it doesn't matter. do you know why the voice from western media (anti-china) keeps going down last few days? they don't broadcast, does not mean they don't care. they watch closely about what is happening on the street. Like you and me.作者: wood.feng 时间: 2008-4-15 11:06 标题: 一次历史的创举 这无疑是一次历史的创举,但各方统计的人数出入很大,这不利于信息的正确传播。从现场看,应由一万人。无奈很多人没法统计。建议51网能否设法让广大自行前往的人进行一个登记,因为除了多伦多,蒙特里,渥太华有组织集体去的人已经统计以外,太多自行前往的人都没有统计进(包括这三个城市,及很多其它城市)。作者: 一老狼 时间: 2008-4-15 11:28 标题: 回复:回复:三个问题 最初由[hshi2]发布 回复:三个问题
it doesn't matter. do you know why the voice from western media (anti-china) keeps going down last few days? they don't broadcast, does not mean they don't care. they watch closely about what is happening on the street. Like you and me.
as well, please read Canadian news papers in last few days (including today's global and mail), the anti-china tune has changed a lot, columnist took "open for discussion/debat" approach now instead of "pointing finger, arrorgant and biased" stand. This is the sign that western media are confused at least.作者: 退出 时间: 2008-4-15 11:33
请各方整理后报CSIS一份备案。如有任何线索请拨:1-800-420-5805有华语服务。同时CSIS招聘有关人员,待遇优厚。作者: 一老狼 时间: 2008-4-15 11:48 最初由[退出]发布
sound like typical communist. you are the first to be reported to CSIS.作者: 快人快语 时间: 2008-4-15 11:52
是不是有受宠若惊的感觉, 就象毛主席接见红卫兵的幸福.作者: 一老狼 时间: 2008-4-15 12:02 最初由[快人快语]发布
是不是有受宠若惊的感觉, 就象毛主席接见红卫兵的幸福.
I believe 贪官老大 East Sun 退出 must have been among those red guards, now they are pretending innocent.作者: 一老狼 时间: 2008-4-15 12:37 最初由[hshi2]发布
I believe 贪官老大 East Sun 退出 must have been among those red guards, now they are pretending innocent.
love to see more this kind of article, it is fair to everybody:
I believe 贪官老大 East Sun 退出 must have been among those red guards, now they are pretending innocent.
Watch the following first, and then, answer the question.
Why all of Chinese, even they are pro-China, do not have a right or opportunity to demonstrate in mainland China?
Watch the following first, and then, answer the question.
Why all of Chinese, even they are pro-China, do not have a right or opportunity to demonstrate in mainland China?
why? this is called "politics". I am not denying the right of demonstration. it is good system which western countries created. but I don't think it is good for China now at least. China will give the right of demostration to its people eventually. But it is too early to practise it now. You are Chinese, you are supposed to know better than those foreigners.
Do you think that human right situation has been improved now compared with 20 years in China? If you don't see it, you are blind. Please give sometime to China. Communists will be converted eventually. Be patient.
I don't know if you invest in stock or not. Nobody will dump a raising stock until it reaches it peak.作者: 东方华 时间: 2008-4-15 16:15 最初由[hshi2]发布
why? this is called "politics". I am not denying the right of demonstration. it is good system which western countries created. but I don't think it is good for China now at least. China will give the right of demostration to its people eventually. But it is too early to practise it now. You are Chinese, you are supposed to know better than those foreigners.
Do you think that human right situation has been improved now compared with 20 years in China? If you don't see it, you are blind. Please give sometime to China. Communists will be converted eventually. Be patient.
I don't know if you invest in stock or not. Nobody will dump a raising stock until it reaches it peak.
I do not think that China has changed anything in it’s political system, except, of course, invest money to help American invading Iraq.作者: 一老狼 时间: 2008-4-15 17:29 最初由[East Sun]发布
I do not think that China has changed anything in it’s political system, except, of course, invest money to help American invading Iraq.
too subjective.作者: 东方华 时间: 2008-4-15 17:44 最初由[hshi2]发布
too subjective.
Would you please say something different from the Communist party’s idea? We have learned it almost 60 years.作者: 一老狼 时间: 2008-4-15 17:44 最初由[hshi2]发布
too subjective.
do you think that China is a real communist country now?
you are wrong. I put it this way, it is a communist party controlled capitalism (if not, they are working toward this direction at least). Even themselves don't know how to explain the core objective of their own party -- so they gave a new slogan recently -- scientific view of developement. what does that mean? You tell me. This is exactly what I meant -- commumists will be tranformed by themselves graduately.
Anyway, I love China. hope China tranforms itself smoothly, people get more money, education level of regular people (farmers especially) get boosted, then democraicy will come eventually. Be patient, remember what I said today..作者: 旦日 时间: 2008-4-15 18:59 标题: 我们都热爱我们的中国. 与其浪费时间在这里和那么没有了良心,或者事不关己高高挂起的人辩论,我们不如养精蓄锐.我们一定要团结起来,做我们力所能及的为祖国荣誉争光的事情.
