他太老啦,体力不够了,我见过一次,混饭吃,该赶下台了.作者: james123456 时间: 2008-10-7 09:02
I really don't like the policy of Conservative party. Like their attitude to China, sending troop to other country, supporting minority Falungong.
But I am impressed by the experiences of Dr. Lau, especially his work to serve people volunteerily. I think I will elect him.作者: ZENGZHI 时间: 2008-10-7 09:19 标题: 回复:[评论]刘秉纯来稿:请给我机会 我会做到最好 "我注意到有网友担心保守党政府会对中国不友好,我相信这只是一种误会。哈珀总理在表示因工作安排的原因无法参加北京奥运会时,特别强调了这不是抵制北京奥运会,他认为抵制北京奥运会是不理智的作法。"
你恶心我呐?作者: 荷兰 时间: 2008-10-7 21:32
我们是第一代移民,是来建设和融入这个接纳我们的新家园的。从政也好,做人也好,是需要有道德的,其中一个重要的道德品质就是integrity 。在加拿大政党中integrity最好的也是保守党。
莫谈国事: 啊,你可是在谈国事呢?
看来你很注重做人的道德操守,一定是个好人,可是好人也会有糊涂的时候。这里转贴一个信息,想再听听你的评论或是解释,行吗?谢谢。信息来自http://www.mcteague.ca/WebPages/gas_price_today.htm, 原文如下:
The Conservative Party's 2004 election platform promised that a Harper Government would:
Provide relief to Canadians on low and fixed incomes to help them meet rising utility, insurance, and gasoline prices.
Get rid of the so-called tax on tax by removing the GST from the federal excise tax on gasoline.
Remove the GST from being applied on gasoline when the price rose above 85 cents per litre.
Aside from forgetting its promises, with gasoline now reaching $1.40 a litre nationally, the Harper Government is raking in a windfall tax profit of some $1.5 billion from today's soaring gasoline prices.
Shame on Mr. Harper for forgetting his promises in 2004 and for taking advantage of Canadians today.
Haper 还说过:"The ability of governments to affect the price of gasoline per se is so small that it's not worth doing" (Globe and Mail, May 21, 2008)