在一个成熟的社会里,被劫持者,和路人,最正确的做法是什么呢?作者: 77_88_77 时间: 2008-6-21 15:21 标题: 无赖需要为他做的事道歉么? 只有对自己的缺德行为感到内疚,才会有道歉,所以道德适用于君子,法律则是给我们这些市井流氓的。
如果范跑跑对于他的部分行为道歉,说明他自觉地把他自己适用了部分道德约束,也就是事实承认半君子半小人,可他并没有在嘴上承认,所以我们不得不佩服王朔,我是流氓我怕谁,直接。文人范跑跑绕了那么多弯,说不出口啊作者: 三和居士 时间: 2008-6-21 16:04
从他发表《那一刻地动山摇》起,他在玩一种跳火坑式的危险游戏,而且它达到了目的。作者: tulip7 时间: 2008-6-21 17:09
We should not blame him for his running away, but his attitude and comments afterwards that show he is a shameless, low person.作者: tulip7 时间: 2008-6-21 17:27
1、我会做--I can do it.
2、转了转身子(以示自己美丽的身材),然后对他说:“可我并不需要它(电话号码)----turn around body(show my beautiful body),then tell him:"but I don't need it。”
3、如果我是A,我会回答:"非常的抱歉,可我真的很饿,你要不要来偿一点。"------if I'm A,I'll be answer:"I'm so sorry,but I'm so hungry,would you want to try it?
4、我会从工作中得到赚钱的快乐。-----I can get the happiness of making money from the work.
5、A是一个很聪明的人。----A is a smart human.
6、你需要帮忙吗?May I help you?
7、很不幸的一件事。-----It's a miserable business for that girl.
8、有什么不正常的吗?-----what's wrong with that?
9、我回答不了这个问题。------I could't answer this qustion.
10、或许那99人该换换其它的方法来进行他们的聊天。Maybe it must change another idea to continue their chat.作者: 字一行 时间: 2008-6-21 21:30
另外,他还是个很会推销自己的人,用反传统的看法来引人注目,这也值得我们学习。作者: 内存条 时间: 2008-6-21 21:36 标题: 中国抗洪时的士兵,美国911的消防员, 中国抗洪时的跳入决口的士兵,美国911时上楼救火的消防员,成都失事直升机组原,他们在那一刻一定没有想到过楼主先保护自己的理论;他们牺牲了,世人尊敬且缅怀他们!作者: tulip7 时间: 2008-6-21 21:37
当我提到 "中国自古就有一身正气的豪杰侠士", :我是指比例不大,不能代表整体水准。
我希望一身正气的不仅是豪杰侠士, 而是普通人。
地震救援确实让世界对中国和中国人刮目相看:西方媒体的报道,和我一些加拿大朋友的看法。许多人以前认为,Chinese only care themselves.作者: yellow-skin 时间: 2008-6-21 21:53
你嘛, 一个声援范美忠的人,对你的言谈举止,表现出低下的道德水平无人敢评论,因为"怕"你扣"伪道德"的大帽子!我用很多时间来看你和你的同伴们的辩论,现在才发现原来你们是在自说自话!你还很自鸣得意呢!作者: xianxian 时间: 2008-6-21 23:33
How could you be sure "Fan" has the courage to be the sacrifice??? Not his ambition of getting famous?
He didn't show the basic professional ethics required for a teacher at duty. If I were him, I might be scared like him to run as the first reaction of earthquake. But I would feel so guilty any time when I got my thoughts. I don't require him to do so, but the way he talked about his behavior told me he was so proud of himself having the wisedom.
I pay all my respects to those died for their students, and those still survived but did all they could to save those buried!! Wish we could have stronger buildings and responsible builders, and we call for a nation with more professional ethics even we know as human being, we're imperfect.
I used to like your posting and articles, as I often could find some good thoughts and some unique perspectives, even I might not share. Sometime, I do find you have the tendencies of going extreme.
A lot of discussions about Fan is not requesting him to be "righteous and great" person, but asking for what kind of responsibility of a teacher having towards their students, asking for what we should opt against, what we should call for.
As human being, every of us has weaknesses. There's no fault in acknowledging our weaknesses, but it is shameful as a teacher not even thinking about his responsibilities for his students after the disaster, what he only did is mentioning he maybe should shout when he ran. Like Yang Zhen Ning, he has the capability of making right decisions at the time. He has the right to do so, and we all have the right to disagree what he did and what he said.
As to the question if Chinese cares only about themselves, "Fan" is one example. But many Chinese start to do something for others, donations from Chinese ethic groups to all kinds of non-for-profit association are increasing in the U.S. (see an article on Wenxuecity). Donations to Burmar also came out from many of Chinese groups as far as I know even it is still lower than those to SiChuan. As it is understandable as I read a theory the other day people felt more pains when they knew or related to the people suffered (not exactly the wording). You can surely understand this even you can understand Fan. I also noticed few of my Canadian colleagues mentioned Chinese earthquake, only 2 out of dozens in those near me (none of those talking about China human rights status).
After many years in poverty, Chinese are having broader visions and integrating to the world. We will do better.
You can think in the shoes of those minority, but when you argue about some of the points, please know first why many felt strongly about "Fan"'s attitude and comments, but simply getting to some conclusions close to "those against him is hypocrity (they can't be a hero themself, but don't like others telling the truth)"
There's hopes in China when I see some of the teachers died for their students even not many could do like them. They're heroes/heroines.