共产党坏透了,自己不肯为百姓拿一分钱(这些都是百姓的钱),还想贪污我们的捐款,没有门,要捐也不通过任何中共的政府机构。作者: def0 时间: 2008-2-25 23:51
对这个演出实在提不起兴趣,我宁可直接捐款作者: Da Shan Da 时间: 2008-2-26 00:10 标题: I agree What a pathetic way to promote these people. I rather just donate the money directly.作者: 晴天文化 时间: 2008-2-26 00:12 标题: 几点疑惑,几点建议! “这场义演将由本地文艺界人士共同举办、华联会、中国专业人士协会等其它华人协会、同乡会、校友会等协办。“
本人的一个哥们儿就是干这个的,嘿嘿。。。就不多说了。作者: 独立意志 时间: 2008-2-26 01:06 标题: 警匪一家 反贪局最贪 作者: akir 时间: 2008-2-26 01:22
I didn't donate $$ to Tsunami's incidents because I hate indonesia. I will not donate for this snow catastrophe as well, as I know that people out there are going to abuse it and keep the $$ in their pockets.作者: 哇咧 时间: 2008-2-26 01:42 标题: 羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关 作者: 闻天语 时间: 2008-2-26 02:53
我已经捐过了,两千刀,够多吧?汇给了我妈,哈哈。作者: 散人 时间: 2008-2-26 04:09 标题: 心灵黑暗 心灵黑暗如斯,没救了。作者: xiexj 时间: 2008-2-26 05:16 标题: 回复:[评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办? 最初由[zswwzs]发布 [评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办?
社区只有凝聚起来才能做出事情。而且,义演的无形价值远远超过这区区几万。大家聚在一起,对祖国同胞表示自己的慰问,送去这一份温暖,原来无论相聚多远,炎黄子孙都相互关心,渑作者: IloveGCD 时间: 2008-2-26 20:36
I can not agree with you guys more.
LOOK and FEEL their attitude when you need to deal with them!!!!!!!!
LOOK and FEEL their attitude when you need to deal with them!!!!!!!!
LOOK and FEEL their attitude when you need to deal with them!!!!!!!!
LOOK and FEEL their attitude when you need to deal with them!!!!!!!!作者: windfree 时间: 2008-2-26 20:41
用脚投票,犯得着骂骂咧咧的吗?作者: IloveGCD 时间: 2008-2-26 20:43
is there anybody come from the Chinese government and
REALLY want to take care of its people? look at all the posts!!
I don't think there is such leader anymore in current Chinese government. So our voice can not be heard!
And indeed we ourselves are just sick. Who care you, who will care what you say. Likely all of us just waste your time here.
I love GCD as long as it treats its people like this!!作者: APPLIANCES 时间: 2008-2-26 20:47 标题: [评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办? 那哥们写的精典,同意.作者: TIM王地产博客 时间: 2008-2-26 21:25
你NAIVE, SIMPLE或者装傻,装天真是你的事,还想把别人也当傻瓜,也太抬举自己的智商了!
举办活动失败,不从自己找原因,却埋怨别人,就凭这点,这个所谓的爱国晚会就不值得看.作者: IloveGCD 时间: 2008-2-26 21:27
I admit that I am sick and crazy. One last post, then I am ready to be accused by those whoever wants to yell at me.
All of us (well, 99% of us) know how everything works in China. No need to say more.
I have lived here for more than a decade. And have seen many things with my limited vision. I also have worked/talked/played with many people from different countries. Not every country is richer than China.
But I never felt a government treats its people as harsh as Chinese does. As an example, I worked with many Indians. I don't think they are better than us in many aspects. But their government treats them better and IN RETURN they have a better view with their government. It will help their country in long term.
What is wrong with us, our sad nation? If there is a leader who REALLY wants to do something for the nation. Could you please come and read all these posts? I beg you, please come. Don't just stay in your cozy office and paint a great image about the country. Don't even fool people by saying Olympics will be held in that place!
I don't want to say anything since all the posts here already did. But I want to mention these:
1) in my humble life, I have been tried to be a good person and helped others as much as I can. But I will never help Chinese as long as they carry any government sign/title, etc.
2) it is a vicious cycle, I know. Unfortunately Chinese government will even treat you worse. Anyway, for God's sake. How long will GCD will stay?
Someday, when I see there is indeed a positive sign in government, I may change.
My opinion is limited, I think I have seen many people but never saw a North Korean. I may become happier if someday I have a Norht Korean friend.
If you want to yell, please do so. But if you really want to do something for "our" China, I suggest to forward all these posts to Chinese emabssy. To let them to read once they finish their imporant "eat, drink, degeneration and gamble".
