
标题: TOEFL高频率介词搭配(2) [打印本页]

作者: tvstation1    时间: 2002-10-31 20:27
标题: TOEFL高频率介词搭配(2)


a)动词+for。for表原因、目的:account for解释;说明, answer for对…负责, apply for申请;请求, apologize for为…而道歉, beg for请求, call for要求, care for在意, enter for报名参加, fight for为…而战, hope for希望, inquire for查询;求见, leave for离开某地到另一地, look for寻找, long for盼望, mistake for误认为, plan for计划做某事, prepare for为…作准备, provide for 为…提供, reach for伸手去拿, run for竞选, stand for象征, search for搜寻, send for派人去请, speak for陈述意见、愿望, take for当作, wish for希望, wait for等待。例如:

His illness accounts for his absence. 他因病缺席。

The baby reached for the apple but couldn’t reach it. 那婴儿伸手去苹果,但够不着。

He who would search for pearls must dive below. 要想找到珍珠,必须潜到海底。

b)动词+sb.+ for +sth.。for表示原因或目的:ask for要求得到, blame for因…责备, excuse for宽恕, forgive for谅解, pardon for原谅, pay for花钱买, praise for称赞, punish for对…进行惩罚, push for催逼,reward for酬谢, thank for对…表示谢意。例如:

Please excuse me for my being late. 请原谅我的迟到。

Forgive me for my keeping you waiting. 请见谅,让你久等了。

2. be +形容词+for。for表作用、目的、对人或物有某种情绪等:be anxious for急于做, be eager for渴望, be bad for有害于, be convenient for便于, be good for利于, be famous for以…出名, be fit for适合于, be grateful for对…心存感激, be impatient for对…不耐烦, be late for迟到, be necessary for有必要, be ready for作好准备, be sorry for为…而后悔, be responsible for对…负责, be suitable for适合于, be unfit for不适合, be useful for对…有作用。例如:

He is eager for success. 他渴望成功。

The government is responsible for the nation’s welfare. 政府负责民众的福利。

3.for+名词构成的词组:for all尽管,for a song非常便宜地,for certain确切地,for company陪着,for ever永远,for example例如,for fear以免,for fair肯定地,for free免费,for fun为了好玩,for good永远,for instance比方,for luck祝福,for life终身,for long长久,for nothing白白地,for once有生第一次,for oneself替自己,for pleasure为了消遣,for reason因为…理由,for sale供出售,for shame真不害臊,for short简称,for sport好玩,for sure确切地。

4.动词+副词/名词+for构成的短语:be in for将遇到,make up for弥补,go in for 从事,l o ok out for提防,take sth. for granted把…当作理所当然, have an ear for音感好, have a gift for有某方面的天赋。



a)动词+ from。from表示“来源、原因、起始”等:come from来自, date from追溯, depart from违背, die from死于, escape from逃出, fall from自…跌落, hang from垂挂, hear from收到来信, learn from向某人学习, return from自某地返回,rise from自…冒出, result from起因于, suffer from忍受。例如:

All the characters in the book are drawn from real life. 书中所有的人物都来自于真实的生活。

Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower. 因疏忽引起的任何损坏都应由借用者负责赔偿。

He has recovered from his surprise. 他好不容易回过神来。

b)动词+ sth./sb. +from + sth./ sb. /a place。from表示“来源、免于”等:borrow from向…借, choose from选自, excuse from免除, keep from阻止做, prevent from不准做, protect from不受…之害, receive from收到, remove from移动;除去, save from保全;拯救, separate from分离开来, stop from阻止。例如:

He was excused from attendance at the lecture. 他获准可不去听课。

Stop the child from spoiling the book. 不要让孩子弄坏了书。

2. be +形容词+ from。此时from含义众多:be absent from缺席, be different from与众不同, be far from更不用说, be hidden from躲避, be made from用…制成, be tired from因…而疲倦。例如:

The boy can’t walk and is far from running.那男孩不会走路,更不用说跑了。

3.from…to…。本短语表示从一种状态到另一状态的变化或从…到…:from bad to worse每况愈下,from beginning to end自始至终,from cover to cover从头到尾,from China to Peru到处,from day to day一天一天地,from door to door挨家挨户,from end to end从头至尾,from first to last自始至终,from hand to mouth勉强糊口,from head to foot从头到脚,from mouth to mouth广泛流传,from sun to sun从日出到日落,from start to finish从头开始,from top to toe从头到脚,from time to time不时地,from top to bottom彻底地。



a)动词+ in。in在短语中的含义异常丰富:believe in信任, break in碎成,bring in引起;产生;带来, call in下令收回, fill in填充,get in收获, hand in上缴, involve in涉及, lie in在于, result in导致, share in共享, succeed in成功, take in卷起;订阅, turn in归还当局。例如:

He was so short of money that he had to call in the loans that he had made. 他很缺乏资金,不得不收回所有的款子。

Your failure lies in your laziness. 你失败的原因在于懒惰。

Orders are given to take in sail.已发布收帆的命令。

b)动词+sb./time/money+ in。介词in后接(doing)sth.:help sb. in帮助某人做某事, spare time/money in匀出时间或钱做某事, spend time/money in花时间或钱做某事, waste time/money in浪费时间或钱做某事。例如:

She offered to help him in the housekeeping when I am not here. 她提出,我不在家时她可以帮助他料理家务。

2. be +形容词+ in。in表示“在某些方面或穿着”:be active in活跃于, be absorbed in专心致志, be busy in忙碌, be born in出生于, be concerned in牵涉, be clothed in穿着, be disappointed in对…失望, be diligent in勤于, be experienced in在…有经验, be employed in任职于, be engaged in忙碌, be expert in某方面的专家, be excellent in在…优秀, be interested in对…有兴趣, be lacking in缺乏, be rich in富有, be slow in迟缓, be successful in在某方面成功, be skilled in精于, be strict in严于, be weak in弱于。例如:

She was completely absorbed in her own affairs. 她完全专注于自己的事务。

More than one person has been concerned in this. 不只一人牵涉到这件事。 

3. in +名词。 in表示“处于某种状态或在某些方面”等意思:in advance提前,in all总共,in balance总而言之,in bed卧床,in body亲自,in brief简明扼要,in case万一, in charge主管,in danger有危险, in debt负债, in despair失望,in force大量地;有效,in full全部地, in flower开花,in general一般说来, in itself本身, in love恋爱, in order井然有序, in person亲自, in public公开地, in progress有进展, in practice从实践上看, in rags穿着破衣, in research探索, in return作为报答,in ruins一片废墟, in short总之,in theory从理论上看, in trouble有麻烦, in tears眼泪汪汪, in time及时, in turn按顺序, in vain白白地,in view看得见。

注意下列几个词组中的in为副词:check in到达登记,cut in插嘴,count in包括, draw in时间接近, drop in顺路拜访, give in屈服, pour in源源而来。



a)动词+of。of意为“有关,由于”: beg of(sb.)请求某人,complain of抱怨,consist of由…构成, die of死于, dream of梦想, hear of听说, know of了解, speak of谈及, tell of讲到, think of想起, talk of论及。例如:

Never has one of them complained of all the trouble we give. 从来没有人抱怨我们带来这么多麻烦。

Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen. 二氧化碳由碳、氧两种元素组成。

b)动词+sb.+of+sth.。其中of有“剥夺,有关”之意:accuse of控告(谴责,非难)某人, cheat of骗走, deprive of剥夺, inform of汇报, rob of抢走, remind of提醒, warn of警告。例如:

He has cheated me of my poverty. 他骗走了我的财产。

They are deprived of their rights as citizens. 他们的公民权都被剥夺了。

c)动词+sth.+ of +sb.。介词of表动宾关系,后接动作的宾语sb.:request of请求(某人做某事),equire of要求得到。例如:

All I request of you is that you should come here early. 我唯一的请求就是希望你早点来。

You have done all the law requires of you. 你做的这一切都是法律对你的要求。

2. be +形容词+ of。of后接表对象或目标的词,这类短语有很多:be aware of觉察, be ashamed of以…为耻, be afraid of担心, be bare of没有, be careful of小心, be clear of还清债务, be certain of确信, be composed of由…构成, be envious of嫉妒, be forgetful of健忘, be fond of喜欢, be free of免于;摆脱, be full of充满, be guilty of认罪, be hopeful of抱有希望, be informed of汇报, be impatient of对…无耐心, be jealous of嫉妒, be made of用…制成, be mindful of留意, be proud of以…为骄傲, be sick of烦于, be short of缺乏, be sure of确信, be tired of困于, be worthy of值得。

3.of+名词构成的词组:of age成年, of choice精选的,of course当然, of late最近,of name有名的,of oneself自动地,of purpose有意地,of use有用,of value有价值的。
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