4月9日傍晚,华工的师姐Cathy打来电话,发动我同去渥太华集会,车费和午餐都是免费的。我碰巧周日并无太多应酬,便决定前往。当晚回到家,上51网看了对事件的报道,感动于同胞们的爱国热情,决定发动佛山同乡会,华工校友和所有中国朋友参与。 于是连夜群发Email,并下载了报名表格,表上写着4月10日晚10点前团体报名。
谁知好事多磨,9点多时接到正在中华牛羊馆吃饭的Cici电话,说组委会又重新包下了五十多部车,原先已报名确认的三千多人都能解决。我们刚凑齐的这车人就大约有一半又回去大部队那边了。怎么办?在此考验胆色和决策力的关键时刻,我对Cathy说,只要还有一些人需要这部车,我们还是包下来,超支部分由同乡会补足。 于是大家群策群力,有的在51发帖子招人,我呢就逐个会员打电话,终于在12日晚又凑齐了48人。CCTV照片上的两位老人就是从51上看到消息来报名的,他们原来在大庆等油田的从事地质工作,随儿子移民多伦多也有八九年了。
13日大清早赶往上车点,半路就接到几番电话,说广场上7点钟已人头涌涌。七点半我们的人已全部到齐,广场对面的空调大巴也陆续出发,我们的校巴却姗姗来迟。真是一波三折,原来安排的司机说有紧急任务调头到CONSUMER Rd接人去了,那边有三部车要7点出发。有此变故,个别朋友按捺不住,转移到别的巴士上去了,包括一老外和他的中国妻子。八点后别的大巴全走了,只剩下我们四十号人在瑟瑟寒风中坚持等待。还好圣诺的人说换了司机,马上就到。果然八点半车终于出现了,应该是从多伦多出发的最后一部大巴。
(未完待续)作者: 字一行 时间: 2008-4-15 21:30
it doesn't matter. do you know why the voice from western media (anti-china) keeps going down last few days? they don't broadcast, does not mean they don't care. they watch closely about what is happening on the street. Like you and me.
no!time is go ,the hot had passed.They didn't care it,because it have important thing to report.your point is only love yourself,do you understand?作者: 辣翻天 时间: 2008-4-15 22:08 标题: 王会长到底怎么啦 ? 看到大家的热情,很感动!
上周,我们一些天津同乡看到几十位社区领袖站出来发倡议书,数千人积极响应,就决定一起去参加413在渥太华的集会,但这个过程费尽了周折.因为没有见到天津同乡会会长的签名,只好自己联系乘车,因为不是以同乡会的名义,组委会又特忙,所以打了无数个电话,好不容易才接上了头, 组委会说给我们安排位子,但大家一早赶到集合地点时,才发现没有我们的车子,听说组委会已经统一通知了各参加社团的首脑,但我们什么都不知道,也没有人告诉我们,我们大家只好一面耐心等待,一面寻求帮助,看到许多同乡会的朋友们蜂拥而来,有组织有秩序地上了预定的大巴,我们的心里很不是滋味, 但人家的车都满了,不好带我们,所以我们等了好长的时间.好不容易才在组委会人员的帮助下为我们安排上了最后一部车.
我们从媒体上常看到天津同乡会王会长的名字和照片, 他是华人社区的知名人士,积极参加组织社会活动.但不知在这振奋民族精神的大事情面前,他干什么啦? 329 活动时,我们看到王会长的言论受到众多网友们的指责,更觉得反常和难以理解. 天津老乡关心地问问: 王会长到底怎么啦 ?作者: WanWan 时间: 2008-4-15 22:12 标题: "中国大胆往前走"侧记(下) (续上篇)
上车后,分发了前一天晚上由老洪向组委会领的奥运胸牌和小国旗,登记联系电话,收集签名等,大家兴致很高。3F俱乐部的朋友们准备了很多标语、纸板和Marker,以同乡会的招牌为台,在车尾的几个空位就地制作了三十多张标语牌,其中一张就是给CCTV记者拍到并上了头版头条的“中国大胆往前走”。我也顺便宣传了一下今年的“相约在中国夏令营”。本来打算节省时间路上不停,但途中有两位女士先后出现身体不适,我们都安排车停下来,大家也好好发扬了“一人有难,众人相助”的团队精神。最带劲的是七十多岁的张大姐和二十出头的小洪一展歌喉,一路给我们献唱了众多的革命和流行歌曲。小洪还带大家学唱《红旗飘飘》,在集会的时候真派上了用场。以下是车上教唱的现场录像: ... 5189355290051335970
当年俺们去见毛主席可也是免费坐车滴耶!当然有免费吃滴,可俺们不是去玩滴!作者: 一老狼 时间: 2008-4-16 11:46 最初由[waterring]发布
it doesn't matter. do you know why the voice from western media (anti-china) keeps going down last few days? they don't broadcast, does not mean they don't care. they watch closely about what is happening on the street. Like you and me.
no!time is go ,the hot had passed.They didn't care it,because it have important thing to report.your point is only love yourself,do you understand?
haha....reponse to your "they have important thing to report". please read:
why? this is called "politics". I am not denying the right of demonstration. it is good system which western countries created. but I don't think it is good for China now at least. China will give the right of demostration to its people eventually. But it is too early to practise it now. You are Chinese, you are supposed to know better than those foreigners.
Do you think that human right situation has been improved now compared with 20 years in China? If you don't see it, you are blind. Please give sometime to China. Communists will be converted eventually. Be patient.
I don't know if you invest in stock or not. Nobody will dump a raising stock until it reaches it peak.
BUT I THINK 台湾 MUCH BETTER THAN CHINA作者: 辣翻天 时间: 2008-4-16 21:53 标题: 当婊子,树牌坊 王会长没兴趣参加爱国运动也就算了,人各有志,不能勉强.
关心和支援祖国建设,这该如何解释? 一句话:当婊子,树牌坊.作者: bywang 时间: 2008-4-17 08:46 标题: 回复:当婊子,树牌坊 最初由[辣翻天]发布 当婊子,树牌坊
It is shame to be the leader of this association!作者: ???á 时间: 2008-4-19 12:53 标题: ×??ù ×??ü?÷???????°°??ú?±?????????????????????????????????ì?ì???????????????????ê?????????ù???ú???ú?ì?¨?×???????ì?????????????????ó?ú?ì?????????????¨?á??·?±??????á??·?????