Forgot to mention, I used to be a loyal communist party member. 10 years ago, when people complain with the government, I was generally the one who will argue with them.作者: arrowwebtech 时间: 2008-2-26 21:34 标题: 回复:[评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办? 最初由[zswwzs]发布 [评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办?
太精辟了!有同感。作者: IloveGCD 时间: 2008-2-26 21:37
sorry submitted this again by accident.
I don't generally post anything so please forgive me to have these long posts. As an ordinary Chinese, I often feel sad why we have so many negative point of views. I used to firmly deny to my friends that "our" country has something wrong. After reading all these wonderful posts, I just can not contain myself.
To do something better, please save your energy and give the money to the poor whenever you have a chance. There are so many people in China are poor and it is not difficult to find some.
Another way is to donate to church. Generally church is a good place even you don't have to believe. At least, they are good, honest people.作者: Chrisss 时间: 2008-2-26 21:38 标题: 回复:回复:[评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办? 最初由[xiexj]发布 回复:[评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办?
有个协会叫华联总会来着,经常代表全体华人到处招摇,这回就由该会代表全体华人捐款好了。作者: arrowwebtech 时间: 2008-2-26 21:54 最初由[IloveGCD]发布
I admit that I am sick and crazy. One last post, then I am ready to be accused by those whoever wants to yell at me.
All of us (well, 99% of us) know how everything works in China. No need to say more.
I have lived here for more than a decade. And have seen many things with my limited vision. I also have worked/talked/played with many people from different countries. Not every country is richer than China.
But I never felt a government treats its people as harsh as Chinese does. As an example, I worked with many Indians. I don't think they are better than us in many aspects. But their government treats them better and IN RETURN they have a better view with their government. It will help their country in long term.
What is wrong with us, our sad nation? If there is a leader who REALLY wants to do something for the nation. Could you please come and read all these posts? I beg you, please come. Don't just stay in your cozy office and paint a great image about the country. Don't even fool people by saying Olympics will be held in that place!
I don't want to say anything since all the posts here already did. But I want to mention these:
1) in my humble life, I have been tried to be a good person and helped others as much as I can. But I will never help Chinese as long as they carry any government sign/title, etc.
2) it is a vicious cycle, I know. Unfortunately Chinese government will even treat you worse. Anyway, for God's sake. How long will GCD will stay?
Someday, when I see there is indeed a positive sign in government, I may change.
My opinion is limited, I think I have seen many people but never saw a North Korean. I may become happier if someday I have a Norht Korean friend.
If you want to yell, please do so. But if you really want to do something for "our" China, I suggest to forward all these posts to Chinese emabssy. To let them to read once they finish their imporant "eat, drink, degeneration and gamble".
Forgot to mention, I used to be a loyal communist party member. 10 years ago, when people complain with the government, I was generally the one who will argue with them.
I think what the China goverment's problems are:
1. Narrow minded.
2. Having trouble to understand English, so don't know exactly what's going on with this world.
3. Never try to understand other countries culture/religion.
They need to learn, learn and learn.作者: 趁趁 时间: 2008-2-26 22:03 标题: 回复:[评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办? 最初由[zswwzs]发布 [评论]祖国遭灾了,我们多伦多华人怎么办?
精辟....说到我心里了。..... 作者: find 时间: 2008-2-26 22:07
海外侨胞为中国雪灾捐款1.7亿人民币作者: IloveGCD 时间: 2008-2-26 22:16
hao作者: 天元 时间: 2008-2-26 22:17 标题: 围棋朋友们,请参加3月1日为中国雪灾举办的赈灾义演 围棋朋友们,请参加3月1日为中国雪灾举办的多伦多华人文艺界赈灾义演。中华围棋会为参加晚会的朋友准备了纪念品。即参加晚会朋友可以按购票款额得到免费的围棋课和免费的棋类用品。(请在购票时注明围棋朋友,或者购票后发Email给范军)
联系人:范军,4168556778, email, [email protected]作者: TIM王地产博客 时间: 2008-2-26 22:24 最初由[IloveGCD]发布
Sorry that I am posting again. I never post so many things.
who could please find the email or some contact infomation to the Chinese embassy?
For God's sake, I will collect those posts (all of these, no bias) to mail to them. To let them hear what we are talking? if they indeed care in addition to "eat, drink"?
As you will understand, I can only use a anonymous email address for the sake of my life.
what do you think? I just can not believe there is no good person in the entire government. Mr. Wen Jiao Bao sounds like a good person.