second, the result comes from a self-administered questionnaire, which was completed by either a physician or a staff member. There was no objective measurement to see whether there was over-reporting or whether patients had other family physicians, or whether they were "regulars" at several walk-in clinics. I would have liked to have seen the profiles of regular patients. Were they 23 and healthy or 65 and not? I do not think the objectively unsupported and undefined figure of 60% should have been given such prominence.

Traditional physicians in urban settings, like me, however, cannot complain about the proliferation of walk-in clinics. We have made it downright inconvenient to access our services. We are open only during working hours, patients have to make appointments, and often patients pay high fees to park. No wonder we attract only those who are unemployed or who have a problem serious enough to jump through all these hoops.

There are, however, models that will accommodate accessibility and continuity. Age- and disease-weighted capitation would be one model. Accessible physicians would attract more patients. One could add a proviso that a patient seeing another physician, eg, at a walk-in clinic, would have to pay for part of the visit; the remainder would be paid by the medical plan, who would deduct that amount from the physician who received the capitation payment. This would provide an incentive for capitation holders to make themselves available and provide a disincentive for patients to hop around or be a "regular" at several clinics.

—D. Behroozi, MB BS, LMCC, CCFP
Vancouver, BC
by e-mail


1. Barnsley J, Williams AP, Kaczorowski J, Vayda E, Vingilis E, Campbell A, Atkin K. Who provides walk-in services? Survey of primary care practices in Ontario. Can Fam Physician 2002;48:519-26.
2. Borkenhagen RH. Walk-in clinics and time management. Fresh insights as family practices adapt [editorial]. Can Fam Physician 2002;48:437-9 (Eng), 446-9 (Fr).
3. Reid T. Editor’s notes. Can Fam Physician 2002;48:435.

In the March 2002 issue, Dr Rainer H. Borkenhagen wrote an editorial1 on walk-in clinics. In it, he postulated reasons for the emergence of walk-in clinics and suggested that they are a natural progression of primary care in our society. He suggests as well that the differences between walk-in clinics and full family medicine practices are slight.

I believe that walk-in clinics exist for a solitary purpose: it is easier for physicians to make money in walk-in clinics than to set up and operate traditional medical practices. Facts support this assertion.

Walk-in clinic doctors in our city can see 50 patients in less than 4 hours. They do not have comprehensive files. They do not have 24-hour coverage. They do not have hospital privileges and therefore do not do obstetric or emergency care. They do not assist at surgery, and they do not follow up patients in the hospital. They do not attend to nursing home patients. They certainly do not sit on hospital committees, boards, or community panels. They are not involved in our hospice society. Most of the walk-in clinic doctors do not even live in our community.

In primary care, the money-maker for physicians is the office visit. The shorter the visit, the more financially rewarding it can be for physicians. Doing hospital rounds, assisting in surgery, delivering babies, and providing care at nursing homes are time-consuming and often do not generate nearly the same income per hour as walk-in clinic work. Hospital committee work is not reimbursed at all.

Walk-in clinic doctors in our community have short office visits and earn big bucks. I had one irate mother tell me about a visit to a local walk-in clinic with her sick child. The total encounter with this generic doc-in-the-box took 30 seconds, and the product of the visit was a prescription for amoxicillin. When the mother asked the doctor whether he was going to examine the sick child, the doctor said he was too busy to do such things and to check with her regular doctor if the child was not better soon.

The reason such nonsense exists in primary care delivery is that the provincial Medical Services Commissions do not look at obtaining proper value for the dollars they spend in primary care. If these commissions did look at this, they could influence family physicians to have full-service practices instead of walk-in clinics.

Corrective action by Medical Services Commissions (ie, payers) could be rapidly taken to encourage physicians to operate as full-service physicians in large groups, providing comprehensive and timely care that is far more valuable to society than the band-aid approach offered by the numerous walk-in clinics that have sprouted up in our city. This is not rocket science.

It is the duty of the paying agent (acting on behalf of taxpayers who fund the system) to ensure health care providers and health care consumers act responsibly to get the most from each publicly funded dollar spent. In British Columbia, the Medical Services Commission will immediately put forth the rebuttal that the commission acts in concert with the BC Medical Association to pay physicians in this province and that the doctors help determine payment processes. While this is correct, the commission would probably not mention that the BC Medical Association is dominated by physicians who would own and operate walk-in clinics and would therefore have a vested interest in making decisions about these clinics. Beyond such an argument, the commission cannot shirk its fundamental duty to arrive at its own objective views on the use of its money.

If we continue in this fashion, there will soon be no family physicians in Canada and more walk-in clinics than fast-food restaurants. And just like fast-food restaurants, people will be fed a diet of health care that may taste good at the moment but will kill them in the long run.

—Robert H. Brown, MD, CCFP
Abbotsford, BC
by mail


1. Borkenhagen RH. Walk-in clinics and time management. Fresh insights as family practices adapt [editorial]. Can Fam Physician 2002;48:437-9 (Eng), 446-9 (Fr).
作者: 四哈    时间: 2008-11-4 09:45
标题: 回复:" 我周围有三个walk in 呢"
讨教: 什么叫 walk in ?




http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en ... re-results&cd=1
作者: 头发乱了    时间: 2008-11-5 23:09
应该去看家庭医生,这种小问题,等待4个小时,应该是效率非常高,或者可以去看WALK IN 医生。在中国看医生其实也是需要3个小时,挂号要排队,看医生要排队,拿药又要排队,最少2个小时

作者: 扫描仪    时间: 2008-11-6 14:00

作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-11-6 14:21

Depending on what kind of hospital you will go to.
作者: Buffon    时间: 2008-11-11 22:04
If you do not care yourself, who care of you. You do not go to see Doctor early once your heel got bite. That mean it is not a big problem to you.

dude, dont speak english if u cant
作者: superintendent    时间: 2008-11-13 19:38
dude, dont speak english if u cant

Dont be so picky, at least he tried to be polite...  and that is how your grandpa used to write.